Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“ (София, 2024 година)
Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2024)
Author(s): Svetla Koeva, Hristina Deykova, Yovka Tisheva, Marina Dzhonova, Bistra Andreeva, Krasimira Aleksova, Petya Osenova, Milen Tomov, Laska Laskova, Diana Androva, Teodora Krasteva, Tsvetelina Georgieva, Atanaska Atanasova, Mihaela Kuzmova, Viktoria Kaneva, Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova, Georgi Mitrinov, Tatyana Braga, Simeon Stefanov, Tatyana Ilieva, Luchia Antonova-Vasileva, Błażej Osowski, Iliyana Garavalova, Maria Mitskova, Svitlana Georgieva, Olga Novak, Corinna Leschber, Krasimira Fuchedzhieva, Irina Aleksandrovna Sedakova, Yoanna Kirilova, Tsvetelina Angelova, Diana Blagoeva, Iliyana Dimitrova, Joanna Satoła-Staśkowiak, Galina Ivanovna Kustova , Elena Yu. Ivanova, Milena Patseva, Antoaneta Dzhelyova, Maria Anastasova, Vanya Ivanova, Ana Vasung, Gergana Petkova, Daria Kryvenchenko, Olena Voytseva, Tsvetana Dimitrova, Svetlozara Leseva, Maria Todorova, Hristina Kukova, Ivelina Stoyanova, Valentina Stefanova
Contributor(s): Svetla Koeva (Editor), Maxim Stamenov (Editor), Hristina Deykova (Editor)
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, Eastern Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, Philology, Translation Studies
ISSN: 2683-1198
Published by: Институт за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“, Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Bulgarian language; Slavic languages; linguistics;
lexicology; lexicography;
terminology; terminography;
history of the Bulgarian Language; dialectology; etymology; onomastics; ethnolinguistics;
comparative linguistics; computational linguistics
Summary/Abstract: The Conference Proceedings comprise the papers presented at the Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language held on 15th and 16th May 2024.The authors of the papers in the Proceedings are researchers affiliated with the following research institutions in Bulgaria and abroad: Institute for Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Veliko Tarnovo University, Bulgaria; Cyril and Methodius Scientific Center at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria; University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Sofia University, Bulgaria; Academy of Humanities and Economics, Lodz, Poland; Institute of Linguistics Yorgu Iordan – Alexandru Rossetti at the Romanian Academy of Sciences; Institute for Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Studies, Berlin, Germany; Institute of Slavic Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences; V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences; Odessa National University I. I. Mechnikov, Ukraine; Saarland University, Germany; Saint Petersburg State University, Russia; Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland; University of Bucharest, Romania; University of Zagreb, Croatia; University of Tirana, Albania.The papers included in the Proceedings present the current achievements and trends in the research on the Bulgarian language in Bulgaria and around the world, as well as the accomplishments of the Institute’s departments, including the results of work on national and international projects and cooperation with Bulgarian and foreign research centres.
- Page Count: 357
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: English, Middle (1100-1500), English, Old Church Slavonic, Bulgarian, Romanian, Gothic, Croatian, Russian, Czech, Polish, Ukrainian, Serbian, Old Slavonic, English, Old (ca.450-1100), Old Bulgarian
За синтаксиса на предикатите за желание
За синтаксиса на предикатите за желание
(On the syntax of desiderative predicates)
- Author(s):Yovka Tisheva, Marina Dzhonova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Pragmatics, Cognitive linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Stylistics
- Page Range:11-17
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:desiderative predicates; argument structure; complements
- Summary/Abstract:The article treats the argument structure of desiderative predicates in Bulgarian as a subclass of psychological state predicates. Their possible complements – nominal phrase, prepositional phrase or a complement clause – are presented. The observations are based on the syntactic realization of the predicates искам ‘want’, желая ‘wish’, надявам се ‘hope’. The referential structure of the predicate arguments is taken into account. A conclusion about the syntactic realization of this subclass of predicates in comparison with the syntactic realization of other predicates with experiencer subject is made.
Контекстова зависимост на граматическите категории в съвременния български език
Контекстова зависимост на граматическите категории в съвременния български език
(Context dependence of grammatical categories in the modern Bulgarian language)
- Author(s):Krasimira Aleksova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Morphology, Language acquisition, Pragmatics, Cognitive linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Stylistics
- Page Range:18-27
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:noun grammatical categories; verb grammatical categories; context; situation; contextual restriction; blocking strategy; syntagmatic neutralization
- Summary/Abstract:The present work examines the influence of the context and/or the situation on the realization of noun and verb categories in modern Bulgarian. These cases are considered as contextual restriction, implementation of a blocking strategy, or as syntagmatic neutralization of a feature or features on which a given grammatical category is based. Cases of context restriction are presented for the noun categories number and indefiniteness/definiteness and for the verb categories number, aspect, tense, mood, evidentiality, and presumptiveness. The research proves that it is not possible to restrict the categories of person, gender and status (positive - negative verb forms).
Някои особености на глаголите в неопределеноличните изречения
Някои особености на глаголите в неопределеноличните изречения
(Some specificities of the verbs in the indefinite-personal sentences in Bulgarian)
- Author(s):Petya Osenova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Morphology, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:28-35
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Bulgarian language; indefinite-personal sentences; verbs; word order; lexical semantics
- Summary/Abstract:The paper focuses on the characteristics of the verbs in the indefinite-personal sentences. On the one hand, the typology of verbs used in these types of sentences is examined. For this purpose, the so-called lexicographic classes from the WordNet resource are used. The verbs are excerpted from a number of Bulgarian grammars, in which there exist focused sections on the indefinite-personal sentences. It should be noted that the list of the verbs is indicative, not exhaustive. On the other hand, the typical word order patterns in the considered type of sentences for the excerpted verbs are also presented. Last but not least, the verbs in the indefinite-personal sentences are discussed in the context of the other types of null subject sentences as well as of some other related linguistic phenomena.
Ефектът на пола и възрастта върху темпа на четена българска реч
Ефектът на пола и възрастта върху темпа на четена българска реч
(Temporal characteristics of read Bulgarian speech)
- Author(s):Bistra Andreeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Phonetics / Phonology, Language acquisition, Pragmatics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:36-44
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:read Bulgarian speech; speech ratе; articulation rate; sex; age
- Summary/Abstract:The present study investigates the effect of sex and age on the temporal characteristics of read Bulgarian speech, as well as the impact of different methods of measuring speaking rate. The analysed material is continuous read speech from the multilingual speech database BABEL. Three cognitively linked short passages containing 5thematically related sentences were read by 60 speakers (30 male and 30 female). The total length of the analysed material is 70.14 minutes. The results of the statistical analysis, carried out using linear mixed models (LMM),show that speaking rate decreases with age for both sexes, with men speaking faster than women. No significant differences were found in the proportion of pauses. The study provides reference data on speech rate, articulation rate, and pausation in read Bulgarian speech, thus establishing a foundation for future comparisons and analyses.
Българската езиковедска библиография – съвременно състояние, проблеми и перспективи за развитие
Българската езиковедска библиография – съвременно състояние, проблеми и перспективи за развитие
(Bulgarian linguistic bibliography – current state, problems and prospects for development)
- Author(s):Milen Tomov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Library and Information Science, Cataloguing, Classification, Library operations and management, Theoretical Linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Philology
- Page Range:45-49
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:linguistic bibliography; scientific information in linguistics; bibliography technologies; Bulgarian language
- Summary/Abstract:The paper briefly examines the current state of Bulgarian linguistic bibliography, stating that it is currently difficult to access, scattered in various separate publications and databases, and with limited opportunities for revealing the content of the primary information. The paper argues that there is a need to create a unified online bibliographic platform for Bulgarian linguistic studies that would facilitate research activities at home and abroad and satisfy the needs of linguists for up-to-date scientific and bibliographic information. The national and international scope of the online bibliographic database stems from the status of the Institute for Bulgarian Language as a central institution for the study, description and documentation of the Bulgarian language, which implies its functioning as a national information centre for the search, collection, storage and provision of scientific information on Bulgarian linguistics.
Лексикализация на устойчивите изрази с неопределителна семантика от типа „не знам (си) кой (си)“
Лексикализация на устойчивите изрази с неопределителна семантика от типа „не знам (си) кой (си)“
(Lexicalization of multiword expressions with indefinite semantics of the type не знам (си) кой (си) ‘I don’t know who’)
- Author(s):Laska Laskova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Morphology, Lexis, Semantics, Pragmatics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Phraseology
- Page Range:50-61
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:multiword expressions; compound indefinites; Bulgarian; lexicalization
- Summary/Abstract:The paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the structure and distribution of Bulgarian indefinite multiword expressions following the pattern ne znam (si) k-word (si) (NEG know.1SG.PRS (REFL) k-word (REFL)). The syntactic behavior of each member of the series is illustrated with numerous examples from Internet discourse.While it is possible for an adverb or even a preposition to occur within the complex, these expressions fill in positions available to pronouns, not to clauses, and denote specific non-identifiable referents. Therefore, ne znam (si) k-word(si) expressions should be categorized as compound indefinites.
Негативни форми на дубитатива
Негативни форми на дубитатива
(Negative forms of dubitative)
- Author(s):Diana Androva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Morphology, Semantics, Pragmatics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:62-68
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:evidentiality; dubitative; verb category
- Summary/Abstract:This study discusses the negative dubitative forms in first person and second person of the Active voice of the Future tense and Future in the past tense in the Bulgarian language. The first purpose of this study is to verify the existence of a fourth formative model for expressing negative dubitative semantics. The second purpose is to examine the uses of the four forms and find out which form is most commonly used to express a negative dubitative semantics.
Някои метафори в медийния дискурс
Някои метафори в медийния дискурс
(Some metaphors in the media discourse)
- Author(s):Teodora Krasteva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Semiotics / Semiology, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Lexis, Semantics, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Phraseology, Stylistics
- Page Range:69-76
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:media; metaphors; politics; Bulgarian language
- Summary/Abstract:he text examines some metaphors in the media discourse that build the image of politics as a process and the politicians in it. It represents an observation of language in print media over the past 3 years.
Словник и словникови единици
Словник и словникови единици
(List of dictionary words and dictionary words)
- Author(s):Tsvetelina Georgieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Library and Information Science, Cataloguing, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Lexis, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:77-84
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:list of dictionary words; dictionary words; lexicographic terms; lexicographic practice
- Summary/Abstract:The article studies the difference between the list of words that should be included in the dictionary and the list of words that are included in the dictionary and definitions are formulated. The place of dictionary words is described in terms of the way language material is organized in the dictionary. Special attention is paid to the grouping of dictionary words on the left side of the dictionary entry and in the word formation area. Within the dictionary article, the similarities and differences are indicated when presenting two or more dictionary words.
За някои сравнителни речници с изходен език сръбски
За някои сравнителни речници с изходен език сръбски
(On some comparative dictionaries with Serbian source language)
- Author(s):Atanaska Atanasova
- Language:Bulgarian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Lexis, Comparative Linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Translation Studies
- Page Range:85-91
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:lexicography; comparative dictionaries; Bulgarian language; Serbian language
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines some comparative dictionaries of general type with Serbian (Serbo-Croatian) source language and Bulgarian target language. It traces out the similarities and differences between them with a view to their purpose, vocabulary size, vocabulary structure and semantic word structure. The observations show that each dictionary reflects the language situation as it is at the time of creation of the dictionary and raise some fundamental questions.
Глаголът съм в българско-чуждоезичните речници
Глаголът съм в българско-чуждоезичните речници
(The lexicographical treatment of Bulgarian verb съм ‘to be’ in bilingual dictionaries)
- Author(s):Mihaela Kuzmova
- Language:Slovak, English, Bulgarian, French, Russian, Czech, Polish, Ukrainian, German, Spanish, Serbian, Portuguese, Italian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Lexis, Comparative Linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, Translation Studies
- Page Range:92-98
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Bulgarian language; bilingual dictionary; lexicographical treatment
- Summary/Abstract:This paper focuses on the lexicographical treatment of the verb съм ‘to be’ in some bilingual dictionaries published over the last sixty years. The scope of coverage and exemplification of its main functions and the lexicographic techniques used for this purpose are examined, as well as the description of its formal features. The paper also outlines some ways to improve the treatment of this verb in bilingual dictionary, taking into account current lexicographical practice in a broader context and the relevant linguistic literature.
Лингвистичните понятия и термини в контекста на логопедичната проблематика и терминология
Лингвистичните понятия и термини в контекста на логопедичната проблематика и терминология
(Linguistic concepts and terms in the context of logopaedic subject matter and terminology)
- Author(s):Viktoria Kaneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Theoretical Linguistics, Communication studies, Lexis, Language acquisition, Psycholinguistics
- Page Range:99-108
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:inguistic terminology; logopaedic terminology; lexical background
- Summary/Abstract:The report explores issues related to the characteristics of the transfer of a considerable portion of linguistic concepts and terms into the professional language of logopaedics. If linguistics studies and describes language from the perspective of the norm, then the focus in logopaedics is on the investigation and description of various deviations from the norm. The utilization of linguistic terms within the specialized terminology of logopaedics for the purpose of defining and interpreting communicative disorders entails augmenting them with new additional information. This in turn leads to a shift in the perception and utilization of the ostensibly identical terminology,which acquires its own specificity within the context of logopaedic issues.
Чуждоезикови интерференции в диахронната българска роднинска терминология
Чуждоезикови интерференции в диахронната българска роднинска терминология
(Foreign language interferences in the diachronic Bulgarian kinship terminology)
- Author(s):Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova
- Language:Turkish, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Lexis, Semantics, Historical Linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Philology
- Page Range:109-114
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Bulgarian kinship terminology; Turkish loanwords
- Summary/Abstract:This article focuses on the extracted lexical information about the use of the Turkish kinship terms badjanak and abla in the 17th century manuscript RNL ОR Pogod. 243 from the Russian National Library in St.Petersburg. Both function as variants in the southern Slavic translation of Zacharias Scordilius Marafara’s work on degrees of kinship and forbidden marriages, printed in 1563 and 1588 in Venice. The comparison with the Slavonic copy of the same Greek work, preserved partially in the Bulgarian manuscript CIAI 1160 from the Library of the St. Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Sofia, allows the formation of the word-pair баджанак – пашеног ‘husband to wife’s sister; each of the sisters’ spouses‘, while абла (written аcла) replaces the kinship term леля ‘аunt’. The examples testify to the entry of the colloquial speech in the semantic field of kinship among Bulgarians and South Slavs. Thus a bridge is created between dialects and literary language, between the areal use of the terms and their written fixation. Specific data complement the characteristics of the modern Bulgarian language, which first stage of development is the period 15th – 17th cc.
Български лични печати от Западна Тракия и Източните Родопи с датировка от края на XIX и началото на ХХ век
Български лични печати от Западна Тракия и Източните Родопи с датировка от края на XIX и началото на ХХ век
(Bulgarian personal seals from Western Thracе and the Eastern Rhodopes dated from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century)
- Author(s):Georgi Mitrinov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Anthropology, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Anthology, Theoretical Linguistics, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Historical Linguistics, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , 19th Century, Philology
- Page Range:115-122
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:history of Bulgarian language; Renaissance sphragistics; anthroponymy; graphic features; symbolism; Western Thrace
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents personal seals from Bulgarian settlements in the South-Eastern Rhodopes and in Western Thrace dating from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The inscriptions of the seals,their graphic features and their layout are examined. The writing patterns of the anthroponyms on the personal seals and in the texts on which they are placed are described.
Наблюдения върху лексиката на литургийното тълкувание в MSS РГАДА 88 и Богишич 52
Наблюдения върху лексиката на литургийното тълкувание в MSS РГАДА 88 и Богишич 52
(Observations on the lexis of the liturgical commentary in Mss RGADA 88 and Bogishich 52)
- Author(s):Tatyana Ilieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis, Historical Linguistics, Bulgarian Literature, Philology, Translation Studies, Phraseology
- Page Range:123-135
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:medieval mystagogic literature; fifteenth-century Southern Slavonic translations; historical lexicology of Bulgarian
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the use of the Names of God in the newly identified liturgical commentary in MSS RGADA 88 and Bogishich 52. The particular Names are exemplified by rich illustrative material from the analyzed text. These are discussed in the context of the literary tradition and as regards to the relationship between the translation and the original text. Observations are made on the paradigmatic links and the means of terminological nomination in the lexical and semantic group under examination.
Лексика в областта на финансово-паричните и търговски отношения в новобългарски текстове от XVIII и XIX в.
Лексика в областта на финансово-паричните и търговски отношения в новобългарски текстове от XVIII и XIX в.
(Lexis in the field of financial-monetary and commercial relations in modern Bulgarian texts from the 18th and 19th centuries)
- Author(s):Tatyana Braga, Simeon Stefanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Anthropology, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Social history, Lexis, Historical Linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Philology
- Page Range:136-144
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:history of the Bulgarian language; Modern Bulgarian texts from the 18th – 19th centuries; financial-monetary and commercial relations
- Summary/Abstract:In the present study, lexis in the field of financial-monetary and commercial relations is presented in Modern Bulgarian texts from the period 18th and 19th century. The aim of the work is to trace the state and character of the vocabulary in the selected topic during the considered period.
Some names of cereal foods in Polish and Bulgarian dialects
Some names of cereal foods in Polish and Bulgarian dialects
(Some names of cereal foods in Polish and Bulgarian dialects)
- Author(s):Luchia Antonova-Vasileva, Błażej Osowski
- Language:Bulgarian, Polish
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Language and Literature Studies, Lexis, Semantics, Comparative Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Descriptive linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Phraseology
- Page Range:145-154
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:dialectology; vocabulary; Polish language; Bulgarian language
- Summary/Abstract:he paper aims to analyze some specific dialectal names of traditional cereal foods in Bulgarian and in Polish. The semantic and historical features of lexemes excerpted from archival materials as well as from written sources and personal materials from the authors’ work will be examined, as well. Special attention is paid to the names of different types of porridge and pastry, found in the dialects.
За някои зооними в говора на с. Речане, Призренско
За някои зооними в говора на с. Речане, Призренско
(On some zoonyms in the speech of Rechane village, Prizrensko)
- Author(s):Iliyana Garavalova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Lexis, Sociolinguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:155-161
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:dialectology; linguistic geography; dialect lexicology; zoonymy
- Summary/Abstract:he article is a result of a research that is part of the execution of the project “The speech of Rechane village, Prizrensko (with a particular overview of the morphological system)” of the Department of Bulgarian Dialectology and Linguistic Geography of the Institute for Bulgarian Language – BAS. Its main goal is to present part of the lexical treasure of the dialect of Rechane and more specifically some of the ways of naming domestic and wild animals in it. In the analysis of the presented in the study zoonyms that are an interest from the viewpoint of semantics and word formation, it is stressed on both their phonetic and morphological peculiarities, which represent an evidence for the belonging of the researched dialect to the Bulgarian linguistic field. The research is done in dialect context by stressing the bonds between the speech of Rechane and other Bulgarian dialects. The analysis is done entirely based on material that is personally collected by the author himself during the conduct of the candidate student courses of Bulgarian language, Literature, History and Culture for the Bulgarian minority in the Rechane village, Prizrensko, in the period between years 2015-2023.
Лексикалното богатство на югозападните български говори в описания от третата четвърт на ХIХ век
Лексикалното богатство на югозападните български говори в описания от третата четвърт на ХIХ век
(Lexical richness of the South-Western Bulgarian dialects in descriptions dating back to the 3rd quarter of the 19th century)
- Author(s):Maria Mitzkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Lexis, Semantics, Pragmatics, Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Descriptive linguistics, Bulgarian Literature, South Slavic Languages, 19th Century, Philology
- Page Range:162-168
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Bulgarian National Revival period; dialectology; history of Bulgarian dialectology; South-Western Bulgarian dialects; dialect lexis
- Summary/Abstract:As an object of research, the lexical richness of the South-Western Bulgarian dialects attracts a considerable philological interest on behalf of such prominent figures as Yordan Hadzhikonstantinov-Dzhinot, Stefan Verkovich, Lyuben Karavelov, Vasil Cholakov who focus upon both public life and relation between the written and spoken form of the language characteristic of the third quarter of the 19th century. This richness is studied in a number of publications to be found in the periodicals from that period and presented in the form of integral components or small dialect dictionaries appended to the folklore collections. This interest is provoked by the archaic traits of these dialects preserving vivid traces of the old Bulgarian heritage, on the one hand, and, on the other, by the focus on the Bulgarian dialects characterizing the period of Bulgarian national revival in connection to the establishing of the standardized Bulgarian literary language in which, to a greater or lesser extent, the characteristic features of the Eastern Bulgarian dialects start to dominate in the new linguistic normativity.
Названия на тестени храни в бесарабските български говори
Названия на тестени храни в бесарабските български говори
(Names of dough products in the Bessarabian Bulgarian dialects)
- Author(s):Svitlana Georgieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Lexis, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:169-176
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:dialectology; ethnolinguistics; Bulgarian language; culinary lexicon; Bulgarian diaspora in Ukraine
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is a continuation of the author’s long-term research, in which an attempt was made to collect and classify the ethnocultural lexicon related to the Ethnolinguistic Dictionary of the spiritual and material folk culture of the Bessarabian Bulgarians in Ukraine. The terminology of the culinary lexicon of the Bulgarians in the diaspora is an expression of the national specificity of the culture, and in this sense, its study is prospective within the emerging trends of European thinking from the beginning of the 21st century. The gathered lexical material is formed as a corpus of folk terms related to the culinary lexicon of the Bessarabian Bulgarians.
Социолингвистични аспекти на изследването на българските говори в Бесарабия
Социолингвистични аспекти на изследването на българските говори в Бесарабия
(Sociolinguistic aspects of the study of the Bulgarian dialects in Bessarabia)
- Author(s):Olga Novak
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:177-182
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Bulgarian dialects; language situation; sociolinguistics; Bessarabia
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the present study is to outline several main features of the contemporary linguistic situation in a polyethnic, respectively, multilingual and multicultural region of southern Ukraine – Budzhak, where Bulgarian dialects are preserved, function and continue to develop. The research of the current state of the language of the Bulgarian minority in Bessarabia from a sociolinguistic aspect can show to what level its national identity stays intact and also this study could be helpful in the formation of the language policy by Bulgaria and Ukraine for the Bessarabian Bulgarians. The material allows us to conclude that the systematic influence of the Ukrainian and Bulgarian literary languages on the Bulgarian Bessarabian dialects is almost non-existent today. For official communication Ukrainian is used exclusively, however, in informal written communication and in the function of lingua franca only Russian prevails as a written language, which is fluently spoken by the inhabitants of the region.
Български влияния в румънския език в семантичните полета ‘води’, ‘риби’ и 'риболов'
Български влияния в румънския език в семантичните полета ‘води’, ‘риби’ и 'риболов'
(Bulgarian lexical influences on the Romanian language in the semantic field of water, and fish/fishing)
- Author(s):Corinna Leschber
- Language:Bulgarian, Romanian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Lexis, Semantics, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Translation Studies
- Page Range:183-190
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Рomanian language; Bulgarian language; Slavic borrowings in Romanian; water; fishing; fish names
- Summary/Abstract:Based on authentic materials from the Romanian Linguistic Atlas (ALR II s.n.), examples of Romanian words are selected from the semantic field of water, fishing, and fish names. We focus on words of Slavic origin,more specifically, words with a Bulgarian and an Old Bulgarian etymology. Besides their linguo-geographic distribution and their areal properties – such as a wide distribution or limited attestation in the form of a so-called relic island – we examine: What other synonyms with non-Slavic etymologies does the respective word have, and can certain patterns be identified? In addition, we look at the phonetic variability of words and typical word formation processes. Furthermore, we attempt to draw possible conclusions about the region’s historical development. In their unpublished talk of 2016, Dahmen, Popovici conclude that most of the fish names in these areas are of Slavic origin,which testifies to the intensive settlement of Slavs in the lowlands and on the banks of the Danube River, which is supported by archaeological findings. It also confirms the traditional local Bulgarian-Slavic subsistence strategy of fishing. The word roots of many fishing terms are traceable back to the times of the Proto-Slavic homeland, so again we can confirm that fishing was a typical subsistence strategy of native Slavs.
По следите на една остаряла гръцка заемка в българския език
По следите на една остаряла гръцка заемка в българския език
(Tracing the history of an obsolete Greek loanword in Bulgarian)
- Author(s):Hristina Deykova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis, Language acquisition, Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:191-197
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Greek loanwords in Bulgarian; rare and obsolete words; dictionaries; semantic explanation
- Summary/Abstract:The object of analysis in the paper is the Greek loanword харокòп adj., хорокòпа f. (< Gr. χαροκόπος m. ‘joker, reveler’), which is a rare and obsolete word. Even though the loanword is not used today in the modern language, it is found in the work of writers from the 19th century. The two forms of the word are included in the Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language by N. Gerov, but with different meanings – ‘skillful, dexterous’ and ‘funny,talkative woman’, which are quite distant from each other. The paper traces the discovered forms and uses of the word in a wider context and advocates the thesis that the meaning ‘skillful, dexterous’ in Gerov’s Dictionary is unreliable and is a result of an error that is multiplied in other written sources.
Значението ’ям’ като резултат от регулярен развой: семантичен паралелизъм в помощ на етимологичния анализ
Значението ’ям’ като резултат от регулярен развой: семантичен паралелизъм в помощ на етимологичния анализ
(The meaning ‘eat’ as a result of regular metaphorical development: semantic parallelism in aid of etymological analysis)
- Author(s):Krasimira Fuchedzhieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis, Semantics, Historical Linguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:198-205
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:etymology; semantic change; semantic parallels; Bulgarian Etymological Dictionary
- Summary/Abstract:This paper focuses on a group of Bulgarian verbs with the secondary meaning ‘eat’. On the basis of specific lexical material included in the Bulgarian Etymological Dictionary, we observe the recurrent semantic shifts ‘to tuck, to cram’ → ‘to eat a lot’ and ‘to thrust, to poke’→ ‘to eat greedily (and a lot)’ which emerge as regular.We explain the semantic development as the result of metaphorical change. The identified semantic parallels, albeit in this small fragment of lexis, could add to the empirical evidence in the systematic representation of semantic transitions within semantic typological studies. They could assist semantic analysis in etymologizing other verbs with similar secondary meanings and correctly mapping them to a particular etymological nest.
Болг. заварвам ‘заставать’ и его синонимы: этнолингвистическая заметка
Болг. заварвам ‘заставать’ и его синонимы: этнолингвистическая заметка
(Bulg. заварвам ‘to catch’ and its synonyms: An ethnolinguistic note)
- Author(s):Irina Aleksandrovna Sedakova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Lexis, Semantics, Pragmatics, Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Phraseology, Stylistics
- Page Range:206-214
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Bulgarian language; lexis; semantics; lexicography; verbs; deixis
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyzes the semantics, lexicography and main contexts of use of the Bulgarian verb заварвам, with special attention to folklore, rituals and folk speech, on the ground of ethnolinguistic methodology. It also studies the words formed from the same root завареник, завареница (step-children), преварник (a ritual person at a wedding), etc. Synonymic vocabulary with other stems from the Bulgarian dialects (затичам, затечено дете, затичняк), including borrowings (Greek в/фтасам), and the semes that determine the convergence of the lexemes are indicated. The Balkan character of the greeting Добре дошъл – Добре заварил is shown; the ways of further research of the semantics of ‘to catch up’ in Slavic and Balkan languages are outlined
Толерантността – средство за етическа диференциация между хората (анализ на анкетни данни)
Толерантността – средство за етическа диференциация между хората (анализ на анкетни данни)
(Tolerance – a means of ethical differentiation between people (analysis of survey data))
- Author(s):Yoanna Kirilova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Semiotics / Semiology, Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Cognitive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:215-223
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:value; concept; survey; tolerance; antonymy
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the antonyms in the field of the concept TOLERANCE. Survey data are analyzed seeking an answer to the question of how the Bulgarians perceive tolerance, whether they accept it as a value. Groups of antonyms united by a common semantic feature are derived, as well as the leading oppositional pairs that build the attitudes of the modern Bulgarians. Nationally specific stereotypical signs of this value-marked concept are revealed.
Представата за концепта индивид в съзнанието на съвременния българин
Представата за концепта индивид в съзнанието на съвременния българин
(The idea of the concept of an individual in the mind of the modern Bulgarian)
- Author(s):Tsvetelina Angelova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Semiotics / Semiology, Semantics, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Cognitive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:224-233
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:individual; personality; person; poll; free association experiment
- Summary/Abstract:he article presents the associations that the concept of the individual evokes in the minds of the Bulgarians. The actual analysis includes complex of judgments registered in the surveys showing the concepts of modern man. The free association experiment included 100 people – men and women with different education, who presented the studied concept from a modern point of view.
Компонентът „социокултурна компетентност“ в учебните програми по български език за обучението, организирано в чужбина
Компонентът „социокултурна компетентност“ в учебните програми по български език за обучението, организирано в чужбина
(The sociocultural competence component in Bulgarian language curriculum for training organised abroad)
- Author(s):Iliyana Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Foreign languages learning, Communication studies, Language acquisition, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:234-239
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:sociocultural competence; Bulgarian language abroad; Bulgarian as a second language; curriculum
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the importance of sociocultural competence in the process of learning a second language. It focuses on educational programs in Bulgarian for study abroad, specifically on sections dedicated to acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to sociocultural competence. It comments on the interplay between the skills developed in these programs and the concept of sociocultural competence, aiming to highlight the importance of this aspect in the effective learning of Bulgarian in a foreign academic environment.
За една българско-полска фразеологична успоредица
За една българско-полска фразеологична успоредица
(About a Bulgarian-Polish phraseological parallel)
- Author(s):Diana Blagoeva, Joanna Satoła-Staśkowiak
- Language:Bulgarian, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Lexis, Semantics, Comparative Linguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, Phraseology
- Page Range:240-248
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:animalistic phraseology; cross-linguistic equivalence; Bulgarian language; Polish language
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the history and usage of a specific type of phraseological units with a component гарван, врана / kruk, wrona (‘raven’, ‘crow’) in Bulgarian and Polish. These phraseological units have a common origin related to the ancient cultural heritage of European nations and initially share a close meaning. However, their development in the two languages takes different paths, leading to the emergence of interlinguistic asymmetry. The conducted research demonstrates that interlinguistic equivalence relationships in phraseology are dynamic and can change over time depending on the characteristics of intra-linguistic developmental processes.
Псевдопосесивни конструкции (у + родителен падеж) в руския език и техните български паралели.
Псевдопосесивни конструкции (у + родителен падеж) в руския език и техните български паралели.
(Pseudo-possessive constructions (u + genitive) in Russian and their Bulgarian parallels)
- Author(s):Galina Ivanovna Kustova , Elena Yu. Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian, Russian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Morphology, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Comparative Linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, Eastern Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, Translation Studies
- Page Range:249-258
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:possessor; possessive constructions; pseudo-possessivity; agentivity; translation equivalents
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses different types of situations in which the possessive group u + genitive is used to encode the subject. In Russian, such a group can be a marker of a wide range of subjects, including possessor (У него две собаки ‘He has two dogs’); experiencer subject of internal states (У меня было чувство/подозрение, что Р ‘I had a feeling/suspicion’), subject of involvement (У нас пожар ‘At our place we have a fire’; У него обыск ‘They conduct a search at his place’; У меня чайник перегорел ‘My kettle got burnt’), agent referent in situations with suppressed or lost control (У меня встреча ‘I have a meeting’; У меня мотор не заводится ‘My motor does not start’). Due to the coding of the subject by the u-group, all such situations receive a pseudo-possessive conceptualization. The Bulgarian correspondences to these Russian constructions have been analysed on the material from the parallel corpus.
Темп на речта и темп на артикулацията на българската реч на носители на китайски мандарин, изучаващи български език като чужд
Темп на речта и темп на артикулацията на българската реч на носители на китайски мандарин, изучаващи български език като чужд
(Rate of speech and rate of articulation of Bulgarian speech by Chinese Mandarin speakers studying Bulgarian as a foreign language)
- Author(s):Milena Patseva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Phonetics / Phonology, Language acquisition, Comparative Linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:259-268
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:speech rate; rate of articulation; teaching prosody; Bulgarian language; Chinese Mandarin
- Summary/Abstract:Prosodic aspects of the read speech of Bulgarian and Chinese Mandarin native speakers who are learning Bulgarian as a foreign language are compared. The goal is to analyze the temporal dimensions of their speech, looking for the reasons for the differences and identifying problem areas as guidelines for teaching. With the methods of instrumental phonetics using Praat we measure the total time of reading a text and calculates the values of speech rate (with pauses) and articulation rate (without pauses), as well as the percentage of pauses. The results show that both types of pace are slower in the read speech of Bulgarian as L2. Among the reasons for this are the high rate of duration of pauses and hesitations, the extended time of articulation, the “opening” of syllables by vocalic epenthesis,as well as the lack of reduction of unstressed syllables. The differentiation between stressed and unstressed syllables is reduced, which contributes to the foreign accent of the Chinese speakers.
Конструкцията Dativus absolutus в старобългарски, староанглийски и готски евангелски текстове
Конструкцията Dativus absolutus в старобългарски, староанглийски и готски евангелски текстове
(Dativus Absolutus in Old English, Old Bulgarian and Gothic Gospel texts)
- Author(s):Antoaneta Dzhelyova, Maria Anastasova
- Language:Bulgarian, Gothic
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:269-278
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:absolute constructions; syntactic analytic structure; quasi-subject-quasi-predicate syntagm; quasi-object-quasi-predicate syntagm
- Summary/Abstract:We interpret dativus absolutus structurally as a syntactic analytic construction with two major components– a main one (a participle) and a subordinate one (a substantive), and content-wise we treat dativus absolutus as a quasi-subject-quasi-predicate or quasi-object-quasi-predicate syntagm analogous to a subject-predicate syntagm with a finite verb. Dativus absolutus is one of the manifestations of a common typological phenomenon of the Indo-European languages – the expression of predication through a non-finite verb form and a substantive in an oblique case.
Exploring textual diversity: scientific and business communication texts in English language courses
Exploring textual diversity: scientific and business communication texts in English language courses
(Exploring textual diversity: scientific and business communication texts in English language courses)
- Author(s):Vanya Ivanova, Gergana Petkova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Language acquisition, Pragmatics, Stylistics
- Page Range:279-286
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:language education; teaching strategies; scientific texts; business communication materials
- Summary/Abstract:The ability to comprehend and engage with academic and professional documents is crucial for university learners pursuing a degree in informatics within the realm of their English language education. This article explores how teachers can introduce students to a variety of scientific and business communication texts by designing specific tasks to enhance their skills in interacting with such materials. Our goal is to give some insights to the ongoing conversation about foreign language education by sharing different strategies and assignments used in this context. We aim to highlight effective teaching practices that empower students to navigate the complexities of scientific discourse with confidence. The article provides a practical example, illustrating the teaching of the job application topic with background information and examples of practicе activities.
Фразеологична еквивалентност (въз основа на български и хърватски фразеологизми)
Фразеологична еквивалентност (въз основа на български и хърватски фразеологизми)
(Phraseological equivalence (based on Bulgarian and Croatian idioms))
- Author(s):Ana Vasung
- Language:Bulgarian, Croatian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis, Semantics, Comparative Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Phraseology, Stylistics
- Page Range:287-293
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:phraseology; equivalence; Bulgarian language; Croatian language; idioms
- Summary/Abstract:As one of the key questions of contrastive phraseology, the question of equivalence arises, i.e. the coincidence of idioms in two or more languages. The present text develops already existing typologies of cross-linguistic phraseological equivalence on the basis of Bulgarian and Croatian phraseology. Structural-semantic equivalences, partially structural equivalences with matching semantics, semantic equivalences, and also null equivalence are defined. The criteria for determining the type of equivalence are: structural, semantic, motivational (background aspect), stylistic and use criteria.
The category of evaluation and its representation in contemporary Ukrainian internet discourse
The category of evaluation and its representation in contemporary Ukrainian internet discourse
(The category of evaluation and its representation in contemporary Ukrainian internet discourse)
- Author(s):Olena Voytseva, Daria Kryvenchenko
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Lexis, Semantics, Pragmatics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, Eastern Slavic Languages, Stylistics
- Page Range:294-300
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Internet discourse; evaluation; imagery; expressiveness; evaluative vocabulary
- Summary/Abstract:The paper provides an analysis of the evaluative potential of verbal and non-verbal means within the category of evaluation in contemporary Ukrainian internet discourse. These linguistic tools are employed to exert linguistic influence on the audience. Rational and emotional evaluation is integral to the lexical meaning of words,phrases, and sentences, reflecting a positive or negative attitude towards the respective subjects, facts, and events in the surrounding world. The implementation of evaluation at the lexical level is manifested in archaic lexical units with a touch of formality (безсмертя, героїзм), in expressively colored vocabulary (slang, colloquialisms, vulgarisms, abusive words) (запроданець, визискувач), and in neologisms. Maximum influence on the consciousness and behavior of the addressee is achieved through the metaphorical use of words, as secondary nominations impart imagery, expressiveness, emotional content, and originality to texts, attracting the attention of readers. The implication of the author’s subjective evaluation with the aim of shaping a particular attitude towards events and presented information is realized within the specific mass media context through the use of vocabulary which names precedent phenomena, and other linguistic means.
Towards detailed semantic classes of nouns
Towards detailed semantic classes of nouns
(Towards detailed semantic classes of nouns)
- Author(s):Svetla Koeva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Morphology, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Cognitive linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:301-309
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:semantic class; semantic type; selectional preferences; semantic frame; frame element
- Summary/Abstract:The primary objective of the study is to present an approach for effectively classifying noun classes, facilitating the specification of syntagmatic combinations between verbs and nouns. It offers a concise overview of the semantic classifications of nouns in WordNet, Corpus Pattern Analysis, and FrameNet from the perspective of verb-noun compatibility. Mapping the appropriate WordNet synsets with the semantic types of Corpus Pattern Analysis, FrameNet and with the selective preferences of Verb Atlas allows the creation of an Extended Ontology of Noun Semantic Classes. The contribution of this development lies in detailing the steps for selecting an appropriate set of semantic classes whose members are suitable for the syntactic realisation of certain frame elements.
Verbs of transfer of possession in FrameNet
Verbs of transfer of possession in FrameNet
(Verbs of transfer of possession in FrameNet)
- Author(s):Tsvetana Dimitrova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:310-316
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:semantics; frame semantics; possession verbs; transfer of possession
- Summary/Abstract:the paper focuses on the presentation in FrameNet of the predicates describing transfer of possession, with an overview of their semantics and the realization of their arguments. The descriptive part will be followed by an attempt at classifying the frames and a case study on the realization of core and non-core frame elements with prototypical verbs for commercial transfer of possession with a focus on the recipient-like elements.
Селективни особености на глаголи за контакт
Селективни особености на глаголи за контакт
(Selectional specifics of verbs of contact)
- Author(s):Maria Todorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Cognitive linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:317-324
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:contact verbs; subcategorization; Bulgarian language
- Summary/Abstract:he article presents work on the semantic features of a group of contact verbs sharing the conceptual semantics of the Fill and Empty semantic frames. In view of the study of their selective specificities, a description of their subcategorization frames and of the frame elements corresponding to their syntactic realization is proposed. The presented information is based on the information from two large semantic language resources – WordNet and FrameNet and on expert verification, complementation and grouping.
Корпусни данни за анализ на синтактичната реализация на семантичните фреймове
Корпусни данни за анализ на синтактичната реализация на семантичните фреймове
(Corpus data for the validation of the syntactic realisation of semantic frames)
- Author(s):Svetlozara Leseva, Ivelina Stoyanova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Comparative Linguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:325-334
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:conceptual description; Bulgarian; English; semantic annotation; syntactic annotation
- Summary/Abstract:This paper presents the work on compiling a bilingual corpus that demonstrates the syntactic realisation of the conceptual description of verbs in English and Bulgarian and in a broader context, facilitates cross-linguistic studies by providing the foundation for theoretical and practical observations based on the two languages. The compilation of the corpus relies on the universal aspects of conceptual description and syntactic realisation by harnessing the main structural principles of the two main resources employed (WordNet and FrameNet), allowing for cross-linguistic alignment and transfer of information from one language to another (in this case from English to Bulgarian) and between resources, in particular transferring the semantic description from FrameNet onto the verb synsets in WordNet. The resulting resource links the semantic level of the conceptual frames and the frame elements with the syntactic level (couched in the form of patterns representing the syntactic realisation of the frame elements in terms of their syntactic categories and grammatical function).
Глаголи за емоция и някои фреймови реализации (върху материал от българския език)
Глаголи за емоция и някои фреймови реализации (върху материал от българския език)
(Verbs of emotion and some frame realisations (on Bulgarian language material))
- Author(s):Hristina Kukova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Cognitive linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:335-344
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:verbs of emotion; frames; frame elements
- Summary/Abstract:he research focuses on verbs of emotion and their conceptual descriptions in Bulgarian. The main aim of the study consists in presenting both theoretical analyses and empirical observations on the behaviour of this class of verbs and their sentential arguments. In order to fulfill the set objectives, the methodology of frame semantics is applied to study the specificity of syntactic constructions involving verbs of emotion, as well as the Bulnet semantic network to outline individual meanings. In this way, we represent, on the one hand, the meanings of the studied verbs with their lexical, morphological and frame information, and, on the other hand, the selective constraints of their frame elements, expressed by specific synonym sets or subtrees of Wordnet.
Глаголи, свързани с част от тялото – семантични фреймове и селективни ограничения
Глаголи, свързани с част от тялото – семантични фреймове и селективни ограничения
(Body part verbs – semantic frames and selective restrictions)
- Author(s):Valentina Stefanova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Cognitive linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:345-353
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:semantic frame; frame element; semantic type; body part
- Summary/Abstract:The article focuses on the study of verbs in which the structure one of the nouns can be semantically expressed as body part. Verbs are analyzed in relation to semantic frames, that are grouped hierarchically. Observations are made about the structure of these verbs. Specific selective constraints are proposed to present restrictions of the selected verbs.