Phraseological equivalence (based on Bulgarian and Croatian idioms) Cover Image

Фразеологична еквивалентност (въз основа на български и хърватски фразеологизми)
Phraseological equivalence (based on Bulgarian and Croatian idioms)

Author(s): Ana Vasung
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis, Semantics, Comparative Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Phraseology, Stylistics
Published by: Институт за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“, Българска академия на науките
Keywords: phraseology; equivalence; Bulgarian language; Croatian language; idioms
Summary/Abstract: As one of the key questions of contrastive phraseology, the question of equivalence arises, i.e. the coincidence of idioms in two or more languages. The present text develops already existing typologies of cross-linguistic phraseological equivalence on the basis of Bulgarian and Croatian phraseology. Structural-semantic equivalences, partially structural equivalences with matching semantics, semantic equivalences, and also null equivalence are defined. The criteria for determining the type of equivalence are: structural, semantic, motivational (background aspect), stylistic and use criteria.

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