The category of evaluation and its representation in contemporary Ukrainian internet discourse Cover Image

The category of evaluation and its representation in contemporary Ukrainian internet discourse
The category of evaluation and its representation in contemporary Ukrainian internet discourse

Author(s): Olena Voytseva, Daria Kryvenchenko
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Lexis, Semantics, Pragmatics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, Eastern Slavic Languages, Stylistics
Published by: Институт за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“, Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Internet discourse; evaluation; imagery; expressiveness; evaluative vocabulary
Summary/Abstract: The paper provides an analysis of the evaluative potential of verbal and non-verbal means within the category of evaluation in contemporary Ukrainian internet discourse. These linguistic tools are employed to exert linguistic influence on the audience. Rational and emotional evaluation is integral to the lexical meaning of words,phrases, and sentences, reflecting a positive or negative attitude towards the respective subjects, facts, and events in the surrounding world. The implementation of evaluation at the lexical level is manifested in archaic lexical units with a touch of formality (безсмертя, героїзм), in expressively colored vocabulary (slang, colloquialisms, vulgarisms, abusive words) (запроданець, визискувач), and in neologisms. Maximum influence on the consciousness and behavior of the addressee is achieved through the metaphorical use of words, as secondary nominations impart imagery, expressiveness, emotional content, and originality to texts, attracting the attention of readers. The implication of the author’s subjective evaluation with the aim of shaping a particular attitude towards events and presented information is realized within the specific mass media context through the use of vocabulary which names precedent phenomena, and other linguistic means.

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