Organizational Factors for the Emergence of Work Role Conflict in the Manifacturing Company Cover Image

Организационни фактори за възникване на конфликт на трудовата роля в предприятиетo
Organizational Factors for the Emergence of Work Role Conflict in the Manifacturing Company

Author(s): Emil Georgiev
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Management and complex organizations, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: role conflict; role; enterprise; work motivation; communication
Summary/Abstract: This paper presents data from an empirical study, specifically from a factor analysis. Seven groups of role conflict impact factors are identified from a Likert scale used for statements with five-step responses. A scale comprised of 28 statements by House and Rizzo (1970) was used for providing a combined role conflict divided into: conflict related to 'job duties', conflict in 'role performance' and conflict in 'expected outcome' and had a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.952. The factorial results obtained from the study identified high levels of role conflict among the staff (n = 57) of the examined manifacturing organization.

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