Трета национална докторантска конференция по социология : Сборник с доклади
Third National Conference of Doctoral Students in Sociology : Conference Proceedings
Contributor(s): Andrey Nonchev (Editor), Mihaela Misheva (Editor), Petya Slavova (Editor), Yana Sabeva (Editor), Marieta Hristova (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Civil Society, Governance, Sociology, Economic policy, Social development, Management and complex organizations, Social Informatics, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Globalization, Socio-Economic Research
ISSN: 2815-5459
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: sociology; politology; doctoral research; empirical studies; transhumanism; healthcare reform; digitalization; civic engagement; Bulgaria; social transformations; organizational conflicts; symbolic boundaries
Summary/Abstract: The collection of articles, presented during the Third National Doctoral Conference on Sociology at the University of National and World Economy in May 2023, addresses diverse and interdisciplinary topics reflecting the state of contemporary social research in Bulgaria. The volume brings together empirical and theoretical contributions of doctoral students, ranging from the impact of digitalization on political campaigns and labor dynamics in online platforms to explorations of professional autonomy and the symbolic boundaries of public spaces. With a strong focus on empirical methodologies, the collection provides fresh insights into themes such as organisational conflicts, healthcare reforms, transhumanism and civic engagement. Noteworthy are the innovative approaches and critical discussions led by doctoral researchers and established academics, fostering a productive exchange of ideas. This collection not only enriches the sociological discourse in Bulgaria but also has the potential to contribute to the global understanding of social transformations in post-transition contexts.
- Page Count: 210
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Bulgarian
Програма на трета национална докторантска конференция по социология
Програма на трета национална докторантска конференция по социология
(Program of the Third National Conference of Doctoral Students in Sociology)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Scientific Life
- Page Range:5-7
- No. of Pages:3
Устойчивост на научния обмен: три издания на национална докторантска конференция по социология
Устойчивост на научния обмен: три издания на национална докторантска конференция по социология
(Sustainability of Scientific Exchange: Three Editions of the National Doctoral Conference in Sociology)
- Author(s):Mihaela Misheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Sociology, Social development, Economic development, Conference Report
- Page Range:9-20
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Conference in Sociology; Sociology
Конструиране на лекарско призвание в доболничната медицинска грижа в контекста на здравната реформа: „лекари-чиновници“ и „лекари-грижовници“
Конструиране на лекарско призвание в доболничната медицинска грижа в контекста на здравната реформа: „лекари-чиновници“ и „лекари-грижовници“
(Constructing Vocation in Pre-hospital Medical Care in the Context of Health Reform: „Clerk Doctors“ and „Caring Doctors“)
- Author(s):Mihaela Monova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Welfare systems, Health and medicine and law, Welfare services, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:21-39
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:health reform; medical profession; general practitioner; professional autonomy; vocation
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the changes that occurred in the professional autonomy of physicians, in the context of the health reform of the late 1990s in Bulgaria, through the example of General Practitioners (GP). The analysis of autonomy itself is not the goal of the research, but a way to understand how GPs (as a new institutionally determined figure) construct their idea of vocation. The main claim is that the autonomy constructed by GPs affects the way they perceive the vocation in their profession. That claim is analyzed through two types of vocation that are successively presented – that of the physician-clerk and the physician resisting the limitations of autonomy. The analysis found that the reform produced non-homogenized practices and a different perception of vocation among GPs.
Организационни фактори за възникване на конфликт на трудовата роля в предприятиетo
Организационни фактори за възникване на конфликт на трудовата роля в предприятиетo
(Organizational Factors for the Emergence of Work Role Conflict in the Manifacturing Company)
- Author(s):Emil Georgiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Management and complex organizations, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:40-59
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:role conflict; role; enterprise; work motivation; communication
- Summary/Abstract:This paper presents data from an empirical study, specifically from a factor analysis. Seven groups of role conflict impact factors are identified from a Likert scale used for statements with five-step responses. A scale comprised of 28 statements by House and Rizzo (1970) was used for providing a combined role conflict divided into: conflict related to 'job duties', conflict in 'role performance' and conflict in 'expected outcome' and had a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.952. The factorial results obtained from the study identified high levels of role conflict among the staff (n = 57) of the examined manifacturing organization.
Идеалът от „Начертанието“ пресъздаден в концепцията „Сръбски свят“
Идеалът от „Начертанието“ пресъздаден в концепцията „Сръбски свят“
(The Ideal of „Nacertanije“ Recreated in the „Serbian World“ Concept)
- Author(s):Mirela Vladimirova-Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, National Economy, Political Theory, Sociology, Economic policy, Politics and society, Nationalism Studies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:60-76
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Serbian world; chauvinism; Načertanije; national ideal; Western Balkans
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the two leading nationalist concepts of Serbia based upon a survey exploring the popularity of the ideas of the modern „Serbian World“, its ideological connection with its predecessor „The Načertanije“, as well as the changes in the Serbian national ideal over the years. After 76 processing and analyzing the obtained results the researcher underlines the need of further studies and their dissemination among the Bulgarian society thus to avoid misconceptions and facilitate optimization of the external political efforts of the state.
Как конспиративната политическа идеология интерпретира пандемията от коронавирус? Случаят на ПП „Народна партия истината и само истината“
Как конспиративната политическа идеология интерпретира пандемията от коронавирус? Случаят на ПП „Народна партия истината и само истината“
(How Conspiratorial Political Ideology Interprets the Coronovirus Pandemic? The Case of Political Party „Peoples’ Party the Truth and Nothing but the Truth“)
- Author(s):Valentin Valkanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Political Theory, Sociology, Political behavior, Political psychology, Crowd Psychology: Mass phenomena and political interactions, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation
- Page Range:77-99
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:conspiracy theory; ideology; conspiracy ideology; narratives; COVID-19; coronavirus
- Summary/Abstract:Bulgaria has been undergoing numerous crises since 2020 – the coronavirus pandemic, followed by the war in Ukraine and its strong local consequences, and a political crisis with five early elections for National Assembly, all in a period of three years. In this social turbulence, new political parties emerged, one of which came to a particular interest due to its ideology resting on conspiracy theories. In a previous article I have followed the main narratives that members of the party presented during the fall of 2022 election campaign. Here I will further my investigation deeper into the conspiracy theories that were used to form these narratives.
Дигиталните разкази в предизборните кампании
Дигиталните разкази в предизборните кампании
(Digital Storytelling in Election Campaign)
- Author(s):Maryana Mihaylova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Media studies, Business Economy / Management, Communication studies, Sociology, Theory of Communication, Social development, Social Informatics, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:100-125
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:digital storytelling; parliament election; election campaign; social media
- Summary/Abstract:This report examines the concept of „digital narrative“, with a focus on clarifying the nature and application of digital narrative in election campaigns, with the aim of collecting and systematizing my currently available scientific information in the indicated direction. The concept of 125 „digital narrative“ is central to my dissertation research and the information referenced here will be used in it. In clarifying the essence of the digital narrative, the following methodological framework was used: who is the subject of the digital narrative, i.e. who is the digital storyteller, what is the digital story in terms of classical communication models, what are the possible applications of the digital story. This methodological framework predetermines the structure of the present exposition. The application of digital storytelling in campaign communications is explored in a one-day special.
Tрансхуманизмът като важен фактор в осъществяването на политически промени
Tрансхуманизмът като важен фактор в осъществяването на политически промени
(Transhumanism as an Significant Factor in the Realization of Political Changes)
- Author(s):Ivan Kolev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Economy, Psychology, Business Economy / Management, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Special Branches of Philosophy, Political Theory, Sociology, Philosophy of Mind, Developing nations, Politics and society, Social psychology and group interaction, Social development, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:126-147
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Transhumanism; human enhancement; NBIC; transhumanist political space
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the research is transhumanism and its influence on political changes. The report is a revised part of the dissertation chapters I defended in January 2023. The paper's title is: „Transhumanism and human enhancement: conceptual perspectives, communities, and risks“. The scientific and technological expansion helps the emergence of political parties professing a transhumanist ideology. The analysis uses data obtained by conducting 1 semi-structured interview with a leader of a transhumanist party; from party manifestos, documents, literature, and research by other scholars on the subject. The political landscape is updated with themes related to transhumanism: especially the attitude toward applying NBIC technologies (nanotechnology, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and robotics).
Трудът и заетостта чрез онлайн платформи – случаят на България в сравнителна перспектива
Трудът и заетостта чрез онлайн платформи – случаят на България в сравнителна перспектива
(Work and Employment Through Online Platforms – the Case of Bulgaria in a Comparative Perspective)
- Author(s):Margarita Kosheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Evaluation research, Social Informatics, Economic development, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:148-166
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:online labor platforms; employment; digital labor; quality of labor; social protection
- Summary/Abstract:This report outlines work and employment through online platforms in four member countries of the European Union – Bulgaria as part of Eastern Europe and Sweden, Spain and Portugal as part of Western Europe. It is based on a review of existing publications on the topic, as well as a small number of in-depth interviews with food delivery platform workers in Bulgaria. The report first explains the two main developments of technological transformation, then considers the meaning of online labor platforms, quality of labor, concludes by comparing the four countries in terms of status, payment, prevalent type of service provision, satisfaction, workers profile, representation and protection, and share of online platform workers.
Стойности на земята: изграждане на символни граници срещу строежа на ВЕИ парк в селата Книжовник и Долно Войводино
Стойности на земята: изграждане на символни граници срещу строежа на ВЕИ парк в селата Книжовник и Долно Войводино
(The Worths of Land: Symbolic Boundary Work Against the Construction of a Renewable Energy Park in the Villages of Knizhovnik and Dolno Voyvodino)
- Author(s):Rosalina Todorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Micro-Economics, Sociology, Social differentiation, Environmental interactions, Socio-Economic Research, Green Transformation
- Page Range:167-188
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:green transition; social and symbolic boundaries; social actors; networks; cultural repertoires
- Summary/Abstract:Drawing upon qualitative data from in-depth and semi-structured interviews, this article discusses the process of social actor construction. In a dynamic situation where non-arable public land – a key resources, which has historically been at the disposal of the local population – is planned for concession for the development of a photovoltaic farm, a new social network emerges. A network, consisting of the two opposing sides – the investor and the locals from the two nearby villages, and the legal land owner – the municipality. In order for this conflict to be resolved, the local villagers attempt to position themselves as a potent civic actor. One that is concise and legitimate. In order to do that, they transform social and symbolic boundaries around themselves and around the land, by employing available cultural repertoires.
Институцията на Националния омбудсман като възможност за гражданско участие
Институцията на Националния омбудсман като възможност за гражданско участие
(The Institution of the National Ombudsman as an Opportunity for Citizen Participation)
- Author(s):Eleonora Ushatova-Kalinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Political Theory, Civil Society, Politics and society
- Page Range:189-209
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:National Ombudsman; Bulgaria; civil participation; decision-making process; civil society
- Summary/Abstract:This study presents the results of a study conducted to verify conclusions and research hypotheses from a scientific dissertation on the topic: „The role of the Ombudsman for the development of civil society in Bulgaria – civil participation“. A qualitative method was used to collect the individual empirical information: an In-depth interview. The aim is to examine the relationship between the National Ombudsman of Bulgaria and civil society structures with an emphasis on the Ombudsman’s potential to insti tutionalize citizen participation in the decision-making process. The assumptions made before conducting the research are united around the hypothesis that the National Ombudsman manages to stimulate citizen participation and is a possible channel for citizen participation.