The Ideal of „Nacertanije“ Recreated in the „Serbian World“ Concept Cover Image

Идеалът от „Начертанието“ пресъздаден в концепцията „Сръбски свят“
The Ideal of „Nacertanije“ Recreated in the „Serbian World“ Concept

Author(s): Mirela Vladimirova-Dimitrova
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, National Economy, Political Theory, Sociology, Economic policy, Politics and society, Nationalism Studies, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Serbian world; chauvinism; Načertanije; national ideal; Western Balkans
Summary/Abstract: The report examines the two leading nationalist concepts of Serbia based upon a survey exploring the popularity of the ideas of the modern „Serbian World“, its ideological connection with its predecessor „The Načertanije“, as well as the changes in the Serbian national ideal over the years. After 76 processing and analyzing the obtained results the researcher underlines the need of further studies and their dissemination among the Bulgarian society thus to avoid misconceptions and facilitate optimization of the external political efforts of the state.

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