The Worths of Land: Symbolic Boundary Work Against the Construction of a Renewable Energy Park in the Villages of Knizhovnik and Dolno Voyvodino Cover Image

Стойности на земята: изграждане на символни граници срещу строежа на ВЕИ парк в селата Книжовник и Долно Войводино
The Worths of Land: Symbolic Boundary Work Against the Construction of a Renewable Energy Park in the Villages of Knizhovnik and Dolno Voyvodino

Author(s): Rosalina Todorova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Micro-Economics, Sociology, Social differentiation, Environmental interactions, Socio-Economic Research, Green Transformation
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: green transition; social and symbolic boundaries; social actors; networks; cultural repertoires
Summary/Abstract: Drawing upon qualitative data from in-depth and semi-structured interviews, this article discusses the process of social actor construction. In a dynamic situation where non-arable public land – a key resources, which has historically been at the disposal of the local population – is planned for concession for the development of a photovoltaic farm, a new social network emerges. A network, consisting of the two opposing sides – the investor and the locals from the two nearby villages, and the legal land owner – the municipality. In order for this conflict to be resolved, the local villagers attempt to position themselves as a potent civic actor. One that is concise and legitimate. In order to do that, they transform social and symbolic boundaries around themselves and around the land, by employing available cultural repertoires.

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