How Conspiratorial Political Ideology Interprets the Coronovirus Pandemic? The Case of Political Party „Peoples’ Party the Truth and Nothing but the Truth“ Cover Image

Как конспиративната политическа идеология интерпретира пандемията от коронавирус? Случаят на ПП „Народна партия истината и само истината“
How Conspiratorial Political Ideology Interprets the Coronovirus Pandemic? The Case of Political Party „Peoples’ Party the Truth and Nothing but the Truth“

Author(s): Valentin Valkanov
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Political Theory, Sociology, Political behavior, Political psychology, Crowd Psychology: Mass phenomena and political interactions, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: conspiracy theory; ideology; conspiracy ideology; narratives; COVID-19; coronavirus
Summary/Abstract: Bulgaria has been undergoing numerous crises since 2020 – the coronavirus pandemic, followed by the war in Ukraine and its strong local consequences, and a political crisis with five early elections for National Assembly, all in a period of three years. In this social turbulence, new political parties emerged, one of which came to a particular interest due to its ideology resting on conspiracy theories. In a previous article I have followed the main narratives that members of the party presented during the fall of 2022 election campaign. Here I will further my investigation deeper into the conspiracy theories that were used to form these narratives.

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