Navigating the Convergence: Science, Belief and the Quest for Truth Cover Image

Navigating the Convergence: Science, Belief and the Quest for Truth
Navigating the Convergence: Science, Belief and the Quest for Truth

Author(s): Claudia Matei (Varga)
Subject(s): Religion and science , Sociology of Religion
Published by: Scientia Moralitas Research Institute
Keywords: science; truth; belief; knowledge; methods;
Summary/Abstract: This article aims to discuss certain aspects of the relationship between science, truth, and beliefs, focusing primarily on the scientific activity of the biological and medical sciences and their connection to the notions of truth and belief. The relationship with religions will not be addressed. Science uses specific methods to acquire knowledge, and philosophers have analyzed how this scientific knowledge was acquired, trying to specify the approaches and establish some general rules. Some radical theorists have challenged the value of the scientific method, despite the undeniable success of science. Although it is rational, science is not free from belief, which can have a positive or negative impact on the acquisition of scientific knowledge and on the idea of human nature.

  • Page Range: 134-140
  • Page Count: 7
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: English
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