Public Order in Competition Law and the Sanctioning of Anticompetitive Practices Cover Image

Public Order in Competition Law and the Sanctioning of Anticompetitive Practices

Author(s): Marcel Vasile
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Academia de Poliţie »Alexandru Ioan Cuza« Bucureşti
Keywords: public order; economic public order; anti-competitive agreements; concerted practices; abuse of a dominant position
Summary/Abstract: This paper analyzes the particularities of the notion of "public order" in the field ofcompetition law and deals with the main types of behavior through which this order is breached,including the perspective of the sanctioning regime applicable in such cases.Anti-competitive practices and abuse of a dominant position constitute the "main core" ofcompetition law, and the discovery, investigation and sanctioning of these acts contribute decisively toensuring a normal competitive environment. The main consequences of such actions consist in thedecrease of uncertainty regarding the behavior of competitors in a given market and the lessening ofcompetitive pressure, which usually leads to price increases and affects consumers. As such, thesebehaviors are considered illegal and are sanctioned with very harsh fines by the Competition Council

  • Page Range: 7-13
  • Page Count: 7
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Romanian
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