Възможности за корпоративна институционализация на доброволчеството
Opportunities for Corporate Institutionalization of Volunteering
Author(s): Milena Tzakovska
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Psychology, Business Economy / Management, Public Administration, Sociology, Developing nations, Organizational Psychology, Sociology of the arts, business, education
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: volunteering; voluntary activity; social responsibility; quality management standards; quality management in public administration
Summary/Abstract: Volunteering in modern society has developed more and more in the context of the evaluation of its manifestation. The very concept of volunteering tends to emerge from the bosom of quiet and undisclosed goodness and moves to a level where it seeks widespread popularity, both as specific events and their results, as well as the results as a whole. Thus, the good example is multiplied by giving the opportunity to a wider range of people to receive information about the result of the voluntary activity and its effects. This trend is also projected on the ever-deeper inclusion of volunteers as part of the corporate culture. The incorporation of voluntary work into the corporate sphere is an expression of the possibility of its institutionalization. It is expressed in outlining the parameters of volunteering in terms of the attitudes of employees to be included in them, as well as describing the role and meaning that volunteering brings to society, to the organization and its image. At the organizational management level, this is realized by including the topic of volunteering in the components of quality management systems, in particular – in social responsibility. This trend is observed both in the private sector and in public organizations.
Book: Докторантски четения 10: Публична администрация в развитие: презареждане
- Page Range: 78-92
- Page Count: 15
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF