Докторантски четения 10: Публична администрация в развитие: презареждане
Doctoral Readings 10: Public Administration in Development: Reloaded
Contributor(s): Denitsa Gorchilova (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Public Administration, Accounting - Business Administration, Marketing / Advertising, Human Resources in Economy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: administrative reforms; leadership in public administration; political parties; volunteering; digital divide
Summary/Abstract: The Doctoral Readings series is an edition of the Department of Public Administration at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), which was launched in 2014 in parallel with the annual Autumn Academy. It is a forum for the presentation of the scientific research not only of students studying at the Department of Public Administration, but also at other departments of the UNWE, as well as at different universities in the country. The Doctoral Readings 10 "Public Administration in Development: Reloaded" presents papers by doctoral students that trace contemporary highlights of public and private sector management. A special focus is leadership and leaders‘ qualities in public administration. In connection with the constitutional changes adopted in recent months, a forecast of upcoming administrative processes and amendments is made. Another report examines decision-making processes in political parties. Issues arising from digital divide are a topical issue that also implies a realignment of the administration. A transition to private sector management problems is made by analyzing trends in labor market realization. The volume also presents separate analyses of the penetration of volunteering into companies' practices and of impulse buying.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-828-3
- Page Count: 138
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Bulgarian
Какви административни процеси предстоят след промяна на конституцията на Република България
Какви административни процеси предстоят след промяна на конституцията на Република България
(What Administrative Processes Follow the Change of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Vasil Zhbantov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Political Theory, Public Administration, Public Law, Politics and law, Administrative Law
- Page Range:5-29
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Constitutions of the Republic of Bulgaria; amendments and additions; Judiciary; administrative processes; administrative reforms
- Summary/Abstract:This scientific article examines the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and the administrative processes and activities that arise from it. A historical overview of the Constitution is presented, from the first one adopted after the Liberation to the current one. All six amendments to the Constitution, as well as the new institutions, processes, and administrations introduced with it, after the amendments, are examined separately. After a review and analysis of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, an attempt was made in the article to present the main moments and elements of the amendments and additions and the attempts of the legislators over the years to improve the judicial system. The most recent amendment to the Constitution is given primary attention and the main processes that are being changed are examined. The follow-up actions that should be taken by the legislator are described, as well as the difficulties encountered in the new provisions of the Constitution.
Процес на вземане на решения в политическите партии в България
Процес на вземане на решения в политическите партии в България
(Decision-Making Process in Political Parties in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Mihail Stavrev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Political Theory, Governance, Sociology, Political psychology, Management and complex organizations, Sociology of Politics, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:30-43
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:political parties; decision-making; internal party democracy; governing bodies; representative bodies
- Summary/Abstract:This article analyzes the decision-making process in the political parties in Bulgaria. The decision-making mechanisms, which are legally enshrined in the statutes of the political parties, are conditionally distinguished from the actual decision-making process, examined through the lens of part of the national representative and national management (operational) bodies of the political parties. Special attention has also been given to the question of internal party democracy as an important factor in the specific decision-making process. In view of the large number of political parties in Bulgaria, the study is limited to an analysis of the decision-making processes in BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party), DPS (Dvizhenie za prava i svobodi), GERB and PP (Produlzhavame promyanata).
Съществени личностни характеристики за формиране личността на лидера в общинската администрация на територията на Република България
Съществени личностни характеристики за формиране личността на лидера в общинската администрация на територията на Република България
(Essential Personal Characteristics for Forming the Personality of the Leader in the Municipal Administration of the Territory of the Republic of Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Loreta Traykova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Psychology, Business Economy / Management, Public Administration, Sociology, Personality Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Sociology of Politics, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:44-62
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:essential personal characteristics; leadership; personality factors; leader; municipal administration
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims at exploring and presenting a set of essential personal characteristics necessary to form the leader in the municipal administration in the Republic of Bulgaria. It uses data from a specially designed online survey among the mayors in the municipalities on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as the regional mayors of the cities of Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna. In this article, the focus will be on one of the questionnaires used in the study. It includes questions grouped in five building blocks and aims at revealing different aspects of the person‘s personality who form his/her personal profile. The methods of analysis that are used are descriptive statistics, the calculation of mean values, and the testing of statistical hypotheses. The analysis identifies the essential personality characteristics that are derived on the basis of the completed questionnaires by the mayors. Statistically significant differences in gender are observed mainly in terms of the Emotionality building block.
Подготвени за пазара на труда: иновативни стратегии за професионална реализация
Подготвени за пазара на труда: иновативни стратегии за професионална реализация
(Prepared for The Labor Market: Innovative Strategies for Professional Realization)
- Author(s):Spasimira Davidova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Labor relations, Economic policy, Developing nations, State/Government and Education, Methodology and research technology, Social development, Economic development, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:63-77
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:education; Innovative strategies; professional realization; labor market
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyzes the necessity of introducing new approaches in education related to preparing young individuals for the contemporary, dynamic labor market. The author explores innovative strategies for students' preparation in higher education institutions. Through a review of educational domains, collaboration with the business sector, and innovative trends, the article defines strategies aimed at improving preparation for the modern work environment. The article emphasizes the importance of bridging the gap between education and industry. With an innovative approach, it underscores the significance of lifelong learning and adaptive thinking. Innovative strategies are crucial for preparing young people for the contemporary job market. These strategies not only lay the foundation for a successful career but also cultivate a sustainable approach to professional development.
Възможности за корпоративна институционализация на доброволчеството
Възможности за корпоративна институционализация на доброволчеството
(Opportunities for Corporate Institutionalization of Volunteering)
- Author(s):Milena Tzakovska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Psychology, Business Economy / Management, Public Administration, Sociology, Developing nations, Organizational Psychology, Sociology of the arts, business, education
- Page Range:78-92
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:volunteering; voluntary activity; social responsibility; quality management standards; quality management in public administration
- Summary/Abstract:Volunteering in modern society has developed more and more in the context of the evaluation of its manifestation. The very concept of volunteering tends to emerge from the bosom of quiet and undisclosed goodness and moves to a level where it seeks widespread popularity, both as specific events and their results, as well as the results as a whole. Thus, the good example is multiplied by giving the opportunity to a wider range of people to receive information about the result of the voluntary activity and its effects. This trend is also projected on the ever-deeper inclusion of volunteers as part of the corporate culture. The incorporation of voluntary work into the corporate sphere is an expression of the possibility of its institutionalization. It is expressed in outlining the parameters of volunteering in terms of the attitudes of employees to be included in them, as well as describing the role and meaning that volunteering brings to society, to the organization and its image. At the organizational management level, this is realized by including the topic of volunteering in the components of quality management systems, in particular – in social responsibility. This trend is observed both in the private sector and in public organizations.
Акценти в теоретичното осмисляне на феномена “дигитално разслояване“
Акценти в теоретичното осмисляне на феномена “дигитално разслояване“
(Highlights in the Theoretical Understanding of the Phenomenon of „Digital Divide“)
- Author(s):Vladislava Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Evaluation research, Social differentiation, Social Informatics, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:93-123
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:digital divide; access; information society; digital literacy
- Summary/Abstract:The current study is focused towards the phenomenon „Digital divide“, as a new form of social divide and inequality in contemporary information (Toffler), networked (Castells), post-industrial (Bell) society. The study has a referential-analytical character insofar as it presents the results of a literature analysis of the main scientific studies of the problem of „digital divide“, looking for the characteristic definitional outlines of the phenomenon, on which to propose a working definitional basis of the concept. Based on the referential analysis, suggestions for indicators of digital divide are derived, analogous to Weber's classical indicators of social division in society – material status, power and authority.
Сравнителен анализ на методите за изследване на импулсивното купуване
Сравнителен анализ на методите за изследване на импулсивното купуване
(A Comparative Analysis of Methods for Researching Impulsive Buying)
- Author(s):Desislava Rusenova-Velichkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Psychology, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Social psychology and group interaction, Methodology and research technology, Economic development, Marketing / Advertising, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:124-138
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:impulse buying; research method
- Summary/Abstract:In modern society, traditional shopping is increasingly being replaced by non-traditional impulsive (unplanned) shopping. For any business to be relevant, it should include in its marketing strategy a study of this type of purchases in order to achieve the desired sales. But here the questions „How to research them“ and „Which method is suitable for the purpose of the entrepreneur“ appear. There is no scientifically established uniform method for their study, and this is the complexity of this type of research. However, on the basis of the methods used by scientists and practitioners in the field, a comparative analysis can be made that will support companies for future research, including in Bulgaria. The future prosperity of businesses is tied to impulse purchases!