Highlights in the Theoretical Understanding of the Phenomenon of „Digital Divide“ Cover Image

Акценти в теоретичното осмисляне на феномена “дигитално разслояване“
Highlights in the Theoretical Understanding of the Phenomenon of „Digital Divide“

Author(s): Vladislava Dimitrova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Evaluation research, Social differentiation, Social Informatics, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: digital divide; access; information society; digital literacy
Summary/Abstract: The current study is focused towards the phenomenon „Digital divide“, as a new form of social divide and inequality in contemporary information (Toffler), networked (Castells), post-industrial (Bell) society. The study has a referential-analytical character insofar as it presents the results of a literature analysis of the main scientific studies of the problem of „digital divide“, looking for the characteristic definitional outlines of the phenomenon, on which to propose a working definitional basis of the concept. Based on the referential analysis, suggestions for indicators of digital divide are derived, analogous to Weber's classical indicators of social division in society – material status, power and authority.

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