South Slavic literatures in the Balkan cultural space Cover Image

Южнославянските литератури в балканското културно пространство
South Slavic literatures in the Balkan cultural space

Author(s): Ina Hristova
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
Published by: Факултет по славянски филологии, Софийски университет »Св. Кл. Охридски«
Keywords: South Slavic Literatures
Summary/Abstract: The article aims to present a possible interpretative framework for studying the place of South Slavic Literatures in the cultural-civilizational map of the Balkans from the point of view of the structural homogeneity or heterogeneity of the South Slavic literary space in the period up to the middle of the XIX century. The analysis of literary development leads to the identification of two cultural models and two types of differently structured cultural zones. The differences between them can be defined in terms of the relationships homogeneity-heterogeneity, monism-pluralism, universal-local. From the perspective of the question of the unity or plurality of the cultures of the Balkans, the presence of South Slavic Literatures supports the thesis about the multi-layered and multi-component nature of the Balkan cultural space and reveals its internal contradictions.

  • Page Range: 221-227
  • Page Count: 7
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Bulgarian
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