Балкански паралели
Balkan Parallels
Contributor(s): Rusana Beyleri (Editor), Ekaterina Tarpomanova (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Philology, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
Published by: Факултет по славянски филологии, Софийски университет »Св. Кл. Охридски«
Keywords: Balkan linguistics; Balkan literatures; Balkan cultures
Summary/Abstract: The book contains the proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Balkan Studies at the University of Sofia Saint Kliment Ohridski. The contributors present their studies in the field of the Balkan linguistics, Balkan literatures and Balkan cultures.
- E-ISBN-10: 978-619-7785-
- Page Count: 370
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: English, Bulgarian, Russian
Съответствия и несъответствия в семантиката на общобалканските лексеми от славянски произход
Съответствия и несъответствия в семантиката на общобалканските лексеми от славянски произход
(Correspondences and discrepancies in the semantics of Balkan lexemes of Slavic origin)
- Author(s):Petya Assenova, Anastasiya Petrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics, Philology
- Page Range:12-21
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Balkan Linguistics
- Summary/Abstract:Our aim is to show the intra-linguistic semantic transformations of common Balkan words of Slavic origin. The analysis of the semantic adaptation of Slavisms in Balkan literary languages raises the question of re-evaluation of the place of the lexicon in the Balkan Sprachbund supersystem. The vocabulary of each Balkan language represents a combination of genetically inherited lexemes with numerous foreign language elements. But the multiplicity of loanwords in the Balkan languages is striking with their uniformity, established during long ethno-cultural and linguistic contacts.
Единично и множествено. Балканските литератури сред европейските
Единично и множествено. Балканските литератури сред европейските
(Singular and Plural. Balkan Literatures Among European Literatures)
- Author(s):Roumiana L. Stantcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:22-28
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Balkan literatures
- Summary/Abstract:The keynote paper outlines the main approaches in Comparative Balkan Literary Studies. With a lower chronological boundary in the 18th and 19th centuries, the methodology of Comparative Balkan Literary Studies pertains both to the interactions between individual Balkan literatures and to their connections with other European phenomena. The “Intersection” between literatures, based on the metaphorical analogy with Set theory, as well as “Triangular comparisons”, are presented as approaches and grounds for making a comparison. The paper also traces the connection between today’s studies and the founders of Comparative Balkan Literary Studies in Bulgaria.
Балканско езикознание и балканска историография – за нуждата и ползата от интердисциплинарност
Балканско езикознание и балканска историография – за нуждата и ползата от интердисциплинарност
(Balkan Linguistics and Balkan Historiography – on the Need and Benefit of Interdisciplinarity)
- Author(s):Raymond Detrez
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Philology
- Page Range:29-33
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Balkan linguistics
- Summary/Abstract:This contribution is not so much a scientific study as a plea for a consistent interdisciplinary approach. Knowledge of the concrete historical conditions in which certain linguistic phenomena occur can improve our understanding. On the other hand, linguistic analyses can help to grasp more effectively certain historical processes. Both disciplines may independently come to incompatible conclusions, but often surprising “cross-pollinations” also occur.
Развитие балканской этнолингвистики в институте славяноведения РАН
Развитие балканской этнолингвистики в институте славяноведения РАН
(Development of Balkan ethnolinguistics at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Author(s):Irina Aleksandrovna Sedakova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Philology
- Page Range:34-40
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:The article sheds light on the development of ethnolinguistics and Balkan studies at the Institute of Slavic Studies (Russian academy of Sciences) since 1990, when after several decades of parallel development, two disciplines united their efforts and enriched one another. ‘Narrow’ (mostly linguistic optics) and ‘wide’ (interdisciplinary linguistic, folkloristic and ethnographic optics) ethnolinguistics as defined by the academician Nikita I. Tolstoy correspond with the ideas of Tatiana V. Civjan stated in her monograph “Linguistic Foundation of the Balkan Model of the World” (1990). An outline of the history of conferences and publications, as well as of the main themes, semiotic and other methods of the ethnolinguistic-Balkanists is given.
Balkan Languages between National Philology and International Theories
Balkan Languages between National Philology and International Theories
(Balkan Languages between National Philology and International Theories)
- Author(s):Helmut Wilhelm Schaller
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Philology
- Page Range:41-43
- No. of Pages:3
- Summary/Abstract:Since more than two hundred years the Balkan languages were discussed by scholars in Austria as well as in Balkan countries. The description of concordances of the Balkan languages was treated by national philologies. The long-lasting question was the use of a linguistic theory demonstrating the common system of the Balkan languages.
Балканската картина на света в заети думи от османски турски
Балканската картина на света в заети думи от османски турски
(The Balkan Picture of the World in Ottoman Turkish Borrowed Words)
- Author(s):Maxim Stamenov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Philology
- Page Range:44-51
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Balkan linguistics
- Summary/Abstract:In the Balkan studies it is generally accepted that Turkish is not a member of the Balkan Language Union (Sprachbund). On the other hand, it was acknowledged already a long time ago that the members of this union share a considerable set of loans from Ottoman Turkish that was due to the widely distributed cultural influence imposed on Balkan countries during the time they were part of the Ottoman empire. In this article we study the cultural impact of Turkish leading to ‘shared picture of the world’ in Albanian, Bulgarian, Greek, Northmacedonian, Romanian and Serbocroatian. The analysis is oriented toward establishment of the depth of the penetration of loans as documented in the dictionaries of Turkisms for the Balkan languages, as well as the patterns of getting rid of them after the Balkan nations fell outside of the dominion of the Ottoman empire. The main trends, in the latter respect, are found to be speeded archaisation and pejorativisation of whole sets of loans. In concluding our inquiry, we arrive at the apparently paradoxical conclusion that while Turkish is not a member of the Balkan Language Union, it is defining in terms of linguistic evidence for the existence of a Balkan Cultural Union up to the present date.
Пътят на нгр. φασούλι ‘боб, Phaseolus vulgaris’ на Балканите
Пътят на нгр. φασούλι ‘боб, Phaseolus vulgaris’ на Балканите
(The path of the Greek φασούλι ‘bean, Phaseolus vulgaris’ in the Balkans)
- Author(s):Darina Mladenova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:52-60
- No. of Pages:9
- Summary/Abstract:The transfer of the name of another legume to the bean is a preferred Balkan nomination model for the crop Phaseolus vulgaris, brought from South America to Europe in the first half of the sixteenth century. For instance, Modern Greek φασόλι, φασούλι has undergone a semantic transition from ‘cowpea, Vigna unguiculata’ to ‘bean, Phaseolus vulgaris’. After a review of the debate on the etymology of Modern Greek φασόλι, φασούλι, the article presents the direct borrowing of Bulgarian фасỳл, Albanian fasule, Aromanian făsúl’e, făsúl’ĭŭ, Turkish fasulye, Romanian fasule, fasole, Serbian пасуљ and, possibly, also Megleno-Romanian făsúl’ from the Greek. It draws attention to the different variants of those Southeast European loanwords, their areas of distribution and chronology, and contributes to the exploration of their history and etymology. It also highlights the role of Serbian пасуљ as a mediator in the further expansion of the Modern Greek word across Southeastern Europe in Hungarian paszuly, Romanian păsulă, păsui, Albanian pasul, pasule, pasu:l and Bulgarian пасỳл’.
From mercy to annoyance: Semantic variations of the interjection aman in the Balkan languages
From mercy to annoyance: Semantic variations of the interjection aman in the Balkan languages
(From mercy to annoyance: Semantic variations of the interjection aman in the Balkan languages)
- Author(s):Ekaterina Tarpomanova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:61-67
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Balkan linguistics
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyzes the semantics of the interjection aman as one of the common discourse markers in the contemporary languages of the Balkan Sprachbund. After a review of the description of aman in dictionaries and in previous studies, a unified approach to the semantics of the interjection is proposed considering its syntactic and discourse properties and its usage in idioms.
Преводачески избори в средновековната славянска версия на поемата тълкувание на Песен на Песните от Михаил Псел
Преводачески избори в средновековната славянска версия на поемата тълкувание на Песен на Песните от Михаил Псел
(Translation choices in the medieval Slavic version of the poem interpretation of the Song of Songs by Michael Psellos)
- Author(s):Margaret Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Philology
- Page Range:67-81
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Balkan linguistics
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses lexical and syntactical choices in the late South Slavonic translation of Michael Psellus’ poetic commentary on the Song of Songs. The analysis concentrates mostly on the counterparts of the Greek compound words and on the rendition of the adnominal genitive. The main conclusion is that the translator mastered the high style of the Byzantine court poetry and Christian exegesis and tried to achieve both formal and semantic equivalence but he did not mirror artificially the Greek text and exploited the literary means established in his literary tradition in the course of five century.
Като кого псуват сърбите тогава? Представата за съседите в образните сравнения на южните славяни
Като кого псуват сърбите тогава? Представата за съседите в образните сравнения на южните славяни
(Who do Serbs swear like then? The idea of neighbors in the figurative analogies of the southern Slavs)
- Author(s):Martin Stefanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:82-89
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents corpus-based research on the comparisons with an ethnonym denoting neighboring nation in Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian and Slovene languages. The text deals with the terms stereotype and collective perception both – as an inherited value, and a developing category.
Кучето във фразеологията на езиците от Балканския езиков съюз (БЕС)
Кучето във фразеологията на езиците от Балканския езиков съюз (БЕС)
(The Dog in the Phraseology of Languages from the Balkan Linguistic Union (BLU))
- Author(s):Magdalena Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:90-94
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Balkan linguistics
- Summary/Abstract:The dog is one of the main domestic animals that surround the man in his everyday life. The perception of this animal in the languages of the Balkan Sprachbund is built on different language levels. We will try to trace the parallels and the differences in the way dog is perceived in Albanian, Bulgarian, Romanian and Greek phraseology. The linguistic material could help us shed light on the Balkan model of the world.
Food-Related Idioms in the Contemporary Serbian, Greek and Albanian Languages
Food-Related Idioms in the Contemporary Serbian,
Greek and Albanian Languages
(Food-Related Idioms in the Contemporary Serbian,
Greek and Albanian Languages)
- Author(s):Predrag J. Mutavdžić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:95-103
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Balkan linguistics; phraseology
- Summary/Abstract:This paper tackles contrastive and comparative analysis of a portion of idiomatic units containing a culinary element in contemporary Serbian, Greek and Albanian. The aim of the paper is to determine their structural-semantic concordances and differences based on which they are classified into several distinctive categories: IUs with identical culinarisms in all three observed languages, different IUs containing the same culinarisms, IUs with different culinarisms, Serbian IUs containing culinarisms while they lack in Greek and Albanian.
Balkan Parallels in the Vocabulary of Traditional Culture of Gorani People in North Macedonia
Balkan Parallels in the Vocabulary of Traditional Culture of Gorani People in North Macedonia
(Balkan Parallels in the Vocabulary of Traditional Culture of Gorani People in North Macedonia)
- Author(s):Elena Uzeneva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:104-109
- No. of Pages:6
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents in detail individual fragments of the vocabulary of traditional culture. The investigation is based on the materials collected by the author during the Russian-German scientific ethnolinguistic expedition in 2023, carried out in Gorani villages Elovjane and Urvich of Tetovo region – the center of the Albanian minority in North Macedonia. The analysis of the terminology and semantics of lexical-semantic groups (terminology of kinship, wedding and funeral rituals) in the ethnolinguistic aspect has been carried out. In the vocabulary of the traditional culture of the Gorani of Tetovo, many parallels have been identified with the traditions of the Gorani of Albania, the Muslim Bulgarians of Bulgaria and Northern Greece, and the Torbeshi of North Macedonia.
Language materiality of the unwritten dialect: Newspaper “Рилиндя” / “Rilindja” of Albanians in the Budzhak region in the mid-1990s
Language materiality of the unwritten dialect: Newspaper “Рилиндя” / “Rilindja” of Albanians in the Budzhak region in the mid-1990s
(Language materiality of the unwritten dialect: Newspaper “Рилиндя” / “Rilindja” of Albanians in the Budzhak region in the mid-1990s)
- Author(s):Aleksandra DUGUSHINA
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:110-114
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Balkan linguistics; Gorani people
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses the newspaper “Рилиндя” / “Rilindja”, which was published in the 1990s by the local intellectuals in the Albanian-speaking village of Karakurt in the Bolgrad district of the Odessa region (Ukraine). Using the notion of language materiality, the unwritten Albanian dialect is analyzed in the context of entering the local linguistic landscape as a marker of identity (such as public festivals, fairs, concerts, or calendar feasts, involving visual labelling). Exampling excerps of the newspaper shows various attempts to create an alphabet and a system of rules for the Albanian dialect which reflects the different strategies of using Cyrillic or Latic script in connection with local traditions and standard Albanian.
Albanian dialects in contact: The case of Northern Gheg
Albanian dialects in contact: The case of Northern Gheg
(Albanian dialects in contact: The case of Northern Gheg)
- Author(s):Mariya S. Morozova, Aleksandr Rusakov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:115-123
- No. of Pages:9
- Summary/Abstract:This study examines one of the major Albanian dialect groups – Northern Gheg, further divided into western and eastern parts, – employing several quantitative methods. The aim of the research is to identify the influence of language contacts on the development of the Albanian dialectal area and its subareas. It is found that the Northeastern Gheg varieties, which have been in recent language contact with Slavic dialects, are simpler and more innovative than the Northwestern Gheg varieties. The application of dialectometric methods, in particular to the lexical data, allows us to hypothesize that the very formation of the Northeastern Gheg dialect group is due to language contact.
Linguistic Characteristics of the Mandritsa Village Vernacular according to the Bulgarian-Albanian Conversational Dictionary with Glossary
Linguistic Characteristics of the Mandritsa Village Vernacular according to the Bulgarian-Albanian Conversational Dictionary with Glossary
(Linguistic Characteristics of the Mandritsa Village Vernacular according to the Bulgarian-Albanian Conversational Dictionary with Glossary)
- Author(s):Naim Berisha
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:124-128
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Balkan linguistics
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents some peculiarities of the Mandritsa village vernacular according the Bulgarian-Albanian Conversational Dictionary with Glossary authored by Maria Hristova Georgieva-Peeva. The paper summarizes the language data listed in the two parts: Short Grammar and Conversational Dictionary.
Зоонимите в палеобалканското лингвистично пространство
Зоонимите в палеобалканското лингвистично пространство
(Zoonyms in the Paleo-Balkan linguistic space)
- Author(s):Albena Mircheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:129-136
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Paleo-Balkan languages
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the present study is to collect the available linguistic data on animal names in the main Paleo-Balkan languages, to trace the presence of widespread Indo-European zoonymic roots in the linguistic material of the ancient Balkan languages and to establish a zoonymic vocabulary specific to the geographical area of the Balkans.
Бележки върху тракийското Ζυ(λ)μυ(ζ)δρηνος
Бележки върху тракийското Ζυ(λ)μυ(ζ)δρηνος
(Notes on the Thracian Ζυ(λ)μυ(ζ)δρηνος)
- Author(s):Borislav Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:137-142
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:etymology; Thracian language
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyses the semantic aspect of the etymologies of the Thracian epithet Ζυ(λ)μυ(ζ)δρηνος. It is proposed that the etymologies linking the epithet to the attributes of Asclepius should be rejected and that Ζυ(λ)μυ(ζ)δρηνος should be regarded as an epithet derived from a toponym.
Думите за ‘страх’ в старобългарския и църковнославянския на фона на индоевропейската етимология
Думите за ‘страх’ в старобългарския и църковнославянския на фона на индоевропейската етимология
(The words for ‘fear’ in Old Bulgarian and Church Slavonic from the perspective of Indo-European etymology)
- Author(s):Bilyana Mihaylova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics
- Page Range:143-147
- No. of Pages:6
- Summary/Abstract:In this article, we discuss the origin of the words meaning ‘fear’ in the Old Church Slavonic language against the background of the Indo-European etymology. Fear is one of the universal human emotions, key to survival. Etymological research in this area is important for understanding the essence of emotion itself, for studying the history of emotions and the history of thought.
Klisura – A “Balkan Latin Remnant”?
Klisura – A “Balkan Latin Remnant”?
(Klisura – A “Balkan Latin Remnant”?)
- Author(s):Orsat Ligorio
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics
- Page Range:148-152
- No. of Pages:5
- Summary/Abstract:Greek κλεισούρα ‘narrow passage: mountain pass’ and its continuants (Church Slavonic клисоура, Bulgarian клисỳра, Macedonian клисýра, Alb. klisyrë and, perhaps, SCr. клùсура) are shown to reflect Late Latin CLŪSŪRAM > Proto-Romanian *kľisură ‘closure’ rather than the Late Latin CLŪSŪRAM itself, as is almost universally assumed.
The incorporation of loanwords from the Latin third declension into the Proto-Albanian nominal system
The incorporation of loanwords from the Latin third declension into the Proto-Albanian nominal system
(The incorporation of loanwords from the Latin third declension into the Proto-Albanian nominal system)
- Author(s):Gerard Spaans
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Historical Linguistics
- Page Range:153-161
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Albanian language; Proto-Albanian
- Summary/Abstract:Language contact usually results in the borrowing of loanwords from at least one language into another. The adaptation of these loanwords to the phonology of the recipient language is often well-described, but the role of the morphological incorporation in the borrowing process is sometimes overlooked. This paper aims to use this method to explain some long-lasting phonological problems of loanwords from the Latin third declension into Proto-Albanian. It is argued that some of these loanwords were borrowed as masculine o-stems, probably for semantic reasons, whilst the rest were borrowed as feminine i-stems.
За отражението на представата за демоничното същество „воден бик“ в топонимията или за възможната връзка между румънското baur ‘тур’ и няколко български топонима
За отражението на представата за демоничното същество „воден бик“ в топонимията или за възможната връзка между румънското baur ‘тур’ и няколко български топонима
(On the reflection of the idea of the demonic creature “water bull” in toponymy or on the possible connection between the Romanian baur ‘Aurochs, Bos primigenius’ and several Bulgarian toponyms)
- Author(s):Maya Vlahova-Angelova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Lexis
- Page Range:162-168
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:toponymy
- Summary/Abstract:As is well known, toponymy reflects ancient mythological beliefs. Searching for a proper explanation of the origin and meaning of a particular settlement name, our research led us to a folklore belief related to the image of the Dragon as a guardian of the spring, a variant of the demonic creature Water Bull. The study is an attempt to explain the connection between Romanian baur ‘Aurochs, Bos primigenius’ and several Bulgarian toponyms, based on the assumption that the extinct mammal aurochs is the most possible zoological prototype of the mythological Water Bull.
Наблюдения върху етимологията и семантичния развой на алб. dhomë ‘стая’ и бълг. дом ‘къща, жилище’ (сравнително изследване)
Наблюдения върху етимологията и семантичния развой на алб. dhomë ‘стая’ и бълг. дом ‘къща, жилище’ (сравнително изследване)
(Observations on the etymology and semantic development of Albanian dhomë ‘room’ and Bulgarian dom ‘house, dwelling’ (comparative study))
- Author(s):Daniel Tomov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:169-173
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Balkan linguistics
- Summary/Abstract:The present study focuses on the examination of the etymology and semantic development of two words close in form and sound, but with different origins in the Bulgarian and Albanian languages – bulg. дом ‘home’ and alb. dhomë ‘room’. Based on the analysis of the origin of the two lexemes, it is proved that in the Albanian language the word was borrowed from Modern Greek δώμα ‘room’, while in Bulgarian it was inherited from Old Bulgarian домъ ‘house’, ‘room’. Becoming a part of the active vocabulary of the Albanians, the word dhomë undergoes a serious semantic evolution, while Bulgarian дом continues to be used with the meaning of the etymon without serious semantic development.
Лексиката от гръцки произход в славянски ръкопис № 519 (с гръцки букви) от библиотеката на Зографската света обител
Лексиката от гръцки произход в славянски ръкопис № 519 (с гръцки букви) от библиотеката на Зографската света обител
(The vocabulary of Greek origin in Slavic manuscript No. 519 (in Greek letters) from the library of the Zograf Monastery)
- Author(s):Angela Popovska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:174-179
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Balkan linguistics
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to show the Greek loanwords in Bulgarian vernacular from the perspective of one religious manuscript with characteristics of a late “damaskin” from the second half of the 19th century, which was recently found in the Library of the Zograf Monastery, Mount Athos. The dialect in which the manuscript is written is from the region of Struga, today in the Republic of North Macedonia. The article analyses the way that these Greek loanwords behave on the different levels of representation of language.
Grammatical features of the nouns in plural in Russian in contrast with Albanian
Grammatical features of the nouns in plural in Russian in contrast with Albanian
(Grammatical features of the nouns in plural in Russian in contrast with Albanian)
- Author(s):Eda Shehu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:180-189
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:morphology
- Summary/Abstract:This paper examines the grammatical features of pluralization in Russian and Albanian, focusing on the category of number as it pertains to nouns. In Russian, pluralization is influenced by the noun's ending, leading to significant variability. For example, nouns like стол (table) can change to столы́ (tables), illustrating this complexity. In contrast, Albanian pluralization typically adheres to more predictable patterns, as it seen with: tavolinë - tavolina-t / стол - столы́ (table - tables). Furthermore, the shifting of stress in Russian can clearly alter the meaning and grammatical forms of nouns, such as the dual meanings in: зáмок - зáмки / kështjellë - kështjellat (castle - castles) and замóк - замкú / kyç - kyçe ( lock - locks) depending on stress placement. In Russian, stress tends to be more consistent across various semantico-grammatical forms, exemplified by the forms: нéбо - небесá / qiell - qiejtë (sky - skies). This comparative analysis also addresses collective nouns and their expressions in both languages, such as духú (plural) / parfum (singular) (perfume), which demonstrates differing pluralization processes. By exploring these grammatical features, the study provides insights into the unique semantico-grammatical structures and complexities of forms in Russian and Albanian. Ultimately, this analysis highlights important differences and offers a foundation for effective language teaching strategies for both languages.
Синтактична структура на предикати за действие
Синтактична структура на предикати за действие
(Syntactic structure of action predicates)
- Author(s):Yovka Tisheva, Marina Dzhonova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Syntax
- Page Range:190-198
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:lexical aspect; Bulgarian
- Summary/Abstract:The internal structure of the situations described by the verb determines the lexical aspect (or Aktionsart) of that particular verb. Following Z. Vendler’s classification (Vendler 1967), verbs can be categorized into four aspectual classes: activities, accomplishments, achievements and states. The main topic of this paper is to present the syntactic structure of some of the activity predicates in Bulgarian. Activity verbs denote predicates of homogeneous events that take time but have no inherent temporal endpoint. They are semantic primitives, i.e. they are not derived from another aspectual class of predicates. We consider primary action verbs from three semantic subgroups: consumption, creation, and surface contact verbs and analyze their syntactic realization in terms of the second argument (direct object) and the presence of an incremental theme in the verbal phrase.
Поведение на албанската NP с притежателни местоимения
Поведение на албанската NP с притежателни местоимения
(Behavior of the Albanian NP with possessive pronouns)
- Author(s):Anna Kapitanova-Krasteva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Syntax
- Page Range:199-208
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:syntax
- Summary/Abstract:We consider here the possessive adjectives without and with an article, in prenominal and postnominal position, how they modify Albanian NP where the head is a common noun and in cases where it is a kinship noun. The focus of the paper is on the definite marker (DEF) of the head noun and on article position in DP that dominates NP. Considering Albanian as a language with a relatively rich morphology it can be more explanatory to use functional categories between NP and DP and above DP. All structural representations follow the X-bar theory.
Поглед към нови гръцки преводи на българска литература
Поглед към нови гръцки преводи на българска литература
(A look at new Greek translations of Bulgarian literature)
- Author(s):Fotiny Christakoudy-Konstantinidou
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Bulgarian Literature
- Page Range:209-215
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Bulgarian literature; translation
- Summary/Abstract:The problems of reception and translation of Bulgarian literature in Greece, especially as regards their contemporary period of development after the Second World War, are thoroughly and comprehensively addressed by M. Nihoriti in her study “Bulgarian-Greek Literary Relationships after the Second World War until the year of 2000”. Without intending to present in detail all the aspects of interconnection and interaction along thе chain author-translator-work (translation)-recipient, the article outlines the translation work of Gypriot, Greek and Bulgarian translators presenting Bulgarian authors (Georgi Gospodinov, Amelia Licheva, etc.) to the Greek reader.
Огледалният свят на интерпретацията. Съвременен прочит на трагедията на Хамлет в романа на Алина Нелега „Облак с форма на камила“
Огледалният свят на интерпретацията. Съвременен прочит на трагедията на Хамлет в романа на
Алина Нелега „Облак с форма на камила“
(The Mirror World of Interpretation. A Contemporary Reading of Hamlet's Tragedy in Alina Nelega's Novel "A Cloud in the Shape of a Camel")
- Author(s):Lora Nenkovska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Romanian Literature
- Page Range:216-220
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Romanian literature
- Summary/Abstract:This article discusses Alina Nelega’s novel „A cloud in the shape of a camel“ as a contemporary interpretation of Shakespeare's play „Hamlet“. Nelega’s novel is a psychological novel built on the foundation of a classic intrigue (dead/murdered father, mother having an affair with another man, and confused/insane son). The novel’s plot allows the author to develop her imagery rich in sensory details, and to tell her version of a basic human theme from the perspective of a mother desperate to find a way to get her son back.
Южнославянските литератури в балканското културно пространство
Южнославянските литератури в балканското културно пространство
(South Slavic literatures in the Balkan cultural space)
- Author(s):Ina Hristova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:221-227
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:South Slavic Literatures
- Summary/Abstract:The article aims to present a possible interpretative framework for studying the place of South Slavic Literatures in the cultural-civilizational map of the Balkans from the point of view of the structural homogeneity or heterogeneity of the South Slavic literary space in the period up to the middle of the XIX century. The analysis of literary development leads to the identification of two cultural models and two types of differently structured cultural zones. The differences between them can be defined in terms of the relationships homogeneity-heterogeneity, monism-pluralism, universal-local. From the perspective of the question of the unity or plurality of the cultures of the Balkans, the presence of South Slavic Literatures supports the thesis about the multi-layered and multi-component nature of the Balkan cultural space and reveals its internal contradictions.
Насилие и памет II. Българа-румънски литературни паралели
Насилие и памет II. Българа-румънски литературни паралели
(Violence and Memory II. Bulgarian-Romanian Literary Parallels)
- Author(s):Liudmila Mindova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:228-234
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Balkan literatures
- Summary/Abstract:The text will present the topic through several works by Bulgarian and Romanian authors that interpret totalitarian evil, communist repression, and the memory of these events. In a comparative perspective, we will attempt to illustrate the possibilities of literature to confront social fears and the state violence that provokes forgetting. Our focus is on works by Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu, Toni Nikolov, Teodora Dimova, Maria Stepanova, Kiril Topalov, and others.
Темата за прераждането в турската литература и българските ѝ паралели
Темата за прераждането в турската литература и българските ѝ паралели
(The theme of reincarnation in Turkish literature and its Bulgarian parallels)
- Author(s):Yordanka Bibina, Evdokia Borisova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:235-246
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Balkan literatures
- Summary/Abstract:The article offers an insight into the great theme of reincarnation in two literatures Turkish and Bulgarian - mentally very close, due to the common historical fate of the peoples, but philologically and culturally (ethno-religiously) too distant. Despite all this, it turns out that even in such diametrically distant times, philosophy, traditions and interests, authors such as Orhan Pamuk, Yordan Radichkov, Georgi Gospodinov, Elif Shafak, Rosemary Demeo, Ahmed Umit, Ahmed Hamdi Tanpanar, Victoria Beshliyska, etc. intersection points can be drawn.
The coexistence of Christians and Muslims in 19th century Thrace according to the Greek ethographic short story
The coexistence of Christians and Muslims in 19th century Thrace according to the Greek ethographic short story
(The coexistence of Christians and Muslims in 19th century Thrace according to the Greek ethographic short story)
- Author(s):Thanasis Kougoulos, Manolis G. Varvounis
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:247-254
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:Bearing in mind the historical and cultural context of the development of the Greek ethographic short story, in our study we focus on the analysis of the fictional relationship between Christians and Muslims in the multicultural Thrace of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. We undertake an interdisciplinary approach, where the principles of Literary Imagology intersect with folklore research. We concentrate on short stories by G. M. Vizyenos, Ar. P. Kourtidis and Polydoros Papachristodoulou, where the fictional heroes act in the region of Eastern Thrace and experience directly the interaction of Christian and Muslim religious customs and rituals.
Другостта като личен избор в романа на Матей Караджале „Безделниците от Стария дворец“
Другостта като личен избор в романа на Матей Караджале „Безделниците от Стария дворец“
(Otherness as a personal choice in Matej Caragiale's novel "The Rakes of the Old Court")
- Author(s):Cătălina Puiu
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Romanian Literature
- Page Range:255-259
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Romanian literature
- Summary/Abstract:The novel “Rakes of the Old Court” was published for the first time on March 28, 1929 and in 2001 it won first place as the novel of the 20th century. In this work we will try to find out what is the link between the author's biography and the work itself. What makes Mateiu Caragiale want to be different? And does he manage to achieve this through the heroes and the burlesque atmosphere he creates? Is alterity as a mode of existence, in the midst of a Levantine Bucharest, consciously chosen by the author as a reason that will open up his reception so widely over the decades? Another "I" will be built step by step, consciously, through the identities of his characters.
Превод, идеология и цензура в тоталитарна България: случаят Андонис Самаракис
Превод, идеология и цензура в тоталитарна България: случаят Андонис Самаракис
(Translation, Ideology and Censorship in Totalitarian Bulgaria: The Case of Antonis Samarakis)
- Author(s):Dragomira Valtcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:260-264
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Balkan literatures
- Summary/Abstract:The topic of censorship in translated literature during totalitarian rule in Bulgaria remains largely underexplored. This article aims to uncover the censorship mechanisms through the case of Greek writer Andonis Samarakis. In the 1960s, translations of eight of Samarakis’s short stories were published in the Bulgarian periodical press. My analysis focuses on two of these works, “Flesh” and “Looking for Hope”, revealing instances of censorship at both micro and macro levels. These censorial interventions were driven by ideological constraints related to the Christian religion in the former case and to communist doctrine in the latter.
Междувоенният литературен свят – зло или светилник
Междувоенният литературен свят – зло или светилник
(The interwar literary world – evil or beacon)
- Author(s):Maria Ruseva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:265-270
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Balkan literatures
- Summary/Abstract:In the centuries, there has always been an opposition between good and evil. The history of the Balkan Peninsula, littered over the years with thousands of battles and blood, predisposes terms like “evil” to feel comfortable here. The literary situation is different – as a witness to history the literature tries to overcome the past using its light. The Interwar period gave birth to many flambeaux de la littérature who represent a new stage in the development of their national literatures. In this case, the opposition evil-flambeau can be found in the work of Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu and Anna Kamenova, respectively with the novels “A Concert of Bach’s Music” and “Haritina’s sin”.
Щрихи от Загреб и Дубровник в творбите на Олга Чавова, Богдана Дочова и Вера Плочева
Щрихи от Загреб и Дубровник в творбите на Олга Чавова, Богдана Дочова и Вера Плочева
(Touches of Zagreb and Dubrovnik in the works of Olga Chavova, Bogdana Dochova and Vera Plocheva)
- Author(s):Antoaneta Balcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:271-278
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Balkan literatures
- Summary/Abstract:The article conceptualizes the lively dialogue with Otherness and foreignness in the travelogues of three Bulgarian intellectuals from the interwar period - O. Chavova, B. Doceva and V. Plocheva, which is under the influence of the sought-after purposeful movement through various fields of knowledge as part of their project of personal enrichment and self identification. Their journey will be a reflection of the encounters with tradition and modernization, with the past and new urban solutions, with the flight of imagination towards a more perfect future in the conditions of the increasingly fast technological time.
Декор и драматургичност в романа „Скендербег“ на албанския писател в България Тома Кацори
Декор и драматургичност в романа „Скендербег“ на албанския писател в България Тома Кацори
(Decor and dramaturgy in the novel "Skenderbeg" by the Albanian writer in Bulgaria, Thoma Kacori)
- Author(s):Lilyana Beyleri
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:279-284
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Balkan literatures
- Summary/Abstract:This article is part of an extensive project dedicated to the life, scholarly activity and literary work of the Albanian writer in Bulgaria Thoma Kacori, undertaken on the occasion of his 100th anniversary. The article deals in particular with his novel for the national hero Skenderbeg, published in Albanian in 2005 and available in Bulgarian manuscript prepared by the author himself. The thesis that the novel is of dramaturgical type is given proof in the article through the role of the urban decor in the cohesion of the plot. The four focal medieval cities, described by the author, are analyzed in the light of comparative literary theory.
Фигурата на Одисей и посланическата му роля в контекста на съвременната балканска литература
Фигурата на Одисей и посланическата му роля в контекста на съвременната балканска литература
(The figure of Odysseus and his ambassadorial role in the context of contemporary Balkan literature)
- Author(s):Mariya Peeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:285-289
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Balkan litertures
- Summary/Abstract:The motif of the traveller in European literature often draws on the mythological image of Odysseus. Across various interpretations, Odysseus is distinguished not only by his physical strength but also by his sharp intellect, rich experience, and possession of "wise counsels", which align with his ambassadorial role. From a comparative literature perspective, the figure of Odysseus finds a unique interpretation in the works of two contemporary Balkan authors – Alek Popov and Ylljet Aliçka in their respective novels, “Mission London” and “A story with internationals”. In both novels, the protagonists are diplomats who, despite not travelling geographically, navigate symbolic journeys between East and West, reflecting the tumultuous "transition" period experienced by Balkan countries.
Ismail Kadare’s translations in Bulgarian
Ismail Kadare’s translations in Bulgarian
(Ismail Kadare’s translations in Bulgarian)
- Author(s):Shkelqim Milaku, Xhevahire Milaku
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:290-294
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Balkan literatures
- Summary/Abstract:The literary creativity of Kadare is modern contemporary literature and as it has also been translated into over 47 languages. The most translated book and the first book that was translated was "The General of the Dead Army". This novel in 1966, Marina Marinova has translated into Bulgarian language. This Bulgarian translator was closely related to Albanian literature and she has translated many other works of Albanian literature and as such has served the Bulgarian readers, e.g. Who brought Doruntine back (Kush e solli Doruntinën), Legend of Legends (Legjenda e legjendave), Aeschylus, This Great Loser (Eskili, ky humbas i madh), The Concert in the End of Winter (Koncert në fund të dimrit) and many other books. The contribution of various benefactors for literary and scientific between Albanian and Bulgarian society are quite fruitful, so as it’s promising to improve the language, culture and identity and had an interesting role, especially those of translations.
Балканските представи за женските свръхестествени същества – красиви или грозни?
Балканските представи за женските свръхестествени същества – красиви или грозни?
(Balkan notions of female supernatural beings – beautiful or ugly?)
- Author(s):Maya Aleksandrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:295-301
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:mythology
- Summary/Abstract:This paper focuses on supernatural female creatures in the mythologies on the Balkans. It provides an analysis based on their names, descriptions and portrayal in images. Many interesting similarities are found, but there are also differences when compared to their counterparts in ancient Rome, and in Slavic and German mythologies. Female mythological creatures are related to nature and its elements and the cult to the Great Goddess. On the Balkans they are mostly portrayed as beautiful, while in Ancient Rome and in northern Europe they are perceived as ugly and repulsive.
75 години от рождението на албанолога Людмил Станков
75 години от рождението на албанолога Людмил Станков
(75th anniversary of the birth of the Albanologist Lyudmil Stankov)
- Author(s):Rusana Beyleri
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:302-303
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:Albanian language
- Summary/Abstract:The present article pays tribute to the Bulgarian diplomat and albanologist Ludmil Stankov, who in 2024 would have turned 75. It offers a short review of his works and mentions the recently published second enriched edition of his last study on the idiom of the Albanian village in Bulgaria, Mandritsa.
Къщата музей „Майка Тереза“ – част от културното наследство на Република Северна Македония
Къщата музей „Майка Тереза“ – част от културното наследство на Република Северна Македония
(The Mother Teresa House Museum – part of the cultural heritage of the Republic of North Macedonia)
- Author(s):Mariyana STAMOVA
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Cultural history
- Page Range:304-310
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:History
- Summary/Abstract:Much of the written documents testify to the rich history and past of the city of Skopje, the various cultural and historical monuments in it and the surrounding area in different periods of its development. Most of these traces of the past suffer damage or are destroyed and burned, and some still bear the mark of time. With the announcement of the house-museum “Mother Teresa” in Skopje as an important cultural heritage of the Republic of North Macedonia, it also becomes part of the Balkan cultural heritage. In this regard, it helps to build connections between countries interested in the Balkan heritage on a global and regional level. In this way, the cultural heritage of Southeast Europe reveals its contributions, unity and diversity to the world.
The Traditional Clothing of the Gorani People – Observations Based on Surveys and Interviews in Borje Village
The Traditional Clothing of the Gorani People – Observations Based on Surveys and Interviews in Borje Village
(The Traditional Clothing of the Gorani People – Observations Based on Surveys and Interviews in Borje Village)
- Author(s):Pranvera BEQIRAJ
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Ethnohistory
- Page Range:311-317
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Ethnology
- Summary/Abstract:This study analyzes the traditional clothing of the Gorani people in Borje village, Kukës, based on data collected through questionnaires and in interviews with residents of different age groups. Special attention is given to the role of traditional garments in cultural ceremonies and daily life, as well as the changes that have occurred over time in the composition and use of these clothes. The results show that traditional clothing plays a significant role in preserving the cultural identity and heritage of the Gorani, although their use is now mostly limited to ceremonial events and large festivals.
Образът на вещицата Гелуда в балканските апокрифи
Образът на вещицата Гелуда в балканските апокрифи
(The Image of the Witch Geluda in the Balkan Apocrypha)
- Author(s):Simona Trayanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:318-323
- No. of Pages:6
- Summary/Abstract:In the early Christian era, amulet texts in the form of prayers, spells, short stories, and seals were increasingly used for protection against diseases and evil spirits, as well as for safeguarding pregnant women and their unborn children. Although the church declared these types of texts apocryphal, this did not hinder their widespread distribution and use in the Balkans. During the Middle Ages, the story of Saint Sisinnius and his struggle with the witch Gellouda, who steals the children of his sister, became particularly popular. The legend serves as the core of many written amulets in the Balkans, with the female demon and her transformations being a central image in all versions.
Късноантични резиденциални комплекси от времето на Тетрархията в земите на Западните и Централните Балкани (южно от Дунавския лимес и по Via Diagonalis)
Късноантични резиденциални комплекси от времето на Тетрархията в земите на Западните и Централните Балкани (южно от Дунавския лимес и по Via Diagonalis)
(Late Antique residential complexes from the time of the Tetrarchy in the lands of the Western and Central Balkans (south of the Danube Limes and along the Via Diagonalis))
- Author(s):Rumen Boyadzhiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:324-331
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:History
- Summary/Abstract:A brief overview of a phenomenon in the field of defensive facilities and representative villa structures from the Late Antiquity era is made. At that time, several residential complexes were erected in various Balkan regions such as Spalatum, Felix Romuliana, Šarkamen, Villa Mediana and Scretisca. Based on their architectural structure, conception and specific historical conditions, they can be divided into two main groups: residences-castеllos as well as large villas and palace complexes. According to their functions, their development lasted from ca. 300 to ca. 378/443 AD.
Objects of Folk Art from Balkan Countries to the Rag and Bone Markets of Athens: The Emotional Management of ‘Difficult Cultural Heritage’
Objects of Folk Art from Balkan Countries to the Rag and Bone Markets of Athens: The Emotional Management of ‘Difficult Cultural Heritage’
(Objects of Folk Art from Balkan Countries to the Rag and Bone Markets of Athens: The Emotional Management of ‘Difficult Cultural Heritage’)
- Author(s):Georgios Kouzas
- Language:English
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history
- Page Range:332-343
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Cultural history
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper we will focus on the objects of folk art from Balkan countries that are in function in the open-air rag and bone market in Athens today. We deal with a very singular and unusual type of emotional management and evaluation involving types of Greek and Balkan (Bulgarian, Albanian and Serbian) cultural heritage and, more particularly, the management and evaluation involving examples of Greek and Balkan folk art. Also, we focus above all on the buyers and on their feelings (positive and negatives feelings). Finally, we focus on the commercial networks in Greece and in the Balkans that facilitate the transport of objects, in particular items of folk art, such as carpets, places or pieces of wooden furniture, to many countries in the Balkans and eastern Europe.
Funerary monuments made by Greek sculptors in the Plovdiv (Philippopolis) Central cemetery
Funerary monuments made by Greek sculptors in the Plovdiv (Philippopolis) Central cemetery
(Funerary monuments made by Greek sculptors in the Plovdiv (Philippopolis) Central cemetery)
- Author(s):Evangelia Georgitsoyanni
- Language:English
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history
- Page Range:344-358
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Cultural history
- Summary/Abstract:This paper focuses on the funerary monuments made by Greek sculptors which are located in the Plovdiv (Philippopolis) Central cemetery established in 1878. Plovdiv was an important commercial and cultural center, where a vibrant Greek community also lived. Some monuments in the Plovdiv cemetery are works of Greek sculptors, who were capable connoisseurs of neoclassical art and worked for both Bulgarians and Greeks, including several important personalities. Some sculptors lived in Plovdiv, while others were based in other cities, such as Constantinople (Istanbul) and Athens, as the important Greek sculptor Dimitrios Philippotis, who created a bust for Plovdiv cemetery.
Contribution of Foreign Researchers in the Field of Balkan Studies to the Activity of the Institute of Albanology
Contribution of Foreign Researchers in the Field of Balkan Studies to the Activity of the Institute of Albanology
(Contribution of Foreign Researchers in the Field of Balkan Studies to the Activity of the Institute of Albanology)
- Author(s):Aferdita Abdullahi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Philology
- Page Range:359-362
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Balkan linguistics
- Summary/Abstract:This paper examines the contribution of foreign researchers on the development of Balkan studies, particularly in the field of linguistics, as facilitated by the Institute of Albanology. It particularly emphasizes their role in the study of linguistic similarities and divergences in the Balkans. As an interdisciplinary field, Balkan studies comprise the study of the region’s culture, history, and languages. In this context, the paper analyzes the researchers’ contributions to the promotion of comparative studies, thereby introducing fresh perspectives into Balkan linguistics. Additionally, the paper offers an overview of these studies, highlighting their significance for the development of both Balkan studies and comparative linguistics.
Общият лингвистичен код на Балканите в безопасността на движението по пътищата
Общият лингвистичен код на Балканите в безопасността на движението по пътищата
(The common linguistic code of the Balkans in road safety)
- Author(s):Dilyana Zhavova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Philology
- Page Range:363-368
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Linguistic code
- Summary/Abstract:The present study examines the functioning of the road sign system in the context of the Balkan linguistic world. In order to increase caution on the road and improve safety, the road sign system should be based on a common linguistic code, combining verbal and non-verbal elements aiming to attain a unitary perception by the interpreters. The system of traffic signs – their security, universality, synchronization, state maintenance – promotes clear and reliable communication between road users, therefore increasing safety.