Observations on the etymology and semantic development of Albanian dhomë ‘room’ and Bulgarian dom ‘house, dwelling’ (comparative study) Cover Image

Наблюдения върху етимологията и семантичния развой на алб. dhomë ‘стая’ и бълг. дом ‘къща, жилище’ (сравнително изследване)
Observations on the etymology and semantic development of Albanian dhomë ‘room’ and Bulgarian dom ‘house, dwelling’ (comparative study)

Author(s): Daniel Tomov
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Факултет по славянски филологии, Софийски университет »Св. Кл. Охридски«
Keywords: Balkan linguistics
Summary/Abstract: The present study focuses on the examination of the etymology and semantic development of two words close in form and sound, but with different origins in the Bulgarian and Albanian languages – bulg. дом ‘home’ and alb. dhomë ‘room’. Based on the analysis of the origin of the two lexemes, it is proved that in the Albanian language the word was borrowed from Modern Greek δώμα ‘room’, while in Bulgarian it was inherited from Old Bulgarian домъ ‘house’, ‘room’. Becoming a part of the active vocabulary of the Albanians, the word dhomë undergoes a serious semantic evolution, while Bulgarian дом continues to be used with the meaning of the etymon without serious semantic development.

  • Page Range: 169-173
  • Page Count: 5
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Bulgarian
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