The interwar literary world – evil or beacon Cover Image

Междувоенният литературен свят – зло или светилник
The interwar literary world – evil or beacon

Author(s): Maria Ruseva
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
Published by: Факултет по славянски филологии, Софийски университет »Св. Кл. Охридски«
Keywords: Balkan literatures
Summary/Abstract: In the centuries, there has always been an opposition between good and evil. The history of the Balkan Peninsula, littered over the years with thousands of battles and blood, predisposes terms like “evil” to feel comfortable here. The literary situation is different – as a witness to history the literature tries to overcome the past using its light. The Interwar period gave birth to many flambeaux de la littérature who represent a new stage in the development of their national literatures. In this case, the opposition evil-flambeau can be found in the work of Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu and Anna Kamenova, respectively with the novels “A Concert of Bach’s Music” and “Haritina’s sin”.

  • Page Range: 265-270
  • Page Count: 6
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Bulgarian
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