Otherness as a personal choice in Matej Caragiale's novel "The Rakes of the Old Court" Cover Image

Другостта като личен избор в романа на Матей Караджале „Безделниците от Стария дворец“
Otherness as a personal choice in Matej Caragiale's novel "The Rakes of the Old Court"

Author(s): Cătălina Puiu
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Romanian Literature
Published by: Факултет по славянски филологии, Софийски университет »Св. Кл. Охридски«
Keywords: Romanian literature
Summary/Abstract: The novel “Rakes of the Old Court” was published for the first time on March 28, 1929 and in 2001 it won first place as the novel of the 20th century. In this work we will try to find out what is the link between the author's biography and the work itself. What makes Mateiu Caragiale want to be different? And does he manage to achieve this through the heroes and the burlesque atmosphere he creates? Is alterity as a mode of existence, in the midst of a Levantine Bucharest, consciously chosen by the author as a reason that will open up his reception so widely over the decades? Another "I" will be built step by step, consciously, through the identities of his characters.

  • Page Range: 255-259
  • Page Count: 5
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Bulgarian
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