Objects of Folk Art from Balkan Countries to the Rag and Bone Markets of Athens: The Emotional Management of ‘Difficult Cultural Heritage’ Cover Image

Objects of Folk Art from Balkan Countries to the Rag and Bone Markets of Athens: The Emotional Management of ‘Difficult Cultural Heritage’
Objects of Folk Art from Balkan Countries to the Rag and Bone Markets of Athens: The Emotional Management of ‘Difficult Cultural Heritage’

Author(s): Georgios Kouzas
Subject(s): History, Cultural history
Published by: Факултет по славянски филологии, Софийски университет »Св. Кл. Охридски«
Keywords: Cultural history
Summary/Abstract: In this paper we will focus on the objects of folk art from Balkan countries that are in function in the open-air rag and bone market in Athens today. We deal with a very singular and unusual type of emotional management and evaluation involving types of Greek and Balkan (Bulgarian, Albanian and Serbian) cultural heritage and, more particularly, the management and evaluation involving examples of Greek and Balkan folk art. Also, we focus above all on the buyers and on their feelings (positive and negatives feelings). Finally, we focus on the commercial networks in Greece and in the Balkans that facilitate the transport of objects, in particular items of folk art, such as carpets, places or pieces of wooden furniture, to many countries in the Balkans and eastern Europe.

  • Page Range: 332-343
  • Page Count: 12
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: English
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