Russia Introduces Partial Mobilisation Cover Image

Russia Introduces Partial Mobilisation
Russia Introduces Partial Mobilisation

Author(s): Anna Maria Dyner
Subject(s): Politics, Security and defense, Military policy, Russian Aggression against Ukraine
Published by: PISM Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych
Keywords: Russia; military; mobilisation; war; policy;
Summary/Abstract: On 21 September, Russia announced a partial mobilisation of about 300,000 reservists. The official reason is the need to “liberate” the four southeastern oblasts of Ukraine and, according to the Russian authorities, counter the growing threat posed by Western countries. This decision proves that Russia has exhausted its current ability to conduct military operations in Ukraine. In addition, significant problems in the training and provision of the called-up reservists are expected. Partial mobilisation in the coming months will not change the course of the war but will allow Russia to continue it.

  • Page Count: 2
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English