Emmanuel Macron Re-elected as President of France Cover Image

Emmanuel Macron Re-elected as President of France
Emmanuel Macron Re-elected as President of France

Author(s): Łukasz Maślanka
Subject(s): Politics, Governance, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Electoral systems
Published by: PISM Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych
Keywords: France; president; elections; Emmanuel Macron;
Summary/Abstract: Emmanuel Macron defeated the far-right candidate Marine Le Pen in the second round of the French presidential election on April 24, 2022, obtaining 58.54% of the vote. While Macron's advantage is higher than expected, it was achieved with a lower turnout, which is evidence of a declining interest in political life in France, especially among young people. The newest challenges for the president will be to maintain the majority in the National Assembly after the June elections, and to continue reforms to increase the competitiveness of the French economy in the difficult macroeconomic conditions.

  • Page Count: 2
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English