Kvalita roste, veřejná správa boduje, ale kde jsou kapacity? Souhrná analýza evaluací rozvojové spolupráce
Quality is growing, public administration is scoring, but where are the capacities? Summary analysis of development cooperation evaluations
Author(s): Ondřej Horký-Hlucháň
Subject(s): Public Administration, Labor relations, Human Resources in Economy
Published by: Ústav mezinárodních vztahů
Keywords: bilateral development cooperation projects; Czech Republic; public administration; increase in human resource;
Summary/Abstract: This policy paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the evaluation reports of 35 bilateral development cooperation projects funded by the Czech Development Agency (CzDA) in 2012-2018. The analysis focuses on the descriptive statistics of the evaluation criteria and cross-cutting themes in relation to other aspects of the projects. The paper finds that the quality of the projects has been steadily increasing, especially in the area of public administration, which is a comparative advantage of the Czech Republic as a small donor. However, the paper also identifies the main weaknesses of the projects, such as low sustainability and weak contribution to good governance in the partner countries. The paper argues that these weaknesses are largely due to the insufficient human capacities of the Czech public administration, especially the CzDA and its staff at the embassies. The paper recommends that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic should increase the number of staff and financial resources for development evaluations, actively seek and support the capacities of the Czech public administration for technical assistance, and limit the number of sectors and increase the concentration of the Czech development cooperation.
- Page Count: 6
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Czech
- Content File-PDF