Globální kompakty o migraci a uprchlictví
Global compacts on migration and refugees
Author(s): Veronika Bílková
Subject(s): Government/Political systems, Politics and society, Migration Studies, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
Published by: Ústav mezinárodních vztahů
Keywords: Migration; refugees; Czech Republic; Global Compact for Safe - Orderly and Regular Migration; refugee compact;
Summary/Abstract: This policy paper examines the Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees, two non-binding instruments adopted by the UN in 2018 to address the challenges of migration and refugee protection. The paper explains the origins, contents and main criticisms of the compacts, and argues that they do not threaten state sovereignty or security, but rather aim to enhance international cooperation and shared responsibility. The paper recommends that the Czech Republic, which voted against the migration compact, should reconsider its position and support both instruments as a small state that benefits from the free movement of persons and the mechanisms of international solidarity.
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Czech
- Content File-PDF