Spain after the Elections: The “Germany of the South”? Cover Image

Spain after the Elections: The “Germany of the South”?
Spain after the Elections: The “Germany of the South”?

Author(s): José Ignacio Torreblanca, Mark Leonard
Subject(s): Government/Political systems
Published by: ECFR European Council on Foreign Relations
Summary/Abstract: As Spain votes, it finds itself at the centre of the two major crises with which the European Union (EU) is currently struggling: the euro crisis and the Arab Spring. Should it fail to resolve the euro crisis, the European project will be politically and economically paralysed for a long time. Should Europe fail to support the Arab revolutions, on the other hand, the EU will be faced with a series of drifting countries on its southern rim. Yet the collapse of the eurozone and failure on the Mediterranean are not inevitable. Spain could play an important role in solving both crises – if the rest of Europe helps it to do so. // First, through Mariano Rajoy’s plan to turn Spain into the “Germany of the South”, Spain can help to heal the divisions between northern and southern Europe. This will in turn give Spain credibility to make sure that, as Germany and others take necessary steps towards political union, they do so in a way that is open and fair and benefits the whole of Europe. Second, by taking the lead on European foreign policy in the Mediterranean and by associating itself with the Weimar Triangle’s defence agenda, Spain can make a contribution to European foreign policy. Such a proactive strategy would be good for both the EU and Spain.

  • Page Count: 10
  • Publication Year: 2011
  • Language: English