Evaluation of the Moldovan banking sector for the year 2015 Cover Image

Evaluarea sectorului Bancar Moldovenesc pentru anul 2015
Evaluation of the Moldovan banking sector for the year 2015

Author(s): Alexandru Fală
Subject(s): National Economy, Financial Markets
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Keywords: Banks in Moldowa;
Summary/Abstract: This paper represents a brief analysis of trends in the banking sector in the context of the decapitalization of 3 important banks and the crisis of credibility generated for the entire system. From the wide range of indicators that reflect the state of the banking sector, a narrower set of parameters were selected, the examination of which allows for a diagnosis with a high degree of accuracy. The analysis of the situation in the sector was carried out by researching the following components: the evolution of the exchange rate, the attraction of storage resources, the lending activity and the quality of the loan portfolio, aspects related to the liquidity of financial institutions and the level of capitalization of the banking sector. The analysis of these indicators allows a more accurate understanding of the magnitude of the crisis in the banking sector, as well as its resilience to other similar shocks. The conclusions of this short diagnosis must serve as an analytical basis for the extensive plan to rehabilitate the banking sector.

  • Page Count: 16
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: Romanian, Moldavian
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