Reziliența relațiilor economice între Republica Moldova și Uniunea Europeană în fața șocurilor
The resilience of economic relations between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union in the face of shocks
Author(s): Marina Soloviova
Subject(s): National Economy, International relations/trade, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Summary/Abstract: In this text, we report on the importance of the European vector for the sustainable economic development of the Republic of Moldova, as well as on the remarkable resistance shown by our economic relations with the European Union, despite the persistence of the regional security crisis. Currently, the European Union is not only the main commercial partner of the Republic of Moldova, but also the primary source of direct investments in the Moldovan economy. Moreover, both Moldova's export to the EU, as well as investments and remittances received from the EU in 2023, have increased, even if economic flows with other countries have decreased. Also, during 2023, the European Union continued to offer the Republic of Moldova financial support in the form of loans and grants for modernization and reform projects, but also in support of the vulnerable population.
- Page Count: 7
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Romanian, Moldavian
- Content File-PDF