The Rule of Law Issues in the context of the European Union Enlargement Debate Cover Image

Problematika Pravniho Statu v kontextu debaty o Rozšiřovani Evropske Unie
The Rule of Law Issues in the context of the European Union Enlargement Debate

Author(s): Jan Kovář, Jakub Eberle
Subject(s): Constitutional Law, Civil Society, Governance
Published by: Ústav mezinárodních vztahů
Keywords: Rule of Law;
Summary/Abstract: The question of the rule of law is a secondary issue in the Czech context, but it is a key topic for EU institutions, a number of member states, and civil society in candidate countries. There are fierce political disputes in the EU about the definition of the rule of law, but in recent years the institutions have managed to define the rule of law and to a lesser extent enforce it. The rule of law is directly linked to enlargement, both as a necessary condition for joining the EU under the so-called Copenhagen criteria, and as a permanent shared value of the EU under Article 2 of the Lisbon Treaty. The Czech Republic should closely monitor the debates on the rule of law within the EU and formulate a constructive position. An ally here can be, for example, civil society in candidate countries. The Czech Republic should advocate for the enforcement of clear standards for assessing the state of the rule of law in candidate countries, as well as their consistent enforcement towards all candidates (i.e. avoiding double standards).

  • Page Count: 8
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Language: Czech
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