Political Preferences
Political Preferences
"Political Preferences" it's a journal with the humanistic profile that shows interdisciplinary approach to the problem of electoral behavior, particularly the factors determining political identifications. The magazine is open to collaboration with various research centers in the country. The publisher of the journal is Centre for Innovation, Technology Transfer and Development Foundation of the University of Silesia. The patron of the project is Polish Association of Political Science. Centre for Innovation, Technology Transfer and Development Foundation of the University of Silesia (CITTRFUŚ) is an organization for implementation the scientific achievements of the University of Silesia, organizing activities to promote commercial and strategic investments in economic-social development of the University, in collaboration with local government institutions, financial, educational, scientific and business environment (regional, national and international). "Political Preferences" continues the tradition of journal called "Preferencje Polityczne" (ISSN: 2083-327X) which was published from 2010 to 2015.