Peuce (New Series) - History and Archaeology Studies and Research
Peuce (Serie Nouă) - Studii şi cercetari de istorie şi arheologie
The PEUCE Journal was printed for the first time in 1971 by the Danube Delta Museum in Tulcea. Thirteen numbers, comprising 16 fascicles, were published between 1971 and 2000. Most of them were dedicated to archaeology and ancient history, but there were also published volumes dedicated to natural sciences (botany, zoology, geology, geography), ethnography, museology, national heritage, restoration. Many of them are ample volumes (over 500 pages), with original, good quality contributions, written by well-known specialists in these various scientific fields. Several of these publications represent the result of conferences organised by the museum.
In 2003, ICEM Tulcea has launched a new series of the Peuce Journal, dedicated exclusively to researches in ancient history and archaeology, as well as interdisciplinary researches in these areas. Presently, the journal focuses on: ancient history, archaeology, zooarchaeology, palinology, geology, archaeometallurgy, bibliology etc. From a chronological perspective, the research must be circumscribed to the period between Palaeolithic and the end of the Middle Ages, in the Balck Sea area, with special focus on the Lower Danube region.
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