AR Architecture, Research
AR Arhitektura, raziskave
AR Architecture, Research magazine is published by the Faculty of Architecture, Institute for Architecture and Space. The magazine is biannual and publishes scholarly, reviews of research work at the school, news and views on teachers' activities at congresses etc. AR is interdisciplinary scholarly magazine of research in architecture and urban design. Thematic numbers (as a rule every second number in a year) contain reviews of work from specific areas. Authors are constantly invited to submit their papers. For more information about the magazine and details on how to submit a paper please refer to the author guidelines. AR magazine is academic and refereed. The referees’ comments and any additional comments the Editor may wish to add that require amendments will then need to be acted on for the article to receive further consideration by the Editor before it may be published in the magazine. Papers may be published in Slovene, English or other language. Parts of papers are usually translated (abstract, key words and texts under the figures).