Simeonova, L. Herrin, Judith. Women in purple. Rulers of medieval Byzantium (book review) Christakoudi, Ph. & Spassov, M. Money, words, memory (Sofia, April 2003) Beyleri, R. Osmani, Tomor. The history of the Albanian alphabet - book review Beyleri, R. Recent monographs and contributions in Albanian linguists Njagulov, B. The French Association for Balkan studies Marinova, E. The History of Demetrios Cantemir (book review) Zaimova, R. Velkova, Sania. The Slav Neighbour and the Greek National Self Image 1912-1941 Konstantinova, Yu. Yannoulopoulos, Y. "Our Noble Blindness..." Foreign policy and "National Interests" from the defeat in 1897 to the Asia Minor Catastrophe (book review)
More...Keywords: Orient - Occident in 18th century;
Information about the colloquium "The Modernity: Past and Present", Sofia, Febr. 25-26, 2002
More...A. Duncker: Menschenrechtsorganisationen in der Türkei B. Küçük: Die Türkei und das andere Europa – Phantasmen der Identität im Beitrittsdiskurs C. J. Henrich / W. Gieler (Hrsg.): Türkisches Europa – Europäische Türkei S. Verney / K. Ifantis (Eds.): Turkey’s Road to European Union Membership H. Kramer / M. Reinkowski: Die Türkei und Europa R. Detrez / B. Segaert (Eds.): Europe and the Historical Legacies in the Balkans A. Lauhus (Hrsg.): Bulgarien zwischen Byzanz und dem Westen W. Gesemann / R. Ivanova-Kiefer /R. Zlatanova (Hrsg.): Bulgarien-Jahrbuch 2008 T. M. Bohn / D. Neutatz (Hrsg.): Studienhandbuch Östliches Europa – Band 2: Geschichte des Russischen Reiches und der Sowjetunion U. Krüger: Die gereizte Großmacht – Russlands Anspruch auf Weltgeltung N. Gallina: Political Elites in East Central Europe K. Kálal: Die Unterdrückung der Slowaken durch die Magyaren J. Dieringer: Das politische System der Republik Ungarn I. T. Berend: History in My Life – A Memoir of Three Eras A. Harre: Wege in die Moderne – Entwicklungsstrategien rumänischer Ökonomen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K. Roth / U. Brunnbauer (Eds.): Region, Regional Identity and Regionalism in Southeastern Europe (Part 1) W. Heller / J. Becker / B. Belina / W. Lindner (Hrsg.): Ethnizität in derGlobalisierung K. Simhandl: Der Diskurs der EU-Institutionen über die Kategorien „Zigeuner“ und „Roma“ T. Kahl / C. Lienau (Hrsg.): Christen und Muslime – Interethnische Koexistenz in südosteuropäischen Peripheriegebieten H.-C. Maner: Multikonfessionalität und neue Staatlichkeit N. Wyrwoll (Hrsg.): Orthodoxia 2009-2010
More...Keywords: Fénelon; Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont; Bernardin de Saint-Pierre; Madame de Sévigné; Madame de Staël; Chateaubriand; Charles Nodier; Lamartine;
More...Internationale Griechenland-Konferenz in Berlin Griechenland in der Schulden- und Staatskrise? – Ursachen, Folgen und Auswege Veranstalter: Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft (SOG) Berlin, 29. / 30. November 2011 Bericht von Oliver Schwarz, Duisburg Internationale Tagung in München Politische Kultur und Kultur der politischen Eliten im östlichen Europa Veranstalter: Institut für Volkskunde/Europäische Ethnologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / J. G. Herder-Forschungsrat / Interfakultäres Institut für Ost- und Ostmitteleuropa der Universität Fribourg, Schweiz München, 10.-13. November 2011 Bericht von Sandra Szczesniak und David Wenig, München Graduiertenkolleg „Kulturelle Orientierungen und gesellschaftliche Ordnungsstrukturen in Südosteuropa“ Vierte Studienwoche des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs 1412 in Sofia, Bulgarien Veranstalter: DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1412 “Kulturelle Orientierungen und gesellschaftliche Ordnungsstrukturen in Südosteuropa” der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena und der Universität Erfurt Sofia, 26. September bis 2. Oktober 2011 Bericht von Hanns Schneider und Martin Jung, Jena
More...Keywords: Balkan perspectives on Europe; Balkanism; Orientalism; Occidentalism; Western Europe; Western discourse about the Balkans
The article seeks to revise the current mainstream interpretation of the relations between the Balkans and the West as it has emerged from the mirror reading of the Balkanism paradigm. It interrogates the grounds for interpreting the Western discourse about the Balkans in terms of Said's Orientalism and the Balkan visions of Europe in terms of the hegemonic Western discourse.
More...Keywords: spiritual development; Vasil Cholakov; Marin Drinov; religious propaganda;
The article deals with some aspects of the spiritual development, social activity, and the relationship between Vasil Cholakov and Marin Drinov. V. Cholakov is one of the first Bulgarians to receive training in Russia. Later, it was he who helped M. Drinov and N. Bonchev to follow in his footsteps. The article reveals the relations between them in the process of publishing the “Bulgarian Folk Collection” by V. Cholakov. The importance of the national culture for the preservation and development of the Bulgarians within the Ottoman Empire is also examined. The second problem addressed in the article is the attitude of M. Drinov and V. Cholakov to foreign religious propaganda and their struggle for the preservation of Orthodoxy. These aspects of their activities are essential in examining the struggle for the spiritual elevation and preservation of Bulgarians.
More...Keywords: auxiliary sciences of history; paleography; guidance;
As a historical scholar, Professor Marin Drinov attached great importance to the auxiliary historical sciences and especially to paleography, which deals with written sources for medieval history. As a researcher throughout his life, he studied a vast amount of written documents. His desire was to encourage his contemporaries in Bulgaria to start collecting such sources from the Bulgarian lands. To this end, in the late 1870s, he compiled a short “Guide”, which published the magazine “Letostruy”, in which he gave brief guidelines on how to carry out this activity.
More...Keywords: monetary history; Bulgarian Revival; Ottoman Empire; coins; money and prices in the 18th – 19th centuries; Bulgarian bibliography;
The paper’s aim is a historiographical review and an analysis of the basic works published by Bulgarian scholars and devoted to the topic of money and prices in the Ottoman Balkans during the 18th and 19th centuries. This period is very important, both in a more general context – from a European and Ottoman perspective, as well as from a Balkan and Bulgarian point of view. We have used a chronological approach and have outlined two periods in our study – between 1878 and 1989 (the time of the Third Bulgarian Kingdom and the subsequent communist regime in Bulgaria) and from 1990 until today (i.e. the period after the democratic changes). The reviewed studies are divided into two main groups: (i) historical studies on money and prices and (ii) numismatic ones. We have given priority to some smaller publications, as they are less known to Bulgarian and foreign researchers. In general, larger studies are known to scholars dealing with the region’s monetary history.