Bayerisch-Slowenisches Symposium Veranstalter: Institut für Slavische Philologie der Universität München, Bayerisch-Slowenische Gesellschaft, Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, Alois-Schmaus-Stiftung, Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung München, 20. November 2001 Moldova zwischen Ost und West: Nationale Identität und europäische Orientierung Veranstalter des Symposiums in Chishinau: Staatliche Universität Moldau, SüdosteuropaGesellschaft, Universität Leipzig Republik Moldau, 27. Oktober - 1. November 2001 Eröffnung der Zweigstelle Freiburg i.Br. der Südosteuropa Gesellschaft Ehem. Senatssaal der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 9. November 2001 Politische Kultur in Bulgarien, Deutschland und Südosteuropa Veranstalter: Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, Collegium Germania (Sofia), Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes Sofia, Sofia, 26./27. Oktober 2001 Vereintes Europa - Vereinte Musik? Vielfalt und soziale Dimensionen in Zentral- und Mitteleuropa Veranstalter: Institut für Deutsche Kultur und Geschichte Südosteuropas I Südostdeutsches Kulturwerk (München), Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft (München), A Magyar Tudományos Akademia Zenetudomanyi Intézete (Budapest), Slovenski etnografski muzej (Ljubljana) Ljubljana, 19.-22. September 2001 Language, Society, History: The Balkans Veranstaltet vom Griechischen Ministerium für Erziehung und Religionsangelegenheiten Thessaloniki, 11./12. November 2001
More...Bibliography (project “Politics of Memory and Memory Cultures of the Russian-Ottoman War 1877/1878: From Divergence to Dialogue”)
More...The article follows the development of the memory culture in Bulgaria since the Russo-Ottoman War of 1877 – 1878 until present days concerning historiography, memory places, celebrations, school textbooks. The transformation of the traditional religious memory about the war into modern memory policies is analyzed in the present article. Thereby three main periods are critically examined: The period after the Liberation until 1944, dominated by the myth of San Stefano Bulgaria; the communist period (1944 – 1989), dominated by the myth of the double liberators; and the post-communist period (1989 until present days), marked by memory conflicts and wars.
More...Veljko Stanić: Georges Castellan, Gabrijela Vidan &Antonia Bernard, Histoire de la Croatie et de la Slovénie - 413 Veljko Stanić: Frédéric Le Moal, La France et l’Italie dans les Balkans 1914-1919 Le contentieux adriatique, and La Serbie, du martyre à la victoire, 1914-1918 - 415 Veljko Stanić: Jean-Paul Bled, François-Ferdinand d’Autriche - 418 Miloš Vojinović: Christopher Clark, The Sleepwalkers - How Europe Went to War in 1914 - 422 Miroslav Svirčević : Vasilij Štrandman [Basil de Strandman], Balkanske Uspomene[Balkan Reminiscences] - 433 Dragan Bakić: Árpád Hornyák, Hungarian-Yugoslav Diplomatic Relations, 1918-1927 - 438 Dragan Bakić: Dejan Đokić, Nikola Pašić and Ante Trumbić: The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes,and Elusive Compromise: A History of Interwar Yugoslavia - 442 Veljko Stanić: Zoran Milutinović, Getting Over Europe The Construction of Europe in Serbian Culture - 450 Vladislav Lilić: Dušan T. Bataković, ed. Minorities in the Balkans State Policy and Interethnic Relations (1804-2004) - 454 Miroslav Svirčević: Robert M. Hayden, From Yugoslavia to the Western Balkans: Studies of a European Disunion, 1991-2011 - 457 Ljubica Đurić:Suzana Marjanić and Antonija Zaradija Kiš, eds. Književna životinja Kulturni bestijraij II dio - 461 Miloš Luković: Ladislav Hladkýa et al., Vztahy Čechů s národy a zeměmi jihovýchodní Evropý - 463 Bogdan Trifunović: Jolanta Sujecka, ed. Semantyka Rosji na Bałkanach - 465
More...The author considers the question about "thinking", "listening to" and University "speaking" in the cognitive process aiming at the Revival. Especially important in this process according to the author is the listening to and delimiting the authentic Revival voices. Posing the question "What we are talking about when talking about the Revival" the author questions the semantics of the literary term-metaphor "Revival" and its derivate "Revival literature". He appeals to a more precise and sparing of words usage of such terms. The author discusses the topic of the public role of the ones articulating the Revival - as figured by the contradiction of the "speaker of the national society and keeper of the national values" and the academic professor and researcher.
More...Keywords: Year Contents
2010 Year Contents
More...The article seeks to revise the current mainstream interpretation of the relations between the Balkans and the West as it has emerged from the mirror reading of the Balkanism paradigm. It interrogates the grounds for interpreting the Western discourse about the Balkans in terms of Said’s Orientalism and the Balkan visions of Europe in terms of the hegemonic Western discourse.
More...Keywords: Image of the "Other"; Bulgarian perception of France from the 15th to 19th century; Images of the French in Bulgarian Texts; 15th to 19th century
More...Keywords: Bulgarian transition after 1989; Bulgarian literature and writers in 1989-1998