Table of Content: Issue 2, 2012 / Bulgarian and English
Table of Content: Issue 2, 2012 / Bulgarian and English
ToC: Issue 2, 2012 / Bulgarian and English
More...ToC: Issue 2, 2012 / Bulgarian and English
More...Keywords: Romanian studies in Bulgaria; Sofia University
In Bulgaria, the interest on the Romanian language and culture has grown during the ast few years. In the Sofia University, Romanian language is intensely studied in two subjects. Their programs, additional activities and lecturers are briefly introduced here.
More...Keywords: Greece; cuisine; food writing
Book Review
More...Keywords: dragons; folklore text; bulgarian folklore
Book review
More...Keywords: Garić; the Paulists; the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
The monastery of St. Paul in Garić is one of the oldest Paulist monasteries in Croatia. It seems credible that the lord of Garić-grad, Henrik of Hungary (where the order was founded in 1215), invited the hermits there. Upon arrival to Moslavina, the hermits found peace and quiet they needed for prayer and contemplation. After having studied the documents, the author came to the conclusion that hermits came to Garić either at the same time when the Paulists came to Dubica (in 1244) or earlier, since – according to the documents available – the Paulists of Garić had already had a domicile in 1256, and a while later, they began building the monastery and the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They extended and added on them in the early 15th century, and thus created a complex that comprised all they needed for everyday life; thanks to the local aristocracy, they became rich landowners and, consequently, economically independent. The monastery in Garić was the locus credibilis – the place of credibility, in which local aristocracy used to keep their important documents and valuables. The church of the Blessed Virgin Mary was a well-known place of pilgrimage. 588 documents (deeds of gift, testaments, etc.) witness to the greatness and the importance of this mediaeval monastery. The last document from the monastery in Garić dates from 1520. As the danger approached, the Paulists moved their archives and valuables to Remete and Lepoglava; around 1543, together with the people, they fled from the Turkish army and the Armatoloi in search of a safer place. After the fall of Garić-grad (in 1544) and Moslavina (in 1545), neither the Paulists nor the people survived there. After Moslavina was freed in 1591, the Paulists of Garić endeavoured to revive the life in their monastery; however, they did not succeed.
More...Keywords: reviews;
More...Keywords: sports training; kickboxing; initial training
Kickboxing is one of the most attractive and dynamic modern sports. It combines the most effective techniques with legs and hands from karate and classic boxing. This symbiosis between the two sports makes it an exciting spectacle attracting numerous admirers. Kickboxing is not a demonstration game designed solely for audiences and entertainment. It is a sport discipline and, as such, is subject to the general methodological foundations and norms of sports training. The application of the general principles and laws in the kickbox training process is hampered by the lack of a scientifically based, in-depth research on this sport (Lefterov 2006: 27, Kaikov, Yonov 2001, Zlatev 2010: 122, Pavlova, Petkova 2017: 79). This is a sport with a complex motoring activity that manifests itself in constantly changing and extreme conditions of training and competition. Kickboxing practitioners are subjected to great physical and mental stresses.They have to master and apply a great arsenal of complex dynamic stereotypes in the ring, in the context of an acute conflict with an opponent who actively counters them. The time deficiency in which an exchange takes place shows that, in addition to physical qualities, the kickboxer must also possess a specific sport intelligence to realize in the conditions of the training and the race. The technical arsenal that every kickboxer has to master is diverse and coordinated. It can be divided into two parts: technique of attack and defense technique (Lefterov 2006: 27, Kaikov,,Yonov 2001, Zlatev 2010: 122, Pavlova, Petkova 2017: 79).
More...Keywords: Nedelya Petkova; recognition; orthodox church
Тhis is the recent life path of Nedelya Petkova. The first education she got was in the Sopotski monastery, and her entire life she spread what she had learned among her nation. Her struggles against poverty, Turkish power and Greek propaganda are described. Her effors to open female schools are presented, as she believes that women have the right for education. As a national ambassador, she asks for the public celebration of the holy brothers St. Cyril and Methodius. She is fighting for the recognition of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. Because of her contribution, she is one of the most influential women in Bulgaria.
More...Keywords: Slavic Collection; Rare and valuable publications; Slavic studies; Library of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"; 1519-1922;
Review of: A. Angelova, L. Petkova. Колекция Славика: Редки и ценни издания по славистика от библиотеката на Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ (1519-1922), София, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2005. 535 p.
More...Keywords: Nedelya Petkova; Saba Vazova; Sopot; autobiographical books
Nedelya Petkova and Saba Vazova are famous women born in Sopot - one as a teacher and the other as the mother of Ivan Vazov. But along with these well-known facts, there are some not-so-popular ones. Both have described their lives, and have their "Memories". I will consider the peculiarities of their autobiographical books in my report.
More...Keywords: local identity; settlement memory; Balkan People
Book review