Keywords: medieval archeology; medieval service settlements; Eastern Europe; Pliska; Pohansko;
"Service settlement" is a favourite phrase of several Polish and Czech medievalists who use it commonly to refer to villages of specialised workers (peasants or craftsmen) serving the exclusive needs of neighbouring fortresses or local manor houses. Polish historians have linked the service settlements to ducal or royal estates and argued that such villages emerged to meet the exclusive demands of Polish dukes or the king and his court. Service settlements were therefore to be found around ducal or royal residences and palaces, located within or outside regional fortresses. Since the 1960s, local names have represented the most significant evidence as far as the study of medieval service settlements in Bohemia, Kingdom of Hungary and Poland was concerned. However, as a rule, the archaeology played only a minor if any role. While further prospects of the archaeological research of the service settlements in Bohemia and Poland do not seem to be particularly promising, the research of sites base around the 9th century centres of powers in Moravia, western Hungary and Bulgaria have essentially progressed within last ten years. It has offered new interpretation options concerning a clarification of "service settlement" functioning. In any case, it is necessary to say that the progress in the service villages' research is after all less dependent on an analysis of the local names and shall be rather based on the archaeological research. Such a research can be carried out only through long-term excavations and modern techniques of a space analysis.
More...Keywords: Badminton; Physical Ability; Psychic Qualities; Specific Preparedness.
Badminton is one of the sports that puts the physical and mental body to a greater extent on those who practice it. It features a wealth of diverse movements. This leads to the need for an early start of the training process and the development of an appropriate training program for mastering and improving the technique of the main elements of the game by young athletes (Ilchev 2011). By mastering tactical skills and habits, this sport assists the harmonious development of the body, the formation of a proper body posture and the improvement of general health. Practitioners also build moral, aesthetic, and psychic qualities such as consciousness, teamwork, motivation, concentration, emotional control and self-control. The game at any moment requires a creative solution to any new situation (Petkova 2013). Therefore, the development and improvement of physical qualities and mental processes are an extremely important part of the training process in adolescent beggining (Petkova 2015, Yaneva 2008).
More...Keywords: social entrepreneurship; innovation; creativity
Social entrepreneurship is a comparatively new phenomenon in the sphere of economics not only in Bulgaria, but in the world as a whole. This is the reason why the research on its development in time as well as the problems connected to it are of a great importance. Innovation and creativity are one of those terms that are often related to entrepreneurship as a whole and moreover with social entrepreneurship. In actuality the aim of this paper is to track and evaluate in certain terms the relationship between innovation and creativity as key factors needed for the development of social entrepreneurship in the future. Some of the used methods include: comparative and theoretical method; adaptive methodology, deductive-empirical method and statistical-analytical method.
More...Keywords: Dolna Dikanya; triconch churches; XVI-XVII centuries; St. Ubrus; Christ Emmanuel
This article presents the history, architecture and murals at the Church of the Dormition in the village of Dolna Dikanya, focusing on the 16th-century paintings extant on the east wall of the naos: the Ascension, the Annunciation, Virgin Platytera, Adoration of the Lamb and Sts Deacons Stephen and Romanos the Melodist. Placing the Archangels Michael and Gabriel in medallions flanking the Holy Mandylion in the composition of the Annunciation may be interpreted as an iconographic specific. The sole example we are aware of is at the Church of St Demetrius (1488) in the Monastery of Boboshevo. Another specific, unknown from other monuments, is the representation of Christ Emmanuel in a medallion in front of the chest of the Virgin in the conch, replicating the radiancy in the scene of the Ascension. The frescoes were, in all likelihood, painted by a team of two masters of local significance. Until now, the literature has dated the murals at the Church of the Dormition to the 16th or 17th century. At this stage, no stylistic parallels could be drawn; still, some of the characteristics are similar to the monuments of the second half of the 16th century.
More...Keywords: Middle Age; medieval churches; objects for personal veneration; crossreliquary; ring with Christogram;
The medieval town of Vratsa developed as both administrative and military center, guarding the passages and the important copper mines in the region. The remains of the fortress can be found 2 kilometers from the center of the currently existing city. Systemathic archaeological researches have been carried on with limited resources since 2007. The city is based among two fortified units - one in the Gradishte area, next to the passage, and the second, known as Kemer-kale, where the river exits the gorge. The name of the city Vratitsa is mentioned in an epigraphic monument from the 13th century, representing a donatin act for a royal monastery whose exact localization remains unknown to this day. Within the fortified urban area are located two medieval churches as well. However, the place and role of the Christianity is determined not only by the architecture, but by the objects for personal veneration used by the local population. The discovered crosses and a ring with Chi-Rho monogram are the subject of this report, facing us with questions like how those artefacts were distributed from worship/ production centers, as well as if there is a possibility of local production.
More...Keywords: eponym; toponym; Bulgarian medical terminology
Eponyms play an important role in the terminology system of every language. In the sphere of medicine, they emerged for the first time in the 16th–17th century. Clinical eponyms came into view a little later, in 19th century, but their number is permanently increasing. The present research focuses on Bulgarian eponyms derived from a toponym in the field of medicine and the knowledge domain connected with it. In order to classify these eponyms, they are divided into several major groups in accordance with the basic toponym for their coining, the thematic category for their sphere of usage, and the principles of their formation. Eponyms are still an interesting linguistic area for scholarly investigation due to their universal use as terms. That is why discussions about their formation and classification are of great importance.
More...Keywords: derivation; derivational field; affixation; derivatives; semantics; grammar
This paper outlines the most productive ways of word formation in the English language, focusing on the derivational field of the lexeme “wind”. Derivaties are also clustered according to different thematic groups, connotative meanings, American English usage, constituents of compound words and similarity in meaning. Special attention is paid to differences in theories and approaches to word-formation processes, to using the terms and inconsistencies in spelling of some of the derivatives according to different dictionaries and grammars.
More...Keywords: phraseology; paremiology; concept; ethnolinguistics; wind
This paper examines different views on phraseology and paremiology as conveyors of relevant cultural ideas and interpretations, reflecting and forming the cultural identity of each nation. Phraseological units as the object of research in linguocultural studies provide valuable and important information in the analysis of language. In particular, the paper examines linguistic means of verbalizing the conceptual sphere 'wind' in the contemporary period of English society. Classifications are proposed according to the meanings expressed in the excerpted material from accessible lexicographical sources.
More...Keywords: real personality; virtual personality; temperament; teenagers
Communication in a modern world tolerates revolution through new digital technologies and is now almost entirely projected into a parallel digital world. Social networks change the trajectory of interpersonal relationships. Looking at human development, a student nowadays spends much longer time in the virtual reality up to the time they become adults. He/She designs his / her personal characteristics by creating his / her parallel, virtual self. Freedom in virtual reality is a prerequisite for a person to present himself as he is or to the extend of social desirability. This research compares and analyzes the real and virtual personality of contemporary teenagers and looks for correlations between them.