Following the systemic transformation, and in line with all other Central and South Eastern European members of the former Soviet empire (including the Baltic states), Bulgaria started to reorient its political and economic priorities towards the European Union in the early 1990s. Its main goal was to become a full-fledged member of the “European family” within a historically short period of time. In this context, the country negotiated and signed an Association Agreement (Europe Agreement) with Brussels and the then 15 EU member countries in 1995. As a result, most bilateral trade was freed of any barriers and Bulgaria started to take on and implement EU rules in various areas of economic regulation. Shortly after putting the two-level association treaty in place (the first ratified by the European Parliament, and the second by all member states plus Bulgaria), Bulgaria applied for membership.[...]
More...Keywords: Bulgarian; traditional; costume; ethnography; museology; object.
Bulgarian traditional costume as ethnographic and museological object can be seen as a complex and open system in which the elements and forms are located in various relationships and dynamic development in spatial, temporal and semantic level. In-formation technology development enables pro-innovative Bulgarian traditional costume education based on gamification. Including new approaches to research, description, access and representation of the object, it creates an opportunity for new results and development of scientific and educational process in scientific fields related to this object. Clothing such as a permanent and indispensable element of culture, offers reliable prospects for comprehensive representation of ethno-cultural diversity in its traditional and modern type.
More...Keywords: corporate entrepreneurship; entrepreneur; competitiveness; innovation.
The study and development of modern-corporate entrepreneurship is related to the meaning, the place and role of the concept of modern entrepreneurship in the operation of such enterprises that need to face the challenges imposed by the new conditions of operations. Global working conditions are forcing enterprises to act flexibly and constantly look for new ways of working and the concept of corporate entrepreneurship is a condition where enterprises apply new ways of working and relating enterprising. Enterprises are located in the new development phase which is characterized by discovering new job opportunities, introducing innovations, scientific discoveries, using modern technology in operation and change in the approach to employees.In the applied part of the paper where a practical research was conducted through the method of a questionnaire which actually contains the elements of the model of corporate entrepreneurship such as autonomy, innovation, proactive, competitive aggression and risk-taking is the perceived in terms of the presence of the model enterprises. The results of the survey show that changes are needed in terms of organizational requirements for supporting innovative approach in operation, competitive market positioning and underwriters. Based on the result, ways are proposed for the integration of modern entrepreneurial process to the current processes in enterprises because the application of the concept of corporate entrepreneurship creates conditions for competitive performance of enterprises and achieving a competitive position based on the ability and knowledge of employees, management or entrepreneur.
More...Keywords: enterprises; tourist destination; sports tourism
Connection and similarities between tourism and sport are derived from the basic characteristic of the two activities which is “the need”. From the perspective of tourism needs, tourism is looking for satisfaction. Tourist need represent a longing to come to the phenomena and relationships that have attractive properties to see and experience, to be used, because for tourists they have a certain value.Within the theoretical approach to the study of alternative forms of tourism, in this paper the object of study is the sports tourism as a form of alternative tourism and satisfying the tourist needs in Dojran. Separately, it is examining the connection between sport and tourism, two highly related socio – economic phenomena of modern society on the one hand and the impact on small and medium sized enterprises (SMS) in the satisfying the travel needs of the other hand.Today with tourism are connected all the small sized enterprises, sports and health and many other alternative forms, especially active vacations with content recreational sports, entertainment, psychotherapeutic and etc. upon the basics of which the topic is detailed and fully processed, showing reliable data for the small sized enterprises, sports tourism and its development in general in the municipality of Dojran, Republic of Macedonia. Basics of the successful operation of enterprises are the constant introduction of new ways and forms of work and it is a recognized feature of small and medium sized enterprises (SMS).The contribution of this paper consists in expanding the literature in this area and indicating the necessity of applying a synergistic approach in guiding the activities of small and medium sized enterprises (SMS) and contributing to the creation of the tourist offer and development of sports tourism.
More...Keywords: factoring, trade credit; financial situation of enterprise; investments; Bulgaria
The aim of the article is to investigate the existence of a dependence between the use of factoring by the companies in Bulgaria and their financial condition and development opportunities. The analysis is based on data from an empirical sociological survey among 1000 non-financial enterprises with different main activity and size. The study by the methods χ - square and non-parametric dispersion analysis (Kruskal-Wallis test) shows the existence of consequential relationships between the use of factoring and selected indicators of financial condition and opportunities for enterprise development. Such indicators are: the turnover of firms; the growth of added value; reducing the cost of each production unit; investment and innovation activities of firms. It can be concluded that companies using factoring generally have better financial indicators, they are more innovative and have higher investment activity, which creates better opportunities for their development.
More...Keywords: distribution; integrated distribution system; information technologies
Distribution systems as we know them today are the result of their interaction with business environment factors and information technologies. Based on the conceptual characteristics of integrated distribution systems and the role of information technologies to their development, this paper aims to present a new concept about the relationship between them as a symbiotic, bidirectional and stimulating one. We have outlined in detail the major aspects of that relationship; the short-term and long-term effects, which it produces, as well as the prospects for their further symbiosis.
More...Keywords: Prospect Theory; Framing; Asian Disease Problem; Content Effects; Top-Down Processing
Prospect theory accounted for the framing effect by assuming an automatic translation of the problem content into expected utilities and a passive acceptance of the externally provided frame regardless of problem content. The size of the framing effect in the famous Asian Disease problem initially suggested that these assumptions are met but subsequent research showed otherwise. In a dataset collected during regular class sessions among Bulgarian students, a framing effect was found for monetary problems but not for the Disease problem. These results are consistent with previous findings by the author and add to the view that a top-down and domain-specific approach might be a necessary complication when one is aiming to account for the psychological processes during risky choices.
More...Keywords: Bulgaria; gender politics; modernization; Islam;
This paper addresses the state politics in regard to the so-called “women’s question” during the socialist period in Bulgaria. The social status of women was perceived as a major indicator of the advance of the entire socialist society. Bulgarian Muslim women were not an exception in this respect. They were part of the integral social change, considering gender roles, gender relations and their gender rights. How has the state politics changed their gender identity, and are the changes still ongoing after the end of socialism? These are the main questions to which the text aspires to give answers.
More...The article presents for the first time in one place reliquaries made by Pazardzhik goldsmiths, the sources for them known in the scientific literature, and attempts to put them in the context of the Pazardzhik goldsmiths’ trade. The available data about the development of the goldsmiths’ trade in Pazardzhik is systematized and a hypothesis is proposed regarding the role of that goldsmiths’ center during the period of Ottoman rule on the territory of present-day Central Southern Bulgaria.
More...Keywords: Cypraea Pantherina; medieval necropolis; Crusades; trade and pilgrimage routes; Middle East; Ottoman Empire;
The authors are considering the archeological context in which the cowrieshells appear on the territory of medieval Bulgaria. Their attention is drawn to the factthat these shells are endemic to the Red Sea, Arabian and Gul f of Aden, which raises the question of the ways of their spread in the Balkans, and, in particular, the territory of Bulgaria. Their discovery in the pagan necropolis near Balchik, dated around the 7th – 8thcenturies, and their absence in the later necropolises of the First Bulgarian Kingdom makeus think that they have been brought from their original territories. Cowries have been witnessed in several necropolises on the Northern Black Sea and the Caucasus, where they come from the Transcaucasian trade routes. The most numerous samples of cowries from the territory of Bulgaria are found as part of glass bead beads in necropolises from the 11th– 13th centuries. Their distribution is probably related to the establishment of crusaders in the Middle East. One might assume they were traded between returning pilgrims from the Holy Sepulcher and the local population. After losing control over the Holy Land by the Crusaders, these ornaments stop appearing into Bulgarian territory. Their return was witnessed during the excavation of late middle ages necropolises dating from the 15th –17th centuries and may be associated with the restoration of trade contacts with theMiddle East within the Ottoman Empire.
More...Keywords: 10th c. A.D.; metal crosses; local production; Bulgaria;
This article focuses on the metal crosses production in the 10th century medieval Bulgaria. The recent discovery of three production centres near Preslav revises previous ideas according to which these items were products of byzantine metalworkers and were brought there by pilgrims from the eastern Christian centres (Syria, Palestine). In the first half of the 10th century, they provided almost all the artefacts typical for the period in that region: belt metal art accessories (such as decorations, buckles and tips), rings, earrings, single and double crosses, pendants. The archaeological research in Novosel, Shumen Region, brought to light more than 800 artefacts, as well as in Zlatar, Preslav Region, where the researchers have discovered more than 1400 items so far. The above facts are strong evidence for the existence of a very well‐developed and organized production process.
More...Keywords: Jozo Jakiša; Croatian literature; Poetry;
Poetry by Jozo Jakiša ("Općinski balkon")
More...Keywords: e-learning; practice tests; digital tests; short stories; test criteria;
The purpose of this article is to explain the principle behind practice tests based on authentic short stories in English, describe their construction, and outline their application which aims to increase student knowledge and skills in a foreign language. The methodology employs digital practice tests created following a set of criteria for test development based on Bloom’s taxonomy. The results of the study indicate certain benefits of the practice tests: short stories introduce new vocabulary and the tests provide reinforcement, which both facilitates and motivates the students.
More...Николова, Вяра. Из историята на новата японска литeратура (1868–1945), София: За Буквите, 2020, 256 с., ISBN 978-619-185-416-5
More...Keywords: culture; integration; synergy; pedagogical competence
The article examines the methodological foundations of courses included in the educational process of students from the bachelor's and master's programs in pre-school and primary-school pedagogy at the Faculty of Education of Trakia University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. The potential of the proposed learning content, which is oriented towards the communication between literary and musical works through the intermediality, is analyzed by modeling a conceptual construct. The specifics of the derived approaches and options for their interaction in the environment of the kindergarten and the primary school (from integration to synergy) are presented. Emphasis is placed on the mastering of competence by future teachers for the implementation of an educational process with the application of strengthened connections between the cognitive fields of the Bulgarian language, literature and music in order to acquire the key cultural competence.