Table of Content: Issue 4, 2010 / Bulgarian and English
Table of Content: Issue 4, 2010 / Bulgarian and English
TOC: Issue 4, 2010 / Bulgarian and English
More...TOC: Issue 4, 2010 / Bulgarian and English
More...ToC: Issue 3, 2014 / Bulgarian and English
More...Keywords: culture of giving; education; attitude; social class
The paper aims at understanding charity as an individual life strategy and identifying the factors that stimulate or hamper its practice, by studying the individual’s culture of giving for education among people belonging to different social classes. We combine insights from two major theoretical traditions: understanding the syncretism of the gift and the view on education as a relatively autonomous area. The analysis is based on data from a representative sociological survey designed in accordance with the Theory of planned behaviour. The results obtained show that the personal strategy for giving for education is a cultural phenomenon and is embedded in people’s social environment. The individual’s culture of giving is socially constructed by the influences of the social surroundings on the individual. Thus, the representatives of different social classes differ in their intention to donate for education. The middle class (especially the lower middle class) shows stronger readiness to donate as compared with others. The middle class is also the most sensitive towards the expectations of others regarding donation for education. Our study provides arguments for the validity and the heuristic potential of specifying gift and giving in the sphere of education as a new interdisciplinary scientific field.
More...Keywords: Macroeconomic Stability; Inflation; Unemployment; the Environment; Employer of Last Resort; Basic Income Guarantee
There is a body of literature that favors universal and unconditional public assurance policies over those that are targeted and means-tested. Two such proposals—the basic income proposal and job guarantees—are discussed here. The paper evaluates the impact of each program on macroeconomic stability, arguing that direct job creation has inherent stabilization features that are lacking in the basic income proposal. A discussion of modern finance and labor market dynamics renders the latter proposal inherently inflationary, and potentially stagflationary. After studying the macroeconomic viability of each program, the paper elaborates on their environmental merits. It is argued that the “green” consequences of the basic income proposal are likely to emerge, not from its modus operandi, but from the tax schemes that have been advanced for its financing. By contrast, the job guarantee proposal can serve as an institutional vehicle for achieving various environmental goals by explicitly targeting environmental rehabilitation, conservation, and sustainability. Finally, in the hope of consensus building, the paper advances a joint policy proposal that is economically viable, environmentally friendly, and socially just.
More...Keywords: Bulgaria; Belene; nuclear; energy; plant;
Russian-backed Belene project put on ice in 2012 over EU concerns and slow investor take-up.
More...Keywords: mobile games; students; psychic qualities
The development of modern school processes and successful problem solving requires a theoretical clarification and practical concretisation of all modern perceptions about the game and in particular about mobile play and its proper use as a means to improve the psychic qualities of pupils from the initial stage of primary education grade. The games help to harmoniously combine the mental, physical and emotional load. The clever use of perceptions, thought, imagination, attention, memory and will in gameplay facilitates the absorption and improvement of various motorized actions. The aim of the present study is to establish and compare some psychic qualities of 9-year-old students from Veliko Tarnovo and Tryavna after applying a training model on mobile games.
More...Keywords: tourism; corporate entrepreneurship; tourism offer; tourists;
Tourism is a particular service sector, most complex socioeconomic phenomenon and one of the fastest growing sectors in the global economy that cares for realization of tourist needs. Between the dependencies on tourism products is a direct consequence of the characteristics of the tourist offer. On the other hand, the tourist offer creates the final products that are offered to customers. Of special importance is the study of factors that are influencing the tourist offer. The improvement of operations and the increase of the efficiency of the operations is a challenge for any enterprise. Basics of the successful operation of every enterprise are the constant establishing of new methods and forms of work. The development and establishing of the concept of corporate entrepreneurship in operation allows constant establishing of new forms of work, encouragement of teamwork and entrepreneurial concepts of behavior of the enterprises. In the applied part of the paper a survey will be conducted among the enterprises in the field of tourism for knowledge and implementation of the concept of corporate entrepreneurship. The aim of the research consists of the understanding the real situation in terms of implementation of this new concept of operations for enterprises in the field of tourism. On the basis of the received results, the possibilities offered by this concept will be indicated. The contribution of this paper consists in expanding the literature in this area and implementation of the concept of corporate entrepreneurship in enterprises in the field of tourism in order to improve their operation and meet the needs of consumers of tourism services.
More...Keywords: Paulines; Senj;
In occasione del II. centenario dell'abolizione dell'ordine di san Paolo degli eremiti (paolini), avvenuta nel 1786., l'Autore descrive la storia dei paolini e dei loro conven-ti a Senj, e cioe: di Santissimo Salvatore nella valle Ljubotina (oggi detta Spasovac), di Santa Elena in Vlaška Draga (oggi Sv. Jelena) e di San Nicolö in cittä.AH'inizio dell'articolo si accenna alia letteratura e poi in modo sommario si ripor-tano i dati piü o meno giä noti, trattenendosi piü a lungo sui risultati della propria in-vestigazione. I primi due suddetti conventi fanno parte integrante della storia medie-vale di Senj. Quello infatti di Santissimo Salvatore risale alia meta del secolo XIV, mentre Santa Elena fu fondata nel 1390. Le fonti conservate ci permettono di conos-cere in modo assai preciso i loro possedimenti, sono scarse invece per quanto concer-ne la loro attivitä. Questa si svolgeva in conformitä alia regola degli eremiti di S. Paolocon modificazioni causate dalla posizione e condizine dei due conventi. A Senj essi possedevano diverse case e negozi (apoteche). Tutti e due i conventi vengono meno nella prima metä del secolo XVI, poiche non erano in grado di asicurare riparo davanti alle continue scorrerie dei Turci. La continuitä della loro presenza a Senj e salvaguardata proprio per mezzo delle case di loro possesso entro le mura della cittä. Un nuovo periodo della storia paolina a Senj incomincia nel 1634., quando venne-ro invitati dal vescovo diocesano Agatić a prender in consegna il convento e la chiesa di San Nocolo, che poco prima erano stati abbandonati dai domenicani. Sull'attivitä di questo convento abbiamo notizie piü frequenti, di cui perö finora e stato pubblica-to poco. Ai paolini di San Nicolo a Senj nel 1725. e stato affidato il ginnasio di Senj, il quale fu da loro gestito fino all'abolizione dell'ordine {1786). Allora si verificarono momenti critici per la scuola. II trasferimento della scuola ai francescani ed a profes-sori laici non ebbe successo duraturo e fini colla chiusura della scuola nel 1803. Alia fine dell'articolo si espongono i dati principali della storia dell'edificio del convento e della chiesa di San Nicolö. Vengono elencati alcuni elementi piu noti dell'in-ventario, varie iscrizioni raccolte da I. Kukuljević prima della distruzione degli edifici stessi, avvenuta nel 1874. Nella chiesa parrochale di Punat nell'isola di Krk (Veglia) ancor oggi si pud vedere l'altare maggiore della chiesa, al duomo di Senj invece e stato trasportato l'altare collaterale con la statua della Pietä (Madonna di sette dolori). La posizione del convento e della chiesa nella piazza oggi chiamata Trg Oslobođenja.
More...Keywords: terminology; terms; terminologisation; method; approach; Bulgarian language
This paper focuses on the lack of a clear distinction between the terms method and approach in Bulgarian linguistic literature, which are used synonymously in most publications. The only serious attempt at distinguishing between them was made by M. Popova. Based on an analysis of a variety of (mostly dictionary) definitions of the two terms, the article identifies three primary distinctive features that differentiate them. This makes it possible for the two concepts to be distinguished from one another, and for the general-lexis item approach to be redefined as a term. Thus, method and approach are differentiated as two distinct, non-synonymous terms.
More...Keywords: Udmurt; Udmurt culture; magic specialists; healers; magic practice; folk medicine;
This article* is dedicated to special people whom their community marked as having secret knowledge and magic power, and who belong of the institution of the initiated. My main sources are my field materials, interviews with these magic specialists, gathered between 2010 and 2021. My fieldwork data reveal that some healers have magic abilities from childhood, while others received them when they give birth or after some particular event in their lives. Some of these people specialise in and heal only particular ailments (for example of children), while others cure a wide range of diseases and difficulties. Some have special buildings to receive their visitors. The communities of which these personalities are part have ambiguous feelings towards them, and thus they become marginalised. As examples, I present the characters and describe the activities of seven women healers. I attempt to analyse precise examples of magic and social interaction within the relationships between the community and the magic specialist, and to investigate the understanding of the world that these healers have. To date there has been no focus on the personal and subjective aspect of this question, as well as to the socially regulative aspect: most publications so far have mainly emphasised the magic and mythological aspects.