Suvremena znanost i prokreativne tehnike
Author(s): Bakir Mehić / Language(s): Bosnian
/ Issue: 1/2007
Keywords: cloning; extra uterine fertilization; stem cells; fetal transplantation; ethical implications
In this essay the author depicts techniques of cloning, extra-uterine fertilization, extraction and use of stem cells, fetal transplantation and brings out some ethical dilemmas concerning these procedures.
Cloning is an insertion of cell nucleus stemming from somatic cells (skin, muscles and similar) into ovular cell from which it was removed. If returned into uterus, such cell grows into fetus which is genetic copy of adult being from which somatic cell of the respective nucleus has been taken. On the other side, creation of identical twins represents the kind of cloning where fertilized ovum splits into 2, 4, 8 and so on cells (blastula). In laboratories, dissolves the zone of pellucid or membrane which keeps together the respective group of cells. Blastula cells separate and each cell in the upcoming series of multiplication behaves as an ovum properly fertilized, what means that each cell develops into fetus with identical genetic content. A prohibition of such procedure is necessary due to obvious following moral values:
- marriage as an institution presenting fundamental unit of social community should be preserved;
- human cloning contradicts natural process of reproduction;
- the size of damage supersedes possible advantages; this would include interruption of lineage, family relations and social structure of humans
- prevention of social, moral, psychological and legal complications of cloned humans;
- possibility of manipulating the dynamics of male and female population and so on.
In case of therapeutic cloning, the cloned embryo is not being implanted into uterus but is used for creation of stem cells. These cells are primordial and therefore able to develop into different types of cells. The purpose is, by cloning an embryo and by using it to create stem cells, to enable providing “reserve tissues and organs” which the donor of respective nucleus could use without any danger that his immunity system could reject these tissues and organs. Any use of stem cells produced from embryo is sharply disputed in biology and religion. Main problem is: when does the life commence?
- Are ova and spermatozoids persons?
- When products of conception do become persons?
- Does zygote enjoy fully human rights?
- Does fetus have a soul?
As a result of artificial fertilization of infertile couples, in Great Britain are being born every year about 6000 babies. Regarding the marriage community we discern two kinds of fertilization: homologous insemination provides conception through implantation into a wife of sperm taken from her own husband; heterologous fertilization provides conception through sexual cells of persons where at least one of them is not in the respective marriage.