Review Essays : The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire
Review Essays : The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire
THE GRAND STRATEGY OF THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE* Edward N. Luttwak Massachusetts/London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2009, 512 pp., ISBN: 978-0-674-03519-5. For scholars and policy makers interested in military history and strategic studies, the Roman Empire with its glorious army and wellstructured state apparatus has always been the center of attention. However, the Eastern Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire -despite having successfully survived for almost another millennium after the fall of Rome- has been mostly neglected by the same until recently. Edward Luttwak himself tells the reader that when he first began to study the Byzantine strategy, his intention was to write a sequel to an earlier work of his on the Roman Empire;1 but “[what] ensued instead was the discovery of an altogether richer body of strategy than the earlier Romans had ever possessed, which called for a vastly greater effort of research and composition.”2 Therefore, it took the writer some two decades to finish his work on the Byzantine strategy, and the product can be said to have quite surpassed his previous book on the Roman Empire, both as to its volume and content.