Father Arsenie Papacioc and the proper arrangement of spiritual life. Glimpses of his experiences in the communist prisons
Father Arsenie Papacioc and the proper arrangement of spiritual life. Glimpses of his experiences in the communist prisons
Keywords: Father Arsenie Papacioc; communist regime; prisons; wilderness; spiritual life; Orthodox Church; monastic life; The Burning Bush Movement (Mișcarea Rugul Aprins);
Father Arsenie Papacioc lived his life in the middle of many transformations ofthe Romanian nation, passing from the “fascination” of the Legionary Movementto “the foolishness” of monastic life. He had the experience of the prisons ofdifferent periods of the regimes in Romania, but also of the wilderness, getting torepresent the life of the Orthodox Church prior to, under and after thecommunism. For this reason, Father Arsenie’s life is intertwined with the lives ofmany remarkable cultural, political and especially ecclesial characters of thehistory of the Romanian society, from the Patriarch Justinian to theArchimandrites Cleopa Ilie and Ioanichie Bălan, from the community of themonasteries Cozia, Tismana (Cioclovina Skete), Sihăstria, Antim, Slatina, Neamț,Cheia, Căldărușani, Dintr-un Lemn, Cernica and Techirghiol to the members ofthe Burning Bush Movement, from the multitude of believers to hierarchs of theOrthodox Church of Romania, from the parish of Filea de Jos (then Filea de Sus,as well) and those of Orthodox faith to those of other religious denominations andconvictions. Thus, Father Arsenie marked the epoch he lived in by the properarrangement of his spiritual life at the measure of holiness, receiving manycharismata from the God glorified as the Holy Trinity.