Implementacija inkluzivnog obrazovnog modela u školi
Implementation Of The Inclusive Educational Model In Schools
Keywords: school; inclusive education; children with the need for special social support
This paper deals with the potential of the school context in the process of implementation of the inclusive model of education as an integral part of reforming the school system. This work shows the significance of the legal regulations; as a base framework for the introduction of inclusion into schools. From a critical aspect; matters are analyzed and considered; regarding their potentials of the school context in the realization of the goals and tasks of inclusion. The central part of this work is about the real possibilities of schools to answer the need and the challenges of the reformation of the school system in the area of inclusive education; and in a sense; analyzing the advantages; strengths and weaknesses that comprise the everyday life in schools. Through the example and analysis of theoretical examinations and research on introducing inclusion into the school praxis up to now; the necessary changes in the school context are pointed out. Thus; we conclude that the implementation of inclusion makes for the starting grounds to create an inclusive society; wherein changes in schools are a priority.