Social and economic development of the Lublin voivodeship
Author(s): Maria Miczyńska-Kowalska / Language(s): English
/ Issue: 41/2019
Keywords: social development; economic development; Lublin Voivodeship; agriculture; tourism; human capital;
Relevance of research topic. Development is determined by consecutive social and structural formations that describe economic systems of particular societies, religion, features of the social structure, demographic factors, discoveries, inventions, culture diffusions, social movements. In the 21st century, the global economy has been subject to changes. Currently, greater attention is drawn to knowledge, modern technologies and innovations. Development consists of many factors, e.g. geographical location, natural resources, financial capital, human capital, use of modern technologies, government policy. The Lublin Voivodeship is one of the poorest developing regions of Poland. Subject of research. This paper is about the social and economic development of the Lublin Voivodeship. Purpose. Theoretical and practical analysis of theoretical and practical dimensions of the social and economic development based on the example of Lublin Voivodeship. Methods. Analysis of statistical data correlated with an analysis of literature sources. Study results. So far the Lublin Voivodeship has been mainly an agricultural region. The lack of well-developed industrialisation and land fragmentation are conditioned by the situation from before ages. The Lublin region is also relatively poorly developed with regard to infrastructure. Migrations from the region also pose a threat. Its great potential in the form of academic facilities and tourism constitutes its advantage. Application of results. Research of economic and social development problems, regional studies, educational process. Conclusions according to the article. Long-term development of the Lublin region should be based on its identified advantages. As data show, they include agricultural production, well-educated employees and tourist assets of the region. The 2014-2020 Strategy for the Lublin Voivodeship Development establishes four strategic directions of activities: strengthening of the region's urban development; restructuring of agriculture and development of rural areas; selective increase in the potential of knowledge, technological advancement, regional entrepreneurship; functional, both spatial and social (cultural) integration of the region. A part of solutions introducing changes should be initiated at the local, self-governmental level. Activities aimed at the development of subregional towns, connected with transfer of some services from Lublin, which already has the good development potential, are important. Use of support at the regional level and use of the EU funds under implemented programmes are necessary.