Analysis of the legal framework of assisting selected vulnerable groups in their relations with institutions
Анализ на правната рамка на подпомагането на избрани уязвими групи при взаимоотношенията им с институциите
Within the framework of the initiative Civic organizations: a Guarantee for Equal Rights of Vulnerable Groups before the State of the Center for the Study of Democracy the legal analysis of the relations with institutions of four selected vulnerable groups – prisoners, persons, seeking special protection, and refugees, victims of trafficking and domestic violence – outlines the most common judicial and administrative procedures, in which they are involved. The elements of the proceedings are looked at, as well as the options to challenge the decisions of state authorities and the legal and practical mechanisms, by which NGOs can participate. Notably, in a number of areas the state relies substantially on civic organizations, while in others the relationship of institutions and NGOs is still being built.