Expression of Interpersonal Meaning in Conversation
Expression of Interpersonal Meaning in Conversation
Keywords: functional systemic approach; everyday conversation; interpersonal meaning; modality, ellipsis.
The present article analyses everyday conversation within the framework of functional systemic approach. The aim of the article is to look at different linguistic means which help to establish relationship between speakers in everyday communication. The study attempts to show that the discursive reality of conversation and the roles people implicitly take upon themselves even when talking with their equals can be reflected through grammatical and lexical choices they consciously or unconsciously make during communication. Two recorded and transcribed naturally occurring conversations are analysed. The conversations were recorded in the US and take place between co-workers during lunch breaks. Each conversation involves two speakers. The participants are both males and females and are comparable in their education. Yet the main difference between them is the age factor (one male participant is 8 years older than his female interlocutor). The analysis has shown that the linguistic choices made by the speakers demonstrate equality of status and solidarity in the second conversation (where both speakers are of the same age) and some lack of reciprocity and distance in the first one (where the older male speakers dominates the conversation while the younger participant plays a more supporting role). A conclusion could be made that the decisive factor in this asymmetry in talk is the age factor since other factors – education and social status at work – are equal.