Ekumeniczna epoka błogosławionego papieża Jana Pawła II
Keywords: John Paul II; ecumenism; great ecumenists; ecumenical dialogue; ecumenical event
Over a quarter of a year of the pontificate of blessed Pope John Paul II constitutes the whole ecumenical epoch, filled by intensive ecumenical doctrinal dialogues, events and encounters. John Paul II – who ascended the Petrine See 13 years after the Second Vatican Council – like his predecessor Pope Paul VI undertook the conciliar deed of restoring the Christian unity. John Paul II launched the ecumenical dialogue of the Roman Catholic Church with Orthodoxy. During his apostolic visits to various countries often met the heads of non Catholic Churches and Church Communities. He also frequently received in Vatican representants of Christian non Roman Catholic world. John Paul II also laid the foundations for the ecumenical dialogue drawing its main lines in his encyclical letters Redemptor hominis and Ut unum sint. Pope did not hesitate to describe the ecumenical engagement as an “imperative of Christian conscience”. The blessed Pope was acting according to his conviction expressed in his apostolic letter Novo millennio ineuntei that theological discussions, cooperation in charity initiatives and above all the great ecumenism of sanctity cannot fail, but with God’s help will bring good results. By his pontificate he confirmed and strengthened the Roman Catholic Church on its ecumenical path of rebuilding the visible unity.