Published by: UNIUNEA TINERETULUI COMUNIST COMITETUL / CENTRAL CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUNIST YOUTH ORGANISATION Content: Făurirea societăţii socialiste multilateral dezvoltate (Ion Mitran)/ Building the multilaterally developed socialist society (Ion Mitran) Partidul şi tineretul. P.C.R. — conducător şi îndrumător al tineretului, al organizaţiei sale revoluţionare (Ion Iuga)/Party and Youth. P.C.R. - Leader and mentor of the Youth, his revolutionary organization (Ion Yuga) Direcţiile dezvoltării industriei româneşti stabilite de Congresul al X-lea şi Conferinţa Naţională ale partidului (Nicoară Ionescu)/Romanian Industry Development. Directions set by the Tenth Congress and the National Conference of the Party (Nicoară Ionescu) Perspectivele agriculturii româneşti în societatea socialistă multilateral dezvoltată. Locul, rolul şi importanţa agriculturii în făurirea unei economii moderne (prof. univ. Sabin Nica-Sîrbeşti)/Romanian agriculture prospects in the multilaterally developed socialist society. Place, role and importance of agriculture in building a modern economy (prof. Dr. Sabin Nica- Sîrbeşti) Dezvoltarea învăţămîntului, ştiinţei şi culturii, factor hotărîtor al progresului multilateral al patriei socialiste (Constanţa Bărboi)/ Development of education, science and culture, a decisive factor in the multilateral progress of the socialist homeland (Constanta Bărboi)
More...Keywords: Democratic institutions; Transnistria conflict; capacity of administration; juridical system; economic reforms; foreign trade; human traffic; migration; border control;
The reports in the "Euromonitor" series aim at independent and objective monitoring of the implementation process of the Republic of Moldova - European Union Action Plan. The actions adopted and implemented by both signatories of the Plan will be monitored quarterly. The action plan is a complex document, structured in 7 chapters, which provides for the implementation of about 300 actions, some defined more or less precisely, others very ambiguous. Unable to monitor such a complex document, the authors of "Euromonitor" focused on priority actions, identified in the Action Plan itself.
More...Keywords: Democratic institutions; Transnistria conflict; capacity of administration; juridical system; economic reforms; foreign trade; social development; human traffic; migration; border control;
The reports in the "Euromonitor" series aim at independent and objective monitoring of the implementation process of the Republic of Moldova - European Union Action Plan. The actions adopted and implemented by both signatories of the Plan will be monitored quarterly. The action plan is a complex document, structured in 7 chapters, which provides for the implementation of about 300 actions, some defined more or less precisely, others very ambiguous. Unable to monitor such a complex document, the authors of "Euromonitor" focused on priority actions, identified in the Action Plan itself.
More...Keywords: Democratic institutions; Transnistria conflict; capacity of administration; juridical system; economic reforms; foreign trade; social development; human traffic; migration; border control;
The reports in the "Euromonitor" series aim at independent and objective monitoring of the implementation process of the Republic of Moldova - European Union Action Plan. The actions adopted and implemented by both signatories of the Plan will be monitored quarterly. The action plan is a complex document, structured in 7 chapters, which provides for the implementation of about 300 actions, some defined more or less precisely, others very ambiguous. Unable to monitor such a complex document, the authors of "Euromonitor" focused on priority actions, identified in the Action Plan itself.
More...Keywords: Democratic institutions; Transnistria conflict; capacity of administration; juridical system; economic reforms; foreign trade; social development; human traffic; migration; border control;
The reports in the "Euromonitor" series aim at independent and objective monitoring of the implementation process of the Republic of Moldova - European Union Action Plan. The actions adopted and implemented by both signatories of the Plan will be monitored quarterly. The action plan is a complex document, structured in 7 chapters, which provides for the implementation of about 300 actions, some defined more or less precisely, others very ambiguous. Unable to monitor such a complex document, the authors of "Euromonitor" focused on priority actions, identified in the Action Plan itself.
More...Keywords: Democratic institutions; Transnistria conflict; capacity of administration; juridical system; economic reforms; foreign trade; social development; human traffic; migration; border control;
The reports in the "Euromonitor" series aim at independent and objective monitoring of the implementation process of the Republic of Moldova - European Union Action Plan. The actions adopted and implemented by both signatories of the Plan will be monitored quarterly. The action plan is a complex document, structured in 7 chapters, which provides for the implementation of about 300 actions, some defined more or less precisely, others very ambiguous. Unable to monitor such a complex document, the authors of "Euromonitor" focused on priority actions, identified in the Action Plan itself.
More...Keywords: Democratic institutions; Transnistria conflict; capacity of administration; juridical system; economic reforms; foreign trade; social development; migration; border control;
The reports in the "Euromonitor" series aim at independent and objective monitoring of the implementation process of the Republic of Moldova - European Union Action Plan. The actions adopted and implemented by both signatories of the Plan will be monitored quarterly. The action plan is a complex document, structured in 7 chapters, which provides for the implementation of about 300 actions, some defined more or less precisely, others very ambiguous. Unable to monitor such a complex document, the authors of "Euromonitor" focused on priority actions, identified in the Action Plan itself.
More...Keywords: voting intentions;trust in political leaders;administrative problems;
Survey conducted on 182 inhabitants of the commune. It measured the confidence of the candidates for mayor, the voting intentions, the seriousness of the administrative problems, the qualities and defects of the candidates.
More...Keywords: slogans;campaign themes;evaluation of political leaders;party evaluation;electoral behaviors;
The research was conducted in September 2018 based on 3 focus groups in which 28 people participated. The study aimed to evaluate the perception of the Dăncilă government, the evaluation of President Klaus Iohannis, Traian Băsescu, Eugen Tomac, Ludovic Orban, Dan Barna, the perception of PMP, PNL, USR, PSD, of the topics that will be debated in the campaign for the European elections. political relations, attitude towards the PMP, intention to vote for referendums on issues such as: no criminals in public office, the union of Moldova with Romania, electronic voting.
More...Keywords: administrative issues;trust in political leaders;voting intentions;
The survey was conducted on May 13, 2017 on a sample of 217 adults living in the city. He measured how the population perceives the involvement of the mayor’s office in various administrative issues, trust in local political leaders, voting intentions in local elections, the perception of local party organizations.
More...In this brief analysis we will make an attempt to "scan" the circumstances specific to this year's BAC by elucidating the arguments of the promoters and opponents of the formula proposed by the MoE. We will also try to follow the path of the actions taken by the competent authorities in the management of the BAC and to investigate to what extent they are in line with the institutional discourse. Finally, we will try to identify possible solutions and their long-term implications on improving the situation in relation to the management of the BAC.
More...Keywords: educational system in Republic of Moldova; educational system in Transnistria;
The purpose of this study is not to analyze the good or bad parts of the two educational systems on both banks of the Dniester River, but to highlight the differences between them and, at the same time, to find certain points of tangency.
More...Keywords: Romani language; Use of Romani in education and media; linguistic pluralism; ethnic minority studies;
The past decade has seen the emergence of linguistic pluralism in the use of Romani in institutions such as media and education: language codification is primarily regional, targeting a regional audience. Regional initiatives are autonomous and implement their own solutions. At the same time, an international network of Romani language codification activities is emerging - through meetings, correspondence, exchange of publications, and via the internet. The question facing agencies engaged in language policy is how to pursue networking and international collaboration, while taking into account the de-centralised achievements of the past decade. The practical way forward is to adopt linguistic pluralism as a policy: to support regional initiative and creativity, while also strengthening international networking efforts and exchange. Collective ownership of language will thus encompass a web of language varieties, and not just one single form of the language. Such a policy fits the specific Romani situation of a trans-national minority with dispersed, regional centres of cultural and public life. It is also suitable for the young generation of language users, who are accustomed to trial & error, individual creativity and flexibility in their use of written language in new communication technologies such as text-messages, internet chat-rooms and email.
More...Keywords: The Marian Apparition; Seuca/Szőkefalva; Religious and Ethnical Interferences; Inter-ethnic and Denominational co-existence;
Situated on the border of Latin and Orthodox Christianity, in a region where the infrastructural and the economical possibilities were limited, the Romanian village Seuca became an internationally known place for pilgrimage due to a blind Gypsy women's public visions about Virgin Mary in the first years of the new millennium. The author presents both the history of the ethnical and confessional co-existence in the village and the economical and social problems which affected the whole community. Then, the attitudes towards the apparition of the different denominations will be highlighted by presenting also the way the seer attempts to question the different denominational opinions. The legitimating strategies of a gypsy woman influenced very much the aspects of Virgin Mary vision from Seuca.
More...Keywords: Anthropology; Inter-ethnic relations; ethnicity and economics; Stigmatized ethnicity; gender inequality;
By summing up the literature of social anthropology the article provides a broader perspective on the proposed theme. It is especially important that by translating this study Romanian readers have the chance to get acquainted with a small segment of the scientific activity of the researcher. The study of stigmatized ethnicity, gender inequality and precarious work signed by Enikő Vincze, professor of anthropology and gender studies at Babeş-Bolyai University, is a text based on research into social exclusion, multiple discrimination in an East European context, with a look focused on Roma women. Activist research along with the involvement of the researcher in the work of several civic organizations provides a new insight into the current scientific field.
More...Keywords: Audit culture; State-ruled education; Romania; Roma population; School elite; School history; educational inequalities;
However segregation and discrimination are very important factors that block access of Roma to quality education, there are a series of less visible phenomena also responsible for school inequalities. Aim of this paper is to understand how some of these sophisticatedly linked factors lead to the making of a "Gypsy school" in a Romanian town, a school with low educational performance and bad fame. In doing so, the notion of audit culture is introduced, understood as a set of culturally mediated norms and practices of ranking. As this approach comes into sight, one may understand how - despite the commitment shown by the Romanian policy-makers to facilitate school integration of the Roma - a series of regulations unwittingly obstruct this aim. As it is revealed below, the framing of the national financing policies may involuntarily lead to tracking the Roma children into certain schools, where - in lack of a variety of teaching materials, refined testing and a clear system of rewarding the teacher's performance - quality education becomes a hard-to-reach target. The contextuality of the bad label of a "Gypsy school" is also relevant in this research as it is either a resource, or a stigma depending of the situation.
More...Keywords: Rural farming; Transylvanian settlement; Pluriactivity and diversification; Agricultural activities; Small farms; Sheep farms;
The article analyzes the changes occurred in a Transylvanian village farming. First part of the paper focuses on the economic and social frameworks and context of the rural farming. The main part of the analysis based on the theoretical concepts of pluriactivity, diversification and food self-provisioning and the conceptualization of the special literature analyzes the economic strategies of a Romanian village, seeking to present a typology based on nature of economic strategies. The author argues that the main strategy is pluriactivity, however the limited forms of diversification are also present in the farming patterns of the village, which mark a shift toward a more specialized, profit-oriented farming. Near this strategies the food self-provisioning is also present, what is more there has appeared new ideologies and meanings regarding to food very well known mostly from the western countries' alternative food networks.
More...please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1938
More...Keywords: health-care system in Moldova;
Each country, depending on its historical course, state concept and economic development, has developed its own health system. Despite the fact that health systems are so diverse, they also have a lot in common, because they essentially perform the same functions and have the same goals. Thus, under certain conditions the exchange of experience between countries on solving similar problems or how to respond to common challenges are very useful. For the Republic of Moldova – a state in transition from a society based on state ownership and a centralized economy, the experience of other states on this subject is even more important because it can be used in the process of reforming the health system. // The purpose of this study is to contribute to the openness of the health system by providing an integrative view of the transparency of the health system and highlight the results and the way the system is financed and managed. Thus, the study addresses topics related to the functionality of the system as a whole, and less the specific areas of the health system. The study contains 5 basic chapters, the introduction and a chapter of conclusions and general recommendations. Each core chapter contains in turn a subchapter of specific conclusions and recommendations.