Hannah Arendt: Selected Bibliography
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Hannah Arendt: Selected Bibliography
More...Hannah Arendt: Selected Bibliography
More...Keywords: higher education in Russia; education issues; economics courses; crowdfunding
Speaking about the modern stage of higher education development in Russia, the reality is the following: the number of budget places for students of economics courses is gradually decreasing. The development of a higher educational institution depends on competent administrative decisions in the sphere of support of those students who have to pay for their studies, are eager to study and exercise the profession after getting a degree. In the article the problems of economics courses in Russian higher educational institutions are considered, the task of using crowdfunding mechanisms in financing of higher education students’ contracts with full recovery of tuition fees is touched upon.
More...Keywords: solar panels; efficiency; costs; seaside; coverage levels
Energy forms the basis for the economic development of any country and plays a significant role in improving the quality of life of the people living there. The importance of energy is apparent in almost every aspect of development and historical data reveals that there is a significant relation between the availability of energy and the economic activity. Though fossil fuel had played a significant and reliable role in this regard but its relentless use over a period of time had created serious problems of climate change. The use of renewable energy especially solar energy in power generation as well as in domestic and building application has gained significant appreciation worldwide to meet the goals of sustainable development and environment conservation. The EU politics support developing this area and introduce mandatory levels of renewable energy productions that raise every 10 years. As an EU member, Romania has the obligation to respect those and invest in developing this area. The Romanian seaside climate is the most appropriate for using the solar panels at full potential in our country. This paper shows the possibility and the limits of adapting a solar thermal energy supply for the energy requirement of a consumer. The simulation done in this study uses the monthly method to estimate the total coverage levels of solar installations. In order to do the simulation, a consumer with a H=16000 W/K for heating and a H=689 W/K for the hot water supply where used. This correspond to the need of energy of 80 apartments for the heating and hot water supply. The monthly intakes of solar energy where calculated and they showed how much renewable energy this kind of system could produce. The monthly coverage levels as well as monthly efficiency are shown in this article in order to fully express the solar usage for the specific consumer. This study used a kc=3 for thermal solar panels and the fallowing characteristics for it: F’ = 0.9; α = 0.9; τ = 0.85; GC = 50 l/m2h; v = V/SC = 50 l/m2. For the heat exchange the fallowing where used: SS = 0,1∙SC and kS = 600 W/m2K. In order to fully maximize the solar energy gains a case with the value for H/kc∙Sc=1 was completed for the hot water supply, as well as a case with a value H/kc∙Sc=5 for heating. The results show that solar panels have good efficiency in this area because of specific climate with warm and sunny days. The year efficiency of the system is much lower than the real efficiency of this setup because of the fact there are periods when the total power produced is much higher than the need of heating or hot water supply. In other words, for the sunny days with high temperature the system produces thermal energy that the consumer cannot use, thus decreasing the efficiency. The difference between the different locations chosen is relatively small, which determine that the values obtained in this study to be universal for the whole seaside area. The results encourage using a solar thermal system on the seaside area. Because of the seasonal occupation and increase of population during the Summer, the seaside area of Romania proves to be the most convenient zone where solar panels should be used to produce thermal energy. And the fact that most buildings are not occupied during winter times offers the opportunity so that this system can be designed in order to achieve just the demand of hot water supply during the Summer. This will lower the cost and surfaces of the needed solar surface which is making the system adaptable for every kind of application.
More...Keywords: : resilience; state failure index (SFI); Weak Signals; International Futures; European security; integrated systems.
This paper underlines some directions for measuring the resilience of European Union in the field of Security, achieved through analysis and extrapolation of several indicators released by the International Futures with Pardee Program1: (1) the state failure index (SFI),(2) the technology power (TP), (3) the threat sent to the rest of the world (TSRW) and (4) the threat received from the rest of the world (TRRW). The paper starts from the assumption that resilience represents a tool for shaping efficiency in European Security. The results of projected indexes in 2035 reveals the need for a commonly shaped resilience framework. The research shows that the increased technological development and innovation capacity will generate potential disruptive technologies with applications in the field of security and defence. Finally,the paper takes into account four Weak Signals for shaping a more mature and a more resilient Union in 2035
More...Keywords: risk; risk management methods; bankruptcy and financial standing models;
In modern management risk has management become an inevitable part of financial management. Company financial health is evaluated by financial standing and bankruptcy models. Article analyzes the selected financial standing and bankruptcy models in terms of their predictability and based on the results of this analysis suggests a new model for evaluation of financial risks in the corporate sector.
More...Keywords: dividend policy; dividends; information asymmetry; dividend irrelevance theory; dividend payout; dividend growth;
The paper focuses on impact of selected factors on the dividend policy of joint-stock company. Especially, there are analyzed the factors like information asymmetry, managerial signaling motives and preferences of controlling stockholders. At the beginning of the paper, different types of the dividend policies are characterized. Then individual factors, which havean influence on dividend policy, are presented, including level of the influence.
More...Keywords: Turkey; migration; identity; diaspora; human resources; qualified Turkish diaspora; Germany; GDP;
Türkiye’nin 2005-2015 yılları arasındaki ekonomik performansına bakıldığında, reel GSYH’nin yaklaşık yıllık ortalama %4 arttığı, kamu borç stokunun %67,7’den %36,3’e gerilediği, bütçe açığının %10’dan %3’ün altına düştüğü ve kişi başına düşen milli gelirinin 4.565 ABD dolarından 9.177 ABD dolarına çıktığı görülmektedir. Aynı dönemde ihracat gelirlerinin 47 milyar ABD dolarından 152 milyar ABD dolarına, turizm gelirlerinin ise 14 milyar ABD dolarından 31,465 milyar ABD dolarına ulaşmıştır. Bu durum Türkiye’yi Avrupa Birliği Bölgesi’ndeki 6. büyük ekonomi, dünyanın ise 17. büyük ekonomisi konumuna gelmiştir. Son dönemlerde ekonomi alanında gösterilen bu ilerlemenin ardından Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, kuruluşunun 100. Yılında denk gelen 2023 yılında dünyanın en büyük 10. ve Avrupa’nın en büyük 3. ekonomisi olma hedefini belirlemiştir. Bu doğrultuda milli gelirini 2 trilyon dolara, kişi başına düşen milli gelirini 25 bin dolara ve ihracatını da 500 milyar dolara çıkarmayı hedeflemektedir. Ancak ülkenin mevcut üretim stratejisini değerlendiren bilim insanları ve politika yapıcılar mevcut üretim sistemiyle belirlenen hedeflerin yakalanmasının son derece zor olduğunu belirtmekte ve ülkenin önündeki en önemli sorunun ARGE yatırımlarındaki ve bilgi üretimindeki yetersizlik ve üretilen bilginin ticarileştirilememesi olduğunu savunmaktadırlar.
More...Keywords: art documentary; internationally; renowned Chinese artist; Ai Weiwei; migration crisis; migrants;
Human Flow, an art documentary by the internationally renowned Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, offers a widely seen example of the role of the artist as a witness to the current migration crisis. This paper analyses how state-seeking can be studied in the context of migration through the concept of representation and reality in an art documentary. I consider how Ai Weiwei’s film represents the lives of undocumented migrants and then expand the discussion through two contrasting interviews with other artists making work on the same issues, asking them about their opinions, attitudes and approaches to state-seeking. The main aim of this paper is to re-assess the role of art and consider whether its representations can raise greater awareness of the political and social changes which are needed to support migrants.
More...Keywords: Criminal Code; physical health; phenomenon;
The criminal law is composed of the regulations which are meant to protect the fundamental social values of a society. Also, this branch of the law has the purpose to apply sanctions to crimes committed and to prevent the appearance of future cases. In regards to the current situation generated by the pandemic, the main social value which requires attention is the right for health protection, to be more precise the possibility of an individual to maintain its health without exposure to dangerous factors. As it is the case in every society, there are persons which are not able to understand the danger represented by a certain phenomenon, a similar case which we could refer to is the drug dealing and the illegal human trafficking. These two examples can be compared to the current global pandemic, since they present similarity in the proportion and frequency, at last, the virus being more harmful at this point. When such scenarios become reality the criminal law provides ways of working in order to solve cases that are represented by the misconduct of certain subjects of the law. Considering the present conditions, analysis and therefore, understanding of the regulations provided by the Romanian Criminal Code is necessary in these times of hardships.
More...Keywords: public health; human rights; pandemics
The article presents some aspects of the recent past of the pandemic with COVID-19, namely during 2020, either from a state of emergency or from a state of alert that was established in Romania. The exceptional situation still found around the world has led public authorities to take unprecedented action and to quickly develop a legal framework to implement these measures. The regulations adopted were not without ambiguities or ambiguities, which is why, in this study we set out to present some examples, namely: the situation of homeless people, rail passenger transport, restricting traffic exclusively in the metropolitan area, protection of chronic patients and not only. The aim of the research is to identify solutions to improve the legislation starting from concrete cases, but also to present the difficulties that the Romanian state authorities have faced and continue to face, in some cases and what solution has often been brought for balancing the relationship between rights and prohibitions, in the context of the need to protect public health by restricting individual rights and freedoms.
More...Keywords: reporting; non-financial information; EU directive
The article attempts to summarize the proposals of the European Commission to change the reporting of non-financial information and to identify possible problems in the transportation of the directive in Republic of Bulgaria.
More...Keywords: the increasing number of CT scans; leukaemia; brain cancer; the ALARA approach;
Goal: To determine the consequences of excessive use of CT in everyday clinical practice with special emphasis on pediatric patients. Background: Although, CT is a sovereign diagnostic method, its excessive use in clinical practice raises concerns about the possible risk for the development of malignant diseases incurred as a direct result of exposure to ionizing radiation by CT devices. The concern is even more increased in pediatric patients, due to their radiosensitivity. Methods: Review of recent literature and analysis of retrospective studies. Discussion: A study of 180,000 respondents younger than 22 years in the UK in the period between 1985 – 2002, conducted by Pearce and associates shows that the cumulative radiation dose of 50 mGy in children triples the risk of developing leukaemia, while the cumulative dose of 60 mGy nearly triples the risk of developing brain cancer. A study conducted in Australia between 1985 – 2005 within 11 million patients age 0-19, Mathews and associates observed the occurrence of malignant diseases for 10 years after completion of CT scans. They proved that the incidence of malignant diseases in children exposed to ionizing radiation is 24% higher than in unexposed children. Rice and associates13 calculated that one of 1,000 children who perform CT scan will get sick from cancer. Conclusion: The occurrence of expected number of cancer diseases created as a direct result of exposure to ionizing radiation by CT apparatus can be reduced up to 62% if the radiation dosage and all unnecessary indicated CT examinations are reduced.
More...Keywords: Polski Ład;system podatkowy;PIT;finanse publiczne;budżet państwa;tax expenditures;
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to present the scope and importance of Polish Deal on the public finance sector. Design/methodology/approach: The disponible data on Polish Deal impact assessment will be analysed in terms of the impact on public finance sector. Findings: Polish Deal is one of the most important changes in the Polish tax and contribution system with an impact of PLN 26 688 million. Set of changes constituting a Polish Deal impacted most heavily on local governments budgets, less on central budget while the National Health Fund benefited the most. However, this does not involve clear impact on the spendings for health system in Poland. An informal and formal legislative procedure had a greatest impact on the configuration and cost of Polish Deal. One of the most important consequences of Polish Deal in terms of public finance sector was also the total change of the income tax expenditures.
More...Keywords: poverty line; politics of poverty measurement; social assistance; National Recovery and Resilience Plan
The reform of the minimum income schemes is a mandatory requirement if Bulgaria wants to get full access to the funds under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The draft reform design envisages that the monthly social assistance benefits will be based on the national poverty line. However, this approach exposes the objectives of the reform to significant risks, as it ignores the weaknesses of the national poverty line legislation.
More...Keywords: Schelter; Johann Gottfried; type-cutter; Schilling von Canstadt; printing pioneer; Manchu typography; Tibetan printing
The short letters to the Russian-German printing pioneer concern a Manchu font cut by Johann Gottfried Schelter, and mainly deal with the reasons why Schelter was late finishing his work. Thus a few details regarding the font, including, not insignificantly, the price, are revealed. An old riddle is solved, namely Rémusat’s statement that Carl Tauchnitz simultaneously had a Manchu font cut that was designed by Julius Klaproth. In addition, Schilling’s and Schelter’s role in the printing of three Tibetan texts is discussed.
More...Keywords: common knowledge; lifelong learning; pedagogical theories; science education;
Formal science education is the last stage of acquiring scientific knowledge for most people. They rely on the knowledge acquired at school for the rest of their lives. Therefore, it is important that formal education changes students' colloquial knowledge into scientific knowledge and is correct. The study decided to test three situations. In the first one, it was examined whether formal education actually displaces colloquial knowledge of students. In the second, the level of knowledge acquired at school was compared with the level of extracurricular knowledge. The third examined the durability of knowledge acquired at school, i.e. can school knowledge be changed, e.g. through advertising or popular science publications? The main hypothesis of the research was the assumption that school knowledge eliminates erroneous, clichéd beliefs and is permanent over time. The study tested chemical knowledge related to cooking. 472 people participated in the study and an online questionnaire was used. The research built on previous research on the correlation between scientific knowledge and non-scientific beliefs and pedagogical theories on knowledge transfer. The obtained results did not confirm the main hypothesis. Formal school education turned out to be less effective than non-formal education. It seems, therefore, that school education should not focus on facts that students forget and that change during their informal (lifelong) education. Rather, it should focus on the ability to independently construct knowledge.
More...Keywords: qualitative research; primary school; science curriculum; scientific literacy; teachers' conceptions;
Science education objectives in Brazil have evolved over time. Initially, the focus was on creating scientifically literate citizens who could relate scientific concepts to their daily lives. In 2017, the São Paulo City Curriculum for Natural Sciences was introduced to teach students scientific literacy through inquiry-based teaching methods. This study focused on the perceptions of teachers from an primary school in São Paulo who participated by filling out a Google Forms questionnaire. The findings revealed that the majority of participating teachers had undergone curriculum implementation training. While they considered the organization of disciplinary content to be similar to their previous teaching methods, they struggled with implementing inquiry-based teaching strategies and linking scientific content to the United Nation Foundation 2030 sustainable development goals.
More...Keywords: sustainable agriculture; sustainable model; organic production; diversification
Sustainable agricultural models, as an innovative approach, are essential in the transition to a higher degree of sustainability of a healthy and environmentally friendly food system related to the production of high value-added products under the sustainable management of natural resources. The aim of the research is to identify the contribution of organic agriculture to the sustainable management and development of rural areas in the Republic of Bulgaria. The strategic framework for the future development of organic agriculture and the contribution of a sustainable organic production model as a tool for innovative development of the territory are outlined. It is defended the opinion that the innovative development of agribusiness in rural areas, through the application of a sustainable organic production model, is based on the collaboration among the authorities, local communities and business for diversification in the functional use of the territory and optimal utilization of the available resources.