Oscar Wilde, only nominally representing the Victorian Era, remained very much a contrarian in his artistic endeavours, not in the social and political sphere, but rather in the artistic and moral sense. As a representative of aestheticism, he remained under the idealistic theories of John Ruskin, at the same time succumbing to the impressionist visions of Walter Pater and referring to French symbolists. James Joyce, in his aesthetic credo, eschewed the idea of moral renewal in the religious sense, but at the same time heavily alluded to the aesthetic conception rooted in Thomism. Through his extensive use of experimental techniques, which constitute the very essence of modernism, and his use of parody, he presented the history of humanity focusing on the disintegration of language and its primary communication functions. Flann O’Brien, on the other hand, a writer of the late modern period, anticipated the tendencies characteristic of postmodernism and adopted a sceptical attitude towards the epistemological tradition of the Western civilisation. The ambiguity of O’Brien’s prose manifests, among others, in his use of Menippean satire, which the author utilises in order to allude to the narrative characteristic of the 20th-century anti-utopia with post-apocalyptic undertones, at the same time parodying that literary convention.
More...Keywords: Samuel Štefan Osuský; Ľudovít Štúr;
Samuel Štefan Osuský (1888 – 1975) pochádzal z Brezovej (pod Bradlom). Po skončení teologického štúdia pôsobil ako evanjelický kaplán a farár na viacerých miestach Slovenska, od roku 1919 bol profesorom Slovenskej evanjelickej a. v. teologickej akadémie, v rokoch 1933 – 1945 zastával post biskupa Západného dištriktu Evanjelickej cirkvi augsburského vyznania na Slovensku. Okrem teológie sa venoval socioló- gii a psychológii náboženstva, dejinám filozofie a histórii, predovšetkým dejinám evanjelickej cirkvi a evanjelikov, najmä ich úlohe v národnom a kultúrnom živote Slovákov. Jeho cirkevno-náboženská, pedagogická, vedecká, kultúrna a organizačná činnosť bola naozaj mnohostranná. Patril k zakladajúcim členom Učenej spoločnosti Šafárikovej, bol predsedom literárneho a filozofického odboru Matice slovenskej, predsedom Štúrovej evanjelickej spoločnosti, ale aj tajomníkom (a predsedom) Spolku pre zbudovanie pomníka generálovi Milanovi Rastislavovi Štefánikovi na Slovensku (rozumej: Štefánikovej mohyly na Bradle). Angažoval sa aj v ďalších spolkoch a organizáciách cirkevno-náboženské- ho, kultúrneho, vedeckého, či sociálno-charitatívneho zamerania – napr. v roku 1937, teda v čase, kedy už niekoľko rokov zastával úrad dištriktuálneho biskupa, ho za svojho riadneho člena prijala Štefánikova astronomická spoločnosť slovenská, ktorá si kládla za cieľ vybudovanie ľudovej hvezdárne v Bratislave. Ako jeden z najvýznamnejších brezovských rodákov svojej doby bol zvolený za predsedu Vlastivednej spoločnosti Tomáša Tvarožka, rovnako patril k členom rodáckeho spolku s mierne bizarným pomenovaním Cech Tatarov.
More...The article concerns the early political career of Cn. Pompeius Magnus. Clearly, it can be distinguished into three deparate stages. Between 87—84 BC (that is, during the so-called domination Cinnae) Pompey was associated with the Cinnans. This is evidenced by his marriage with Antistia (daughter of P. Antistius) and the involvement of leading Cinnans in the legal proceedings incurred by Pompey after the death of his father, Pompeius Strabo. In the Cinnan camp Pompey did not play an important role due to his young age and limited experience. He was valuable for Cinna, however, because of the influence in Picenum and among veterans of his father.The second stage of Pompey’s career was his activity for the benefit of Sulla. Pompey joinedSulla in 83 BC, fought at his side in the civil war with the Cinnans, and then carried out important military missions in Sicily and Africa. Military achievements strengthened political significance of Pompey in the Republic, and his position increased even more after the celebration of triumph in 81 BC.Between 81—79 BC Pompey gradually moved away from the dictator and strongly tied himself with gens Caecilia. He also began to build his own political base in the Senate. His active participation in political life is proved, for instance, by his support given to M. Aemilius Lepidus — in spite of Sulla — in the consular election of 78 BC. Pompey, however, has not withdrawn from the Sullan camp and after the outbreak of rebellion of Lepidus, sided with the Sullan Senate.
More...In her article, the author reminds an important monograph by Mieczysław Popławski, Political Opinion Journalism in the Age of Caesar and Augustus (1935), and takes up some of the Lublin-based scholar’s reflections regarding the Pompey’s “literary cabinet.” Following Popławski’s findings, she presents the figures of Theophanes — the leader’s trusted adviser; Lenaeus — Pompey’s freedman; and Voltacilius Pitholaus — the biographer of both the Pompeys, that is, Pompey Strabo and Pompey the Great; as well as the polyhistor Marcus Terentius Varo.The author’s primary focus is on those details concerning the figures analysed (or their work)which either have lost their relevance since the publication of M. Popławski’s book 80 years ago, or may today be supplemented, due to the relevant recent findings.
More...Keywords: Višegrad
Testimony report in the LUKIĆ and LUKIĆ case (IT-98-32/1)
More...Keywords: dogs as tools of subversion and transgression;short stories;Edgar A. Poe;Mark Twain;Ambrose Bierce
In this article I will analyze three satirical stories written by Edgar A. Poe, Ambrose Bierce and Mark Twain. The common denominator of them is the presence of dogs and their eccentric subject matter and controversial narrative strategies have for many decades been treated as a major offense against the standards of literary taste. A closer analysis of such thoughtprovoking and critically underrated tales as “Toby Dammit,” “Oil of Dog” or “A Dog’s Tale” makes it evident that their powerful effect is possible thanks to transgression and subversion of generic expectations and aesthetic norms as well as social, political and religious issues that dominated the public discourse in the nineteenth-century United States. Furthermore, what might be perceived as a temporary rebellion or a mere irregularity in the literary oeuvre of three unquestionably canonical nineteenth-century writers is, in fact, a conscious, if risky, attempt on the part of Poe, Twain and Bierce to offer meaningful diagnoses of a society whose values and behaviours appear to be even more disgusting and irrational than the bizarre and often highly disturbing plotlines and extreme experiences in the fictitious worlds they created.
More...Keywords: musica universalis; counterpoint; polyphony; Pythagorean-Platonic cosmogony; continuity
This paper seeks to explain why literary polyphony is not only a formal analogy, as Bakhtin argues, but also a significant offshoot of Western learning. In the myth of Er, the spindle of Necessity (Ananke) represents the universe: when in motion, celestial bodies make music (musica universalis), which is by its very nature polyphonic. Hence, attention is drawn to this concept and its presence into the integrated liberal arts curriculum: from Pythagoras and Plato to Robert Fludd and Kircher. The conclusion is that Dostoevsky’s literary polyphony is not a complete novelty and that his contribution is one of degree rather than kind.
More...Keywords: Yugoslavia; war; BiH; RS; Višegrad; Milan Lukić; Sredoje Lukić; census; demography; ethnic composition; electoral lists; missing persons;
U ovom izvještaju daje se rezime promjena u nacionalnom sastavu stanovništva u opštini Višegrad, u srednjem dijelu istočne Bosne i Hercegovine, u periodu od 1991. do 1997. godine. Svrha izvještaja je da pruži pouzdane demografske statističke podatke koji omogućavaju procjenu vrste i obima tih promjena. Drugo, u izvještaju se razmatraju osnovni demografski profili lica koja su tokom rata nestala u višegradskoj opštini. Cilj istraživanja vezanog za nestala lica je da se pokaže ko su lica koja su nestala i utvrdi da li su ona nestajala u nekim određenim periodima. U ovom izvještaju analiziram tri izvora podataka: Popis stanovništva iz 1991. godine, birački spiskovi iz 1997. godine i spisak nestalih lica koji je sačinio MKCK (izdanje iz 2005. godine) i koristim standardne statističke i demografske metode.
More...Keywords: Gulf Countries; migration; Nepal; Nepali migrant workers;
Nepal is relatively a new entrant to global labour markets. Nevertheless, over the past few decades, a huge portion of its population has migrated abroad for employment, changing the image of Nepal from a country of “global warriors to global workers” (Rajauriya, 2015). In particular, the political change of 1990 that ushered Nepal into a multiparty democracy triggered the globalizing processes. Unlike during the King’s regime, obtaining passports became easier even for general people, affording them more agility and freedom to travel outside the country (Tiwari & Bhattarai, 2011). Further, the government formed after the 1992 elections embraced a policy of fast-paced economic liberalization, connecting Nepal with global economy and global labour markets (Labour Migration for Employment Report: 2014).
More...Keywords: patent (regulation); legal language; text genre; genre structure; pragmatics
The article shows constitutive features of the structural pattern of the lexeme ‘patent’, understood as ‘statutes, legislative acts’ as used in the 18th and the 19th-century Polish. The following nominalizing/verbalizing features are defined as canonical for this structural pattern: 1) sender, 2) recipient, 3) justification for a legal act, 4) content of the regulation, 5) methods of making the law public, 6) spatio-temporal location, 7) locum sigillum and the sender’s signature. Among the secondary features, one can find the following: 1) meta-legal comments, 2) waivers, 3) recitals, 4) law legitimation, 5) indicating the vacatio legis period.
More...Keywords: Adam Stanisław Krasiński;bishop of Kamieniec;Wincenty Krasiński;Krasinski Family
The model of man in the Krasińskis branch of Opinogóra was shaped by two people: Adam Stanisław Krasiński (1714–1800) bishop of Kamieniec and general Wincenty Krasiński (1792–1858). In 1790, when his father passed away, Wincenty Krasiński was only eight years old. At that time, the bishop of Kamieniec Adam Stanisław Krasiński took over the care of the boy. Now wonder, it was Adam Stanisław who formed the idea of man in the young Wincenty. Adam Stanisław Krasiński, himself a bishop, did not show great religious devotion and his relationships with women could cause scandal, to say the least, especially those with Genowefa Brzostowska and Urszula Dembińska. As father but also head of the family, Wincenty Krasiński represented the models instilled in him by Adam Stanisław Krasiński. Like the bishop of Kamieniec, he was certain about his infallibility. His violent nature, not tamed in the childhood, burst out in Wincenty’s adulthood with impetus. Not only his character, at least to some extent, was formed by the bishop of Kamieniec. As a father, Wincenty drew on the model instilled in him by Adam Stanisław.
More...This painting is invaluable in the general picture of sacral art in Latvia. In1936 the picture is described by a priest and art historian Kazimirs Jasens. Heindicates that the painting is located in the chapel at Jelgava Roman Catholicgraveyard. The artefact was considered to be destroyed during WW II, but luckilyit was found in 2013 far away from its original place, in Kaunata, SE Latvia.The painting is remarkable from more than one reason. First, the documentedhistory of its origins. The Jesuit chronicles at Jelgava have records ofan incident in 1737: a citizen Peter Plagmann had insulted the Mother of Godin public, which had caused repercussions among his fellow citizens. Not onlythe Roman Catholics and Lutherans in Jelgava were involved in the incident,the City Council soon joined the argument. As a result, the offender receivedan unusual punishment, and namely, to finance two paintings – ‘Virgin Mary’and a smaller one of ‘Sts Joachim and Anna’. Later both pictures were placed inrespective side altars of St. George church. They stay there till the second half ofC19, when the altars are rebuilt in Neogothic form, and altar paintings by JuliusDöring: a copy of the Sistine Madonna (1863) and ‘The Holy Family’ (1868).In the records of episcopal visitations we find descriptions of the painting,which augment the information in the book by Kazimirs Jasena: the head ofthe Holy Virgin is decorated by 12 silver stars, her foot rests on a silver crescentmoon; above the Virgin’s breast a large silver heart is visible together witha golden crucifix; both the Most Holy Virgin and Child Jesus have silver crowns.The older texts refer to the painting as ‘Virgin of Immaculate Conception’.This is not quite correct as in the Jelgava painting Our Lady is picturedtogether with the Child, which is not usual in the iconography of the ImmaculateConception.Against the background of golden clouds, the Most Holy Virgin standsin full height upon a crescent moon, holding Jesus on her right. Her long redgown stretches to the ground, leaving only the toes of her bare feet uncovered.Starting at her right shoulder, a mantle of deep blue twists around the Virgin’sbody, while a pale gold robe with large undulating folds covers the Child. TheVirgin’s veil is also white, it falls over her shoulders and back, underscoring thedeep golden shine of her long, curly hair.The crescent moon is placed on a symbolic representation of the earth.A sarcastically grinning snake is curled around it, holding in its long fangs anapple – a reminder of the fall from grace. Yet its advantage is but brief: firmlyheld by his mother, the little Child Jesus uses a long cross spear to press thehead of the evil one to the ground, demonstrating his victory.
More...Keywords: Caring For Elderly Parents; Japan While Living Abroad; Transnationalism; Mobilities; Long-Term Strategies;
When the words ‘care’ and ‘transnational migration’ are used in one sentence, what typically comes to mind are migrants – usually women – who move to another country in order to care for children or elderly people there because the latter’s own family are in a more advantageous position and have other priorities. In view of the constantly increasing movement of foreign health, residential and domestic care workers to rapidly-aging upper- and middle-income countries, researchers have developed the concept of global care chains (Hochschild 2000, Parreñas 2005, Yeates 2009). Defined as “a series of personal links between people across the globe based on the paid or unpaid work of caring” (Hochschild 2000: 131), the chain extracts physical and emotional labor upwards to the Global North (or, the core), leaving the Global South (or, the periphery) as a reservoir of care workers (Yeates 2009, Raghuram, Bornat & Henry 2011). These chains “cascade downwards and incorporate labor that at each stage is remunerated to lesser extent” (Kofman & Raghuram 2012: 8). For instance, a woman in a poor country migrates from the big city to a wealthy country to work as a domestic maid; she, in turn, relies on another woman from the countryside to migrate to the big city to care for her children and/or elderly parents in her absence; she, in turn, relies on (female) relatives to care for her own children and/or elderly parents back in the countryside. As Ormond & Toyota (2018) point out, care deficits are passed downward in distinctly gendered, racialized and classed manners.
More...Keywords: Organizational Culture; Balanced Scorecard; Organizational Presentation; Organizational Strategy; Organizational Goals
This study considers organizational culture as a key factor for a particular organization. There is a strong relation between culture and application of the Balanced Scorecard methodology. The various aspects of how culture affects an organization and in particular organizational performance are reviewed. An overview was also made of the authors who studied issues related to the influence and measurement of culture. A review has been conducted on possible culture moderators in an organization. The paper describes different types of culture identified by the mentioned authors and issues related to the management of culture.