Professor Alina Kowalska (Aug. 19, 1932 - Jan. 3, 2001) - on the10th anniversary of her death
Profesor Alina Kowalska (19 VIII 1932 - 3 I 2001) - w dziesięciolecie śmierci
Keywords: history of linguistics
More...Keywords: history of linguistics
More...Keywords: Alexandrina Negrea: Life and Works; Malacology; Terrestrial; Aquatic and Underground Ecology; Zoogeography; History of Biology;
Obituary contains essential data about the life and consistent work of Ph.D. Alexandrina Negrea achieved in the 94 published works (articles, books, book chapters) largely devot ed to gastropods from holarctic and tropical zones of Earth, but Aquatic Ecology, Biospeleology and History of Science, too. Finally, the authors express their grief and admiration for this distinguished Lady who was and remains a great biologist. Note the fruitful collaboration of hers with big malacologists and other of the world, including: the American K. Jacobson, the French A. Vandel, the Dutch F.E. Loosjes, the Polish Adolf Riedel, the Russian V. Jadin and the Romanian Alexandru V. Grossu, in making taxonomic revisions and describing new species and genera.
More...Tento, v pořadí již čtvrtý seminář pořadaný Goethe Institutem, navazoval a vycházel ze znalostí nabytých v předchozích seminářích. Na seminář byla vybrána z dosavadních frekventantů pouze polovina, 15 učitelů vyučujících odbornou právnickou němčinu na univerzitách či institutech v Bělorusku, České republice, Kazachstánu, Lotyšsku, Polsku, Rusku a Slovensku.
More...Keywords: jurisprudence; direct discrimination, indirect discrimination; points of convergence; Court of Justice of the European Union; European Court of Human Rights;
The present research analyzes the European practice, mainly the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and of the European Court of Human Rights at the beginning of 2023 and during 2022, in order to identify relevant intersections between the interpretations of the two courts at the level of the material or subjective elements of discrimination and, in particular, from the perspective of the grounds or criteria’s of discrimination prohibited in the European Convention on Rights Human and EU anti-discrimination directives. The research starts from the hypothesis that the interpretation approaches, the examination framework and the conceptual limits of these European courts are different, but the points of convergence in recent case-law on non-discrimination have seen a significant increase, with implications for national courts as well as the policy of the Member States to ensure a genuine protection of human rights, and, in particular, effective protection against discrimination, which unfortunately is still widespread in Europe.
More...Keywords: right to counsel; right to legal defence; complex subjective right
This article focuses on the latest amendment to Art. 142(2) of the Bulgarian Civil Procedure Code (in force since 2 February 2023) from the perspective of the right to counsel as a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria. In this context, Art. 139 of the Code of Administrative Procedure is also analyzed. As a result, a de lege ferenda proposal is made for some changes to Art. 142 of the Civil Procedure Code.
More...Keywords: crime with/without vocation for reconciliation; reading of the notification act; change of legal status; deprivation of a fundamental right;
In the criminal process (and not only) the right to defense and the right to a fair trial represent constitutionally guaranteed rights, and the right to conciliation, in cases where the law expressly provides for this, is a fundamental right in the current criminal legislation. In the cases brought to trial, when it is ordered to change the legal classification of a crime for which the institution of reconciliation of the parties is not incident to one for which the law regulates it, the parties to the case are unjustly deprived of this right.
More...Keywords: International Conference; values; law;
În zilele de 12-13 mai 2023, la Galați, a avut loc cea de-a 15-a ediție a Conferinței internaționale „Exploration, Education and Progress in the Third Millennium”. Lucrările manifestării științifice s-au desfășurat sub egida Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați prin Facultatea de Drept și Științe Administrative, alături de partenerii tradiționali respectiv, Universitatea „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” din Cahul, Republica Moldova, și Université Paris-Est Créteil, Franța. Coorganizatori au fost: „Academia de Științe Juridice din România” și Consiliul Județean Galați. În calitate de parteneri, s-au alăturat acestui demers Centrul de Cercetări Juridice și Administrative din cadrul Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, Centrul de Documentare Europeană din cadrul Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, Institutul Transfrontalier de Studii Interna- ționale și Justiție Penală, Centre D'études Du Développement International Des Territoires (CEDITER), Camera Notarilor Publici Galați, Baroul Galați, Asociația Avocaților din Baroul Galați și Institutul Național pentru Pregătirea și Perfecționarea Avocaților – Centrul Teritorial Galați.
More...Keywords: Conference Series; Migration Series; The Migration Conference; Abstracts; asylum; borders; culture and migration; immigration; integration; labour migration; migration; migration law; migration policy; refugee law; refugees; remittances;
The Migration Conference 2023 Book of Abstracts includes about 400 abstracts of papers presented at the Conference from 23 to 26 August 2023. The Migration Conference 2023 is hosted by the Faculty of Law at Hamburg University in Germany. Details of the conference programme and the links to the online sessions can be inspected here. | @migrationevent | | Email:
More...Keywords: Overview; ANSPDCP; May 25, 2023;
Cu prilejul celebr ării a cinci ani de la aplicarea Regulamentului General privind Protecţia Datelor, la data de 25 mai 2023, prezentăm o sinteză a celor mai semnificative aspecte din activitatea Autorit ăţii Naţionale de Supraveghere desfăşurată pe parcursul primelor patru luni ale anului 2023
More...Keywords: Conference Series; Migration Series; The Migration Conference; Abstracts; asylum; borders; culture and migration; immigration; integration; labour migration; migration; migration law, migration policy; refugee law; refugees; remittances
The Migration Conference 2023 Selected Papers includes short papers from several tracks that were included in the TMC 2023 Hamburg programme. Migration Conferences are annual scholarly gatherings accommodating debates about migration, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, integration, diasporas and all other relevant topics from various social science disciplines while also hosting debates involving policy makers, media and third sector representatives. The Migration Conference 2023 was hosted by the Faculty of Law at Hamburg University in Germany. Details of the conference programme and the links to the online sessions can be inspected here. | @migrationevent | | Email:
More...Iman M. Nick ed.,Pitt Open Library Publishing, Pittsburgh, 2023.
More...STAFFAN NYSTRÖM – EVA NYMAN – INGE SÆRHEIM eds., Kungl. Gustav Adolf Akademien för Folkkultur, Uppsala, 2023.
More...Keywords: scientific life;