CSD Policy Brief No. 35: Corruption and anti-Corruption in Bulgaria (2011 – 2012)
CSD Policy Brief No. 35: Corruption and anti-Corruption in Bulgaria (2011 – 2012)
Keywords: Corruption;
KEY POINTS ››› Following a period of improvement (2009 – 2010), administrative corruption experienced by citizens in Bulgaria is once again on the rise in 2011 – 2012, although still below the levels observed under the previous government (2005 – 2009). The average monthly number of corruption transactions in 2011 was approximately 150,000. ››› Corruption pressure in Bulgaria stems from the very structure of the public administration, and the lack of customeroriented culture and approach in delivering public services to citizens and businesses. A sustained improvement of the corruption situation is possible only through measures that would systematically change this environment. ››› The scale of corruption in Bulgaria is such that, without a radical administrative reform, even a substantial increase in the capacity and efficiency of law enforcement would not provide sustained decrease of corruption, neither within law enforcement itself nor in the society at large. ››› Administrative corruption experienced by businesses has declined in 2011 – 2012, reaching the lowest levels on record. Although this decline has not been deep enough to produce a marked improvement in the past 3 years, the positive fundamental changes that took place in the business environment and reduced corruption pressure after Bulgaria’s EU accession seem to have taken root.