Keywords: public interest; transition; political power
More...Keywords: justice; transition; nationalism
More...Keywords: Criteria; Republic of Croatia; Collective Bargaining; Tripartite Bodies;
The Law on the Criteria for Participation in Tripartite Bodies and Representativeness for Collective Bargaining in the Republic of Croatia establishes the criteria and procedure for determining the representativeness of employers’ and trade unions’ confederations for participation in tripartite bodies at the national level. It also establishes the method of determining the representativeness of employers’ associations, trade unions and their confederations for participation in tripartite bodies at the local and regional level. The Law also regulates the criteria and procedure for determining the representativeness of trade unions for collective bargaining and it determines the rights of representative organizations. In addition, the Law repeals prolonged application of collective agreements effecting, particularly in the public sector, significant reduction of labor costs. The Law was adopted without joint consultation of employers’ associations and trade unions and, thus, further affected the already fragile dialogue. There is much criticism from legal experts, in the terms of undermined trade union freedoms and guaranteed autonomy and in terms of uncertainty, poor nomotechnics, vagueness and superficiality. Therefore, the Constitutional Court’s decision is awaited with great interest as proceedings of constitutional review were instituted for the revision of a significant number of the provisions of that Law.
More...Правни историчари из бројних универзитетских центара широм света окупили су се педесет осми пут на Конгресу који организује међународна асоцијација правних историчара...
More...Keywords: Yugoslavia; NATO bombings; Milošević regime; Albanians;
Jugoslavija je danas mesto patnje. Zemlja je pretvorena u pozornicu na kojoj se dva takmičara utrkuju do "moralne pobede". Pozornica je bedna, a trkači — zapadna vojna alijansa i Milošvićev režim — ostavljaju utisak tek trećerazrednih amatera. Samo je cena ostvarenja proklamovanog cilja ekstremno visoka: ubijanje jednih nevinih, proterivanje drugih nevinih, razaranje zemlje. Milosevic spremno koristi najsurovija sredstva protiv albanskih civila na Kosovu, pozivajući se na "naše moralno pravo" da branimo zemlju od agresije. NATO čini isto, sa tek promenjenim predznakom: "mi" imamo moralnu dužnost da šitimo nevino alban - sko stanovnišvo Jugoslavije, pa otuda sledi "naš moralno pravo" da bombardujemo nevino nealbansko stanovništvo Jugoslavije. [...]
More...Keywords: nautical tourism ports;navigation safety;marinas;port order;
According to the Maritime Code, the Maritime Domain and Seaports Act and the Ordinance on the Conditions and Mode of Ordering in Ports and Other Parts of the Inland Waters and Territorial Sea of the Republic of Croatia, the concessionaire of each individual port of nautical tourism must issue an ordinance on the order in the port and conditions of use of the special purpose port. This is a legal requirement arising from the legal status of the concessionaire of the nautical tourism port, as its managing body. Such Ordinance shall in particular regulate the means of traffic management in the port, and the purpose of particular shore areas in the port, whereby the concessionaire in the ports of nautical tourism shall be obliged to take into account the needs for permanent transit and operational berths. Furthermore, apart from prescribing the purpose of individual port areas, the Ordinance also prescribes the reporting procedures, as well as the entering,mooring, berthing, moving, anchoring and leaving procedures of vessels and how they ought to be controlled, which is of vital importance for the safety of navigation and the protection of human life at sea. The Ordinance on the Order in the Nautical Tourism Port shall apply to the entire land and sea area of the Port, in accordance with the Maritime Concession Contract for the Construction and Use of the Port. The Ordinance on the order in port confirmed by the competent port authority shall be effectively publicized. However, the question that arises is what extent of power nautical port authorities have if the ordinance provisions are violated, i.e. what are the powers of competent maritime administrative and state authorities (Harbour Master, police). In this paper, the authors analyze the scope and responsibilities of the nautical tourism port concessionaires with regard to maintenance of the order in the port. Above all, they explore its legal and practical role in ensuring the necessary standards of navigation safety, as well as the implementation of these powers in the practice of domestic ports of nautical tourism (marinas), with reference to available statistical data that point to the actual standards of navigation safety in domestic ports of nautical tourism (marinas).
More...Keywords: case review; salvage at sea; salvage contract; third person; duress;
[topics:] BIMCO Supplytime Charterparty – Salvage – Contracting under Duress – Terms and Conditions of Contract Inequitable and Exorbitant – Payment in an Excessive Degree too Large– 1989 International Salvage Convention’s Scope of Application – Definition of Salvage Contracts– Inter-relationship between Salvage Contracts and Third Party Contracts entered into by Salvor – Relationship between Owner and Charter party
More...Keywords: concession; concession agreement; pledge; pledgee; maritime domain; banks; enforcement; assignment
It is unlikely that banks will ever use the proposed form of security – a pledge over concession rights. Pursuant to the Properties Act, any provisions of the pledge agreement contrary to the principles of pledge, and particularly the provision pursuant to which the pledged property shall, in the event of default, become the pledgee’s property, shall be null and void. The Properties Act gives to the pledgee right to enforce its claim through the court, or through out-of-court sale, and not through de-possession or use of the pledged property. Pursuant to Article 34 of the Maritime Domain and Seaports Act the concession shall be withdrawn if the pledgee (such as bank) does not meet the conditions applicable to the concessionaire and does not obtain the approval from the authorities. Thereby, it seems, banks are excluded automatically from potentially becoming pledgees over the concession rights. As security banks will normally take assignment of the concessionaire’s rights and benefits under the concession agreement and pledge of shares in the concessionaire. In the event of default the bank will through out-of-court settlement transfer the shares to a new investor in order to secure the performance of the concession and repayment of debt.
More...Keywords: book review; maritime proprietary law;
Drago Pavić, POMORSKO IMOVINSKO PRAVO, Split, 2006., 621 str. Izdavač: Književni krug
More...Keywords: consumer protection; unfair business practices; case law; economic services;
The European Union in the seventies of the twentieth century recognized the importance of satisfied customers and secure in the function of the internal market, and later built up an impressive body of knowledge, norms and practices of its authority in the field of consumer protection. In 2015, the total GDP of the EU amounted to 16,311.90 billion US dollars, while the final consumption accounted for 56%, or a total of 9,134.66 billion. Therefore, the European Union, the adoption of Directive 2005/29 / EC on unfair business practices, unambiguously stipulated that the unfair commercial practices towards consumers prohibited. As Bosnia and Herzegovina aspires to membership in the European Union, discussed the results achieved in the field of protection of consumers from unfair business practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the analysis of the normative framework of consumer protection, the protection level, consumer protection entities and their practices. Significant and very lively communication with consumers Consumer Protection Association, represents a kind of a survey on the situation of consumers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Analysis of judicial practice in the Federation BiH, indicates how courts apply the standards in force in the field of consumer protection.
More...Keywords: East Europe; Yugoslavia; Elections; Serbia;
The embracing changes in Eastern Europe are not thus much result of outgrown democracy as a result of deprivation of fate and self-containment of the ruling elites. They are result of enduring process of deligimation. As for social and political changes in Yugoslavia they are considered in twofold manner: partly as an response on challenges of surroundings, partly with a view to the ventures towards the change in the relation of power between the national elites in the federal setting. Both could be seen through immense politisation of ethnos and the culture. Results of these efforts are provided in strong preferences of the Northwest towards self-containing national states whereby Yugoslavia is exposed to prolonged and devastating process of its deterioration.
More...Keywords: WWII; postwar period; Slav countries; policy of integration; Soviet Block;
В данном сравнительно кратком очерке в форме этюда обсуждаются проблема и характер взаимосвязей славянских народов в период с 1941 по 1948 год. Краткая вводная часть содержит обзор исторического развития и характер этих связей, установленных в первое время на почве культурного сотрудничества и культурного взаимодействия, уступившим в дальнейшем место усилившемуся экспансионистскому и великорусскому курсу, превратившемуся в рычаг царской политики. Автором не оставлены без внимания и перемены, происшедшие в характере связей славянских народов и государств после Октябрьской революции и образования новых самостоятельных славянских государств на юго-востоке и в Средней Европе. Описывается также и новое политическое содержание идей, возникших в период между двумя мировыми войнами. Центральная часть очерка посвящена участи идеи славянской период до 1948 года. В результате второй мировой войны происсолидарности и интеграции во время второй мировой войны и в ходит раскол между славянскими государствами, создаются два воюющих лагеря, а это ведет к различному толкованию славянской идеи: от полного отрицания славянского происхождения (в Независимом Государстве Хорватии) и упора на том, что славянские народы нашли свое место в „новом порядке в Европе на стороне Оси (Болгария, Словакия. Независимое Государство Хорватия), до, с другой стороны, сплочения и солидаризации с борьбой Советского Союза всех славянских антифашистских сил. Самым значительным стимулом для этой тенденции были чрезвычайно тяжелое положение, в котором в ходе войны оказались славянские народы, как и политика всеславянского сплочения вокруг Советского Союза в борьбе против самого заклятого врага славянства, получившая свое начало и направленность с момента германского нападения на Советский Союз. Такая политика достигла свой апогей на двух всеславянских конгрессах, проведенных во время войны в Москве. В течение первых лет по окончании войны произошло усиление идеи о необходимости тесного сотрудничества славянских стран и их сплочения вокруг Советского Союз. Предпринимаются попытки образования более широких сообществ (неосуществленная югославско - болгарская федерация). Однако, эта идея все более открыто становится рычагом блокового сплочения. Присоединение двух неславянских стран, Румынии и Венгрии, к сообществу стран, начавших строить социализм, и выход Югославии из сферы советского влияния во время конфликта с Информбюро, привели к тому, что идея сплочения славянских народов уступила место идеи сполочения на блоковой почве.
More...Keywords: Plautus; sale on approval; pactum displicentiae; edict of the curule aediles; Roman law;
The paper deals with the potential existence of sale on approval in pre-classical Roman law, based on the passage “dixit se redhibere, si non placeat” from Plaut’s comedy Mercator (The Merchant). In the first part of the paper, the excerpt and the interpretation of the relevant part of the comedy are presented. The text is then analysed for the purpose of comparison with the characteristics of the classical pactum displicentiae as evidenced in the Digest, whereby Plaut’s fragment would constitute an evidence for the pre-classical origin of Roman sale on approval. In the ensuing analysis, the instruments of possible legal protection of pactum displicentiae and their chronological relation are studied. More specifically, based on the reference to redhibere in Mercator and the use of actio in factum for sale on approval in later period, their possible connection and the time of emergence of the edict of aediles curules and actio redhibitoria has been researched into. In conclusion, the arguments are put forward concerning the significance of Plaut’s fragment in establishing pre-classical origins of Roman sale on approval, as well as on the possible impact of the edict of curule aediles on the development of early legal protection of sale on approval.
More...Keywords: Mostar;Hotel Ruža;
This essay aims to elucidate how political paradigm transitions affect trends in architecture and urbanization. For this purpose, the Foucault term heterotopias are used as the notion that reflects architectural and constructed objects as not merely being places of living, but also the status and power symbols of certain individuals and the ruling oligarchy. To illustrate our premise, we used a devastated, organically constructed, socialistic Hotel Ruža, located in the old town city center, which was later, during the postwar reconstruction, turned into a modern building. Today, this newly reconstructed hotel aims to show the guests’ affiliation to a specific social class and create the simulacrum that Mostar is an urbanized and modern city that possesses traditional elements interposed with contemporary urbanistic constructs. However, at the same time, this modern building’s construction serves to create a feeling or an illusion that the country is approaching western, developed urban spaces, while the reality is very different.
More...Keywords: arbitration; methods for assessing damages;
International investment arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism for resolving disputes between foreign investors and host states is also a favourite dispute resolution for investors. It consist of three parts, all of which can be resolved separately. These are jurisdiction, merits and damages. Consequently, it is possible for a tribunal to render one, two or even three arbitral awards, depending on the tribunal decision to bifurcate/trifurcate the proceedings or not. This shows the complexity of each of the stages of the arbitration proceeding. The paper deals with the issue of reparation, specifically compensation for damage caused as the main form of reparation for damage. It gives an overview of the legal issues affecting the amount of awarded damages, the main methods for calculating damages, as well as the applicable case-law and statistics in relation to the legal issues and calculating methods. The paper argues that only a proactive and inclusive approach in respect to determining damages including a detailed fact analysis for legal qualification of the dispute and determination of the best damages assessment methods, can give satisfactory results.
More...Keywords: corruption; privatization; transition; bribe; bribery; anticorruption regulations; anticorruption bodies;
Corruption is a universal social phenomenon, because it is present in all countries, in all systems and all states are working to prevent and control it. Corruption still remains the biggest obstacle to the efficient functioning of a modern state. In the Republic of Serbia, corruption is not only present in all spheres of social life, it is also very widespread, that why it is among the countries with high level of corruption. They are very numerous and diverse etiological and phenomenological aspects of its manifestation. Privatization of state-owned companies in Serbia after the year 2000th has contributed to the expansion of specific instances of corruption. They came to the fore a number of negative effects of privatization, which will in this paper be discussed.
More...Keywords: contract; electronic contract; online market place; entity of Republic of Srpska; Act on electronic business Republic of Srpska; Act on electronic Signature; Act on Trade;
Contracts have become so common in daily life that most of the time we do not even realize that we have entered one. For traditional contracts, there are some required elements for validity, such as an agreement, consideration, contractual capacity and lawful object. In the modern fast life, it is not possible anymore to limit a business only to traditional contracts, which means to a piece of paper signed between contractual parties by hand. If we look at the past decade, we need to bear in mind that new way of communication made new types of electronic agreements necessary. It is quite true that today it is possible to complete a whole transaction in seconds, with both parties simply affixing their digital signatures to an electronic copy of the contract. In terms of the increasing use of electronic contracts, as a much faster way of doing business, it became necessary to introduce a legal regulation on it. Surely, between traditional contracts and electronic contracts there is one main difference; electronic contracts must be concluded electronically and there is no hard copy of the contract or papers nor signatures made by hand. Thanks to the existence of a legal framework of electronic contracts, there is no doubt that electronic contracts are as legally enforceable and valid as traditional contracts. This work considers general rules on electronic contracting (e-contracting) and proposes an interpretation on how the Republic of Srpska regulate electronic contracting or attempt to regulate electronic contracting.
More...Keywords: European Union; institutional reforms; Amsterdam Treaty on the EU; Intergovernmental conference; European parliament; democratic deficit
This paper deals with the institutional aspects of the European Union’ s reform done in revised Treaty on EU (Amsterdam) that came into force on 1st May 1999. The objectives of the institutional reform of the Union are analyzed. The amendments made in new Amsterdam Treaty in relation to the Council are compared to the relevant proposals for Council' s reform. The amendments regarding the other main EU institutions are also evaluated. The special significance is given to the problem of democratic deficit of the Union and to the role of the European Parliament. The conclusion point to the evolutionary features of the Union' s institutional reforms considering that there is enough room left for future institutional improvements.
More...Keywords: European Community; European Union; Member States; international public law; legal personality; supranationalism
The paper is an attempt to answer the question that, in the framework of European integration, possesses the international legal personality: European Communities or/and European Union. Using the international public law's test for personality of international organizations - member states, founding treaty, permanent institutions, defined field of operation and special status - the author reaches conclusion that European Communities - each of them - are those who still possess international legal personality. As far as European Union is concerned, it signifies legal independence and operational unity of European Communities and their connection with fields of cooperation.